# pragma pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init """ This module load custom strategies """ import importlib.util import inspect import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Optional, Dict, Type from freqtrade.constants import Constants from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StrategyResolver(object): """ This class contains all the logic to load custom strategy class """ def __init__(self, config: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """ Load the custom class from config parameter :param config: :return: """ config = config or {} # Verify the strategy is in the configuration, otherwise fallback to the default strategy if 'strategy' in config: strategy = config['strategy'] else: strategy = Constants.DEFAULT_STRATEGY # Try to load the strategy self.strategy = self._load_strategy(strategy) # Set attributes # Check if we need to override configuration if 'minimal_roi' in config: self.strategy.minimal_roi = config['minimal_roi'] logger.info("Override strategy \'minimal_roi\' with value in config file.") if 'stoploss' in config: self.strategy.stoploss = float(config['stoploss']) logger.info( "Override strategy \'stoploss\' with value in config file: %s.", config['stoploss'] ) if 'ticker_interval' in config: self.strategy.ticker_interval = int(config['ticker_interval']) logger.info( "Override strategy \'ticker_interval\' with value in config file: %s.", config['ticker_interval'] ) # Minimal ROI designed for the strategy self.strategy.minimal_roi = OrderedDict(sorted( {int(key): value for (key, value) in self.strategy.minimal_roi.items()}.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) # sort after converting to number def _load_strategy(self, strategy_name: str) -> Optional[IStrategy]: """ Search and loads the specified strategy. :param strategy_name: name of the module to import :return: Strategy instance or None """ try: current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) abs_paths = [ os.path.join(current_path, '..', '..', 'user_data', 'strategies'), current_path, ] for path in abs_paths: strategy = self._search_strategy(path, strategy_name) if strategy: logger.info('Using resolved strategy %s from \'%s\'', strategy_name, path) return strategy raise ImportError('not found') # Fallback to the default strategy except (ImportError, TypeError) as error: logger.error( "Impossible to load Strategy '%s'. This class does not exist" " or contains Python code errors", strategy_name ) logger.error( "The error is:\n%s.", error ) return None @staticmethod def _get_valid_strategies(module_path: str, strategy_name: str) -> Optional[Type[IStrategy]]: """ Returns a list of all possible strategies for the given module_path :param module_path: absolute path to the module :param strategy_name: Class name of the strategy :return: Tuple with (name, class) or None """ # Generate spec based on absolute path spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('user_data.strategies', module_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) valid_strategies_gen = ( obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) if strategy_name == name and IStrategy in obj.__bases__ ) return next(valid_strategies_gen, None) @staticmethod def _search_strategy(directory: str, strategy_name: str) -> Optional[IStrategy]: """ Search for the strategy_name in the given directory :param directory: relative or absolute directory path :return: name of the strategy class """ logger.debug('Searching for strategy %s in \'%s\'', strategy_name, directory) for entry in os.listdir(directory): # Only consider python files if not entry.endswith('.py'): logger.debug('Ignoring %s', entry) continue strategy = StrategyResolver._get_valid_strategies( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, entry)), strategy_name ) if strategy: return strategy() return None