# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, W0212, too-many-arguments """ This module contains the backtesting logic """ import logging from argparse import Namespace from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional from pandas import DataFrame from tabulate import tabulate import freqtrade.optimize as optimize from freqtrade import DependencyException, constants from freqtrade.arguments import Arguments from freqtrade.configuration import Configuration from freqtrade.exchange import Exchange from freqtrade.misc import file_dump_json from freqtrade.persistence import Trade from freqtrade.strategy.interface import SellType from freqtrade.strategy.resolver import IStrategy, StrategyResolver logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BacktestResult(NamedTuple): """ NamedTuple Defining BacktestResults inputs. """ pair: str profit_percent: float profit_abs: float open_time: datetime close_time: datetime open_index: int close_index: int trade_duration: float open_at_end: bool open_rate: float close_rate: float sell_reason: SellType class Backtesting(object): """ Backtesting class, this class contains all the logic to run a backtest To run a backtest: backtesting = Backtesting(config) backtesting.start() """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.config = config # Reset keys for backtesting self.config['exchange']['key'] = '' self.config['exchange']['secret'] = '' self.config['exchange']['password'] = '' self.config['exchange']['uid'] = '' self.config['dry_run'] = True self.strategylist: List[IStrategy] = [] if self.config.get('strategy_list', None): # Force one interval self.ticker_interval = str(self.config.get('ticker_interval')) for strat in list(self.config['strategy_list']): stratconf = deepcopy(self.config) stratconf['strategy'] = strat self.strategylist.append(StrategyResolver(stratconf).strategy) else: # only one strategy self.strategylist.append(StrategyResolver(self.config).strategy) # Load one strategy self._set_strategy(self.strategylist[0]) self.exchange = Exchange(self.config) self.fee = self.exchange.get_fee() def _set_strategy(self, strategy): """ Load strategy into backtesting """ self.strategy = strategy self.ticker_interval = self.config.get('ticker_interval') self.advise_buy = strategy.advise_buy self.advise_sell = strategy.advise_sell def _generate_text_table(self, data: Dict[str, Dict], results: DataFrame, skip_nan: bool = False) -> str: """ Generates and returns a text table for the given backtest data and the results dataframe :return: pretty printed table with tabulate as str """ stake_currency = str(self.config.get('stake_currency')) floatfmt = ('s', 'd', '.2f', '.2f', '.8f', 'd', '.1f', '.1f') tabular_data = [] headers = ['pair', 'buy count', 'avg profit %', 'cum profit %', 'total profit ' + stake_currency, 'avg duration', 'profit', 'loss'] for pair in data: result = results[results.pair == pair] if skip_nan and result.profit_abs.isnull().all(): continue tabular_data.append([ pair, len(result.index), result.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, result.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0, result.profit_abs.sum(), str(timedelta( minutes=round(result.trade_duration.mean()))) if not result.empty else '0:00', len(result[result.profit_abs > 0]), len(result[result.profit_abs < 0]) ]) # Append Total tabular_data.append([ 'TOTAL', len(results.index), results.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, results.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0, results.profit_abs.sum(), str(timedelta( minutes=round(results.trade_duration.mean()))) if not results.empty else '0:00', len(results[results.profit_abs > 0]), len(results[results.profit_abs < 0]) ]) return tabulate(tabular_data, headers=headers, floatfmt=floatfmt, tablefmt="pipe") def _generate_text_table_sell_reason(self, data: Dict[str, Dict], results: DataFrame) -> str: """ Generate small table outlining Backtest results """ tabular_data = [] headers = ['Sell Reason', 'Count'] for reason, count in results['sell_reason'].value_counts().iteritems(): tabular_data.append([reason.value, count]) return tabulate(tabular_data, headers=headers, tablefmt="pipe") def _generate_text_table_strategy(self, all_results: dict) -> str: """ Generate summary table per strategy """ stake_currency = str(self.config.get('stake_currency')) floatfmt = ('s', 'd', '.2f', '.2f', '.8f', 'd', '.1f', '.1f') tabular_data = [] headers = ['Strategy', 'buy count', 'avg profit %', 'cum profit %', 'total profit ' + stake_currency, 'avg duration', 'profit', 'loss'] for strategy, results in all_results.items(): tabular_data.append([ strategy, len(results.index), results.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, results.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0, results.profit_abs.sum(), str(timedelta( minutes=round(results.trade_duration.mean()))) if not results.empty else '0:00', len(results[results.profit_abs > 0]), len(results[results.profit_abs < 0]) ]) return tabulate(tabular_data, headers=headers, floatfmt=floatfmt, tablefmt="pipe") def _store_backtest_result(self, recordfilename: str, results: DataFrame, strategyname: Optional[str] = None) -> None: records = [(t.pair, t.profit_percent, t.open_time.timestamp(), t.close_time.timestamp(), t.open_index - 1, t.trade_duration, t.open_rate, t.close_rate, t.open_at_end, t.sell_reason.value) for index, t in results.iterrows()] if records: if strategyname: # Inject strategyname to filename recname = Path(recordfilename) recordfilename = str(Path.joinpath( recname.parent, f'{recname.stem}-{strategyname}').with_suffix(recname.suffix)) logger.info('Dumping backtest results to %s', recordfilename) file_dump_json(recordfilename, records) def _get_sell_trade_entry( self, pair: str, buy_row: DataFrame, partial_ticker: List, trade_count_lock: Dict, args: Dict) -> Optional[BacktestResult]: stake_amount = args['stake_amount'] max_open_trades = args.get('max_open_trades', 0) trade = Trade( open_rate=buy_row.open, open_date=buy_row.date, stake_amount=stake_amount, amount=stake_amount / buy_row.open, fee_open=self.fee, fee_close=self.fee ) # calculate win/lose forwards from buy point for sell_row in partial_ticker: if max_open_trades > 0: # Increase trade_count_lock for every iteration trade_count_lock[sell_row.date] = trade_count_lock.get(sell_row.date, 0) + 1 buy_signal = sell_row.buy sell = self.strategy.should_sell(trade, sell_row.open, sell_row.date, buy_signal, sell_row.sell, low=sell_row.low, high=sell_row.high) if sell.sell_flag: if sell.sell_type in (SellType.STOP_LOSS, SellType.TRAILING_STOP_LOSS): # Set close_rate to stoploss closerate = trade.stop_loss elif sell.sell_type == (SellType.ROI): # set close-rate to min-roi closerate = trade.open_rate + trade.open_rate * self.strategy.minimal_roi[0] else: closerate = sell_row.open return BacktestResult(pair=pair, profit_percent=trade.calc_profit_percent(rate=closerate), profit_abs=trade.calc_profit(rate=closerate), open_time=buy_row.date, close_time=sell_row.date, trade_duration=int(( sell_row.date - buy_row.date).total_seconds() // 60), open_index=buy_row.Index, close_index=sell_row.Index, open_at_end=False, open_rate=buy_row.open, close_rate=closerate, sell_reason=sell.sell_type ) if partial_ticker: # no sell condition found - trade stil open at end of backtest period sell_row = partial_ticker[-1] btr = BacktestResult(pair=pair, profit_percent=trade.calc_profit_percent(rate=sell_row.open), profit_abs=trade.calc_profit(rate=sell_row.open), open_time=buy_row.date, close_time=sell_row.date, trade_duration=int(( sell_row.date - buy_row.date).total_seconds() // 60), open_index=buy_row.Index, close_index=sell_row.Index, open_at_end=True, open_rate=buy_row.open, close_rate=sell_row.open, sell_reason=SellType.FORCE_SELL ) logger.debug('Force_selling still open trade %s with %s perc - %s', btr.pair, btr.profit_percent, btr.profit_abs) return btr return None def backtest(self, args: Dict) -> DataFrame: """ Implements backtesting functionality NOTE: This method is used by Hyperopt at each iteration. Please keep it optimized. Of course try to not have ugly code. By some accessor are sometime slower than functions. Avoid, logging on this method :param args: a dict containing: stake_amount: btc amount to use for each trade processed: a processed dictionary with format {pair, data} max_open_trades: maximum number of concurrent trades (default: 0, disabled) position_stacking: do we allow position stacking? (default: False) :return: DataFrame """ headers = ['date', 'buy', 'open', 'close', 'sell', 'low', 'high'] processed = args['processed'] max_open_trades = args.get('max_open_trades', 0) position_stacking = args.get('position_stacking', False) trades = [] trade_count_lock: Dict = {} for pair, pair_data in processed.items(): pair_data['buy'], pair_data['sell'] = 0, 0 # cleanup from previous run ticker_data = self.advise_sell( self.advise_buy(pair_data, {'pair': pair}), {'pair': pair})[headers].copy() # to avoid using data from future, we buy/sell with signal from previous candle ticker_data.loc[:, 'buy'] = ticker_data['buy'].shift(1) ticker_data.loc[:, 'sell'] = ticker_data['sell'].shift(1) ticker_data.drop(ticker_data.head(1).index, inplace=True) # Convert from Pandas to list for performance reasons # (Looping Pandas is slow.) ticker = [x for x in ticker_data.itertuples()] lock_pair_until = None for index, row in enumerate(ticker): if row.buy == 0 or row.sell == 1: continue # skip rows where no buy signal or that would immediately sell off if not position_stacking: if lock_pair_until is not None and row.date <= lock_pair_until: continue if max_open_trades > 0: # Check if max_open_trades has already been reached for the given date if not trade_count_lock.get(row.date, 0) < max_open_trades: continue trade_count_lock[row.date] = trade_count_lock.get(row.date, 0) + 1 trade_entry = self._get_sell_trade_entry(pair, row, ticker[index + 1:], trade_count_lock, args) if trade_entry: lock_pair_until = trade_entry.close_time trades.append(trade_entry) else: # Set lock_pair_until to end of testing period if trade could not be closed # This happens only if the buy-signal was with the last candle lock_pair_until = ticker_data.iloc[-1].date return DataFrame.from_records(trades, columns=BacktestResult._fields) def start(self) -> None: """ Run a backtesting end-to-end :return: None """ data: Dict[str, Any] = {} pairs = self.config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] logger.info('Using stake_currency: %s ...', self.config['stake_currency']) logger.info('Using stake_amount: %s ...', self.config['stake_amount']) if self.config.get('live'): logger.info('Downloading data for all pairs in whitelist ...') self.exchange.refresh_tickers(pairs, self.ticker_interval) data = self.exchange.klines else: logger.info('Using local backtesting data (using whitelist in given config) ...') timerange = Arguments.parse_timerange(None if self.config.get( 'timerange') is None else str(self.config.get('timerange'))) data = optimize.load_data( self.config['datadir'], pairs=pairs, ticker_interval=self.ticker_interval, refresh_pairs=self.config.get('refresh_pairs', False), exchange=self.exchange, timerange=timerange ) if not data: logger.critical("No data found. Terminating.") return # Use max_open_trades in backtesting, except --disable-max-market-positions is set if self.config.get('use_max_market_positions', True): max_open_trades = self.config['max_open_trades'] else: logger.info('Ignoring max_open_trades (--disable-max-market-positions was used) ...') max_open_trades = 0 all_results = {} for strat in self.strategylist: logger.info("Running backtesting for Strategy %s", strat.get_strategy_name()) self._set_strategy(strat) # need to reprocess data every time to populate signals preprocessed = self.strategy.tickerdata_to_dataframe(data) min_date, max_date = optimize.get_timeframe(preprocessed) # Validate dataframe for missing values optimize.validate_backtest_data(preprocessed, min_date, max_date, constants.TICKER_INTERVAL_MINUTES[self.ticker_interval]) logger.info( 'Measuring data from %s up to %s (%s days)..', min_date.isoformat(), max_date.isoformat(), (max_date - min_date).days ) # Execute backtest and print results all_results[self.strategy.get_strategy_name()] = self.backtest( { 'stake_amount': self.config.get('stake_amount'), 'processed': preprocessed, 'max_open_trades': max_open_trades, 'position_stacking': self.config.get('position_stacking', False), } ) for strategy, results in all_results.items(): if self.config.get('export', False): self._store_backtest_result(self.config['exportfilename'], results, strategy if len(self.strategylist) > 1 else None) print(f"Result for strategy {strategy}") print(' BACKTESTING REPORT '.center(119, '=')) print(self._generate_text_table(data, results)) print(' SELL REASON STATS '.center(119, '=')) print(self._generate_text_table_sell_reason(data, results)) print(' LEFT OPEN TRADES REPORT '.center(119, '=')) print(self._generate_text_table(data, results.loc[results.open_at_end], True)) print() if len(all_results) > 1: # Print Strategy summary table print(' Strategy Summary '.center(119, '=')) print(self._generate_text_table_strategy(all_results)) print('\nFor more details, please look at the detail tables above') def setup_configuration(args: Namespace) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Prepare the configuration for the backtesting :param args: Cli args from Arguments() :return: Configuration """ configuration = Configuration(args) config = configuration.get_config() # Ensure we do not use Exchange credentials config['exchange']['key'] = '' config['exchange']['secret'] = '' if config['stake_amount'] == constants.UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT: raise DependencyException('stake amount could not be "%s" for backtesting' % constants.UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT) return config def start(args: Namespace) -> None: """ Start Backtesting script :param args: Cli args from Arguments() :return: None """ # Initialize configuration config = setup_configuration(args) logger.info('Starting freqtrade in Backtesting mode') # Initialize backtesting object backtesting = Backtesting(config) backtesting.start()