# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, W0212, too-many-arguments """ This module contains the backtesting logic """ import logging from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from numpy import nan from pandas import DataFrame from freqtrade import constants from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange, validate_config_consistency from freqtrade.constants import DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT from freqtrade.data import history from freqtrade.data.btanalysis import find_existing_backtest_stats, trade_list_to_dataframe from freqtrade.data.converter import trim_dataframe, trim_dataframes from freqtrade.data.dataprovider import DataProvider from freqtrade.enums import BacktestState, CandleType, MarginMode, SellType, TradingMode from freqtrade.exceptions import DependencyException, OperationalException from freqtrade.exchange import timeframe_to_minutes, timeframe_to_seconds from freqtrade.misc import get_strategy_run_id from freqtrade.mixins import LoggingMixin from freqtrade.optimize.bt_progress import BTProgress from freqtrade.optimize.optimize_reports import (generate_backtest_stats, show_backtest_results, store_backtest_stats) from freqtrade.persistence import LocalTrade, Order, PairLocks, Trade from freqtrade.plugins.pairlistmanager import PairListManager from freqtrade.plugins.protectionmanager import ProtectionManager from freqtrade.resolvers import ExchangeResolver, StrategyResolver from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy, SellCheckTuple from freqtrade.strategy.strategy_wrapper import strategy_safe_wrapper from freqtrade.wallets import Wallets logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Indexes for backtest tuples DATE_IDX = 0 OPEN_IDX = 1 HIGH_IDX = 2 LOW_IDX = 3 CLOSE_IDX = 4 LONG_IDX = 5 ELONG_IDX = 6 # Exit long SHORT_IDX = 7 ESHORT_IDX = 8 # Exit short ENTER_TAG_IDX = 9 EXIT_TAG_IDX = 10 class Backtesting: """ Backtesting class, this class contains all the logic to run a backtest To run a backtest: backtesting = Backtesting(config) backtesting.start() """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: LoggingMixin.show_output = False self.config = config self.results: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.trade_id_counter: int = 0 self.order_id_counter: int = 0 config['dry_run'] = True self.run_ids: Dict[str, str] = {} self.strategylist: List[IStrategy] = [] self.all_results: Dict[str, Dict] = {} self._exchange_name = self.config['exchange']['name'] self.exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(self._exchange_name, self.config) self.dataprovider = DataProvider(self.config, self.exchange) if self.config.get('strategy_list', None): for strat in list(self.config['strategy_list']): stratconf = deepcopy(self.config) stratconf['strategy'] = strat self.strategylist.append(StrategyResolver.load_strategy(stratconf)) validate_config_consistency(stratconf) else: # No strategy list specified, only one strategy self.strategylist.append(StrategyResolver.load_strategy(self.config)) validate_config_consistency(self.config) if "timeframe" not in self.config: raise OperationalException("Timeframe (ticker interval) needs to be set in either " "configuration or as cli argument `--timeframe 5m`") self.timeframe = str(self.config.get('timeframe')) self.timeframe_min = timeframe_to_minutes(self.timeframe) self.init_backtest_detail() self.pairlists = PairListManager(self.exchange, self.config) if 'VolumePairList' in self.pairlists.name_list: raise OperationalException("VolumePairList not allowed for backtesting. " "Please use StaticPairlist instead.") if 'PerformanceFilter' in self.pairlists.name_list: raise OperationalException("PerformanceFilter not allowed for backtesting.") if len(self.strategylist) > 1 and 'PrecisionFilter' in self.pairlists.name_list: raise OperationalException( "PrecisionFilter not allowed for backtesting multiple strategies." ) self.dataprovider.add_pairlisthandler(self.pairlists) self.pairlists.refresh_pairlist() if len(self.pairlists.whitelist) == 0: raise OperationalException("No pair in whitelist.") if config.get('fee', None) is not None: self.fee = config['fee'] else: self.fee = self.exchange.get_fee(symbol=self.pairlists.whitelist[0]) self.timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange( None if self.config.get('timerange') is None else str(self.config.get('timerange'))) # Get maximum required startup period self.required_startup = max([strat.startup_candle_count for strat in self.strategylist]) # Add maximum startup candle count to configuration for informative pairs support self.config['startup_candle_count'] = self.required_startup self.exchange.validate_required_startup_candles(self.required_startup, self.timeframe) # TODO-lev: This should come from the configuration setting or better a # TODO-lev: combination of config/strategy "use_shorts"(?) and "can_short" from the exchange self.trading_mode: TradingMode = config.get('trading_mode', TradingMode.SPOT) self.margin_mode: MarginMode = config.get('margin_mode', MarginMode.NONE) self._can_short = self.trading_mode != TradingMode.SPOT self.progress = BTProgress() self.abort = False self.init_backtest() def __del__(self): self.cleanup() @staticmethod def cleanup(): LoggingMixin.show_output = True PairLocks.use_db = True Trade.use_db = True def init_backtest_detail(self): # Load detail timeframe if specified self.timeframe_detail = str(self.config.get('timeframe_detail', '')) if self.timeframe_detail: self.timeframe_detail_min = timeframe_to_minutes(self.timeframe_detail) if self.timeframe_min <= self.timeframe_detail_min: raise OperationalException( "Detail timeframe must be smaller than strategy timeframe.") else: self.timeframe_detail_min = 0 self.detail_data: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {} self.futures_data: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {} def init_backtest(self): self.prepare_backtest(False) self.wallets = Wallets(self.config, self.exchange, log=False) self.progress = BTProgress() self.abort = False def _set_strategy(self, strategy: IStrategy): """ Load strategy into backtesting """ self.strategy: IStrategy = strategy strategy.dp = self.dataprovider # Attach Wallets to Strategy baseclass strategy.wallets = self.wallets # Set stoploss_on_exchange to false for backtesting, # since a "perfect" stoploss-sell is assumed anyway # And the regular "stoploss" function would not apply to that case self.strategy.order_types['stoploss_on_exchange'] = False def _load_protections(self, strategy: IStrategy): if self.config.get('enable_protections', False): conf = self.config if hasattr(strategy, 'protections'): conf = deepcopy(conf) conf['protections'] = strategy.protections self.protections = ProtectionManager(self.config, strategy.protections) def load_bt_data(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, DataFrame], TimeRange]: """ Loads backtest data and returns the data combined with the timerange as tuple. """ self.progress.init_step(BacktestState.DATALOAD, 1) data = history.load_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=self.pairlists.whitelist, timeframe=self.timeframe, timerange=self.timerange, startup_candles=self.required_startup, fail_without_data=True, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=self.config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT) ) min_date, max_date = history.get_timerange(data) logger.info(f'Loading data from {min_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'up to {max_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'({(max_date - min_date).days} days).') # Adjust startts forward if not enough data is available self.timerange.adjust_start_if_necessary(timeframe_to_seconds(self.timeframe), self.required_startup, min_date) self.progress.set_new_value(1) return data, self.timerange def load_bt_data_detail(self) -> None: """ Loads backtest detail data (smaller timeframe) if necessary. """ if self.timeframe_detail: self.detail_data = history.load_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=self.pairlists.whitelist, timeframe=self.timeframe_detail, timerange=self.timerange, startup_candles=0, fail_without_data=True, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=self.config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT) ) else: self.detail_data = {} if self.trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES: # Load additional futures data. funding_rates_dict = history.load_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=self.pairlists.whitelist, timeframe=self.exchange._ft_has['mark_ohlcv_timeframe'], timerange=self.timerange, startup_candles=0, fail_without_data=True, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=CandleType.FUNDING_RATE ) # For simplicity, assign to CandleType.Mark (might contian index candles!) mark_rates_dict = history.load_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=self.pairlists.whitelist, timeframe=self.exchange._ft_has['mark_ohlcv_timeframe'], timerange=self.timerange, startup_candles=0, fail_without_data=True, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=CandleType.from_string(self.exchange._ft_has["mark_ohlcv_price"]) ) # Combine data to avoid combining the data per trade. for pair in self.pairlists.whitelist: self.futures_data[pair] = funding_rates_dict[pair].merge( mark_rates_dict[pair], on='date', how="inner", suffixes=["_fund", "_mark"]) else: self.futures_data = {} def prepare_backtest(self, enable_protections): """ Backtesting setup method - called once for every call to "backtest()". """ PairLocks.use_db = False PairLocks.timeframe = self.config['timeframe'] Trade.use_db = False PairLocks.reset_locks() Trade.reset_trades() self.rejected_trades = 0 self.timedout_entry_orders = 0 self.timedout_exit_orders = 0 self.dataprovider.clear_cache() if enable_protections: self._load_protections(self.strategy) def check_abort(self): """ Check if abort was requested, raise DependencyException if that's the case Only applies to Interactive backtest mode (webserver mode) """ if self.abort: self.abort = False raise DependencyException("Stop requested") def _get_ohlcv_as_lists(self, processed: Dict[str, DataFrame]) -> Dict[str, Tuple]: """ Helper function to convert a processed dataframes into lists for performance reasons. Used by backtest() - so keep this optimized for performance. :param processed: a processed dictionary with format {pair, data}, which gets cleared to optimize memory usage! """ # Every change to this headers list must evaluate further usages of the resulting tuple # and eventually change the constants for indexes at the top headers = ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'enter_long', 'exit_long', 'enter_short', 'exit_short', 'enter_tag', 'exit_tag'] data: Dict = {} self.progress.init_step(BacktestState.CONVERT, len(processed)) # Create dict with data for pair in processed.keys(): pair_data = processed[pair] self.check_abort() self.progress.increment() if not pair_data.empty: # Cleanup from prior runs pair_data.drop(headers[5:] + ['buy', 'sell'], axis=1, errors='ignore') df_analyzed = self.strategy.advise_exit( self.strategy.advise_entry(pair_data, {'pair': pair}), {'pair': pair} ).copy() # Trim startup period from analyzed dataframe df_analyzed = processed[pair] = pair_data = trim_dataframe( df_analyzed, self.timerange, startup_candles=self.required_startup) # Update dataprovider cache self.dataprovider._set_cached_df( pair, self.timeframe, df_analyzed, self.config['candle_type_def']) # Create a copy of the dataframe before shifting, that way the buy signal/tag # remains on the correct candle for callbacks. df_analyzed = df_analyzed.copy() # To avoid using data from future, we use buy/sell signals shifted # from the previous candle for col in headers[5:]: tag_col = col in ('enter_tag', 'exit_tag') if col in df_analyzed.columns: df_analyzed.loc[:, col] = df_analyzed.loc[:, col].replace( [nan], [0 if not tag_col else None]).shift(1) else: df_analyzed.loc[:, col] = 0 if not tag_col else None df_analyzed = df_analyzed.drop(df_analyzed.head(1).index) # Convert from Pandas to list for performance reasons # (Looping Pandas is slow.) data[pair] = df_analyzed[headers].values.tolist() return data def _get_close_rate(self, sell_row: Tuple, trade: LocalTrade, sell: SellCheckTuple, trade_dur: int) -> float: """ Get close rate for backtesting result """ # Special handling if high or low hit STOP_LOSS or ROI if sell.sell_type in (SellType.STOP_LOSS, SellType.TRAILING_STOP_LOSS): if trade.stop_loss > sell_row[HIGH_IDX]: # our stoploss was already higher than candle high, # possibly due to a cancelled trade exit. # sell at open price. return sell_row[OPEN_IDX] # Special case: trailing triggers within same candle as trade opened. Assume most # pessimistic price movement, which is moving just enough to arm stoploss and # immediately going down to stop price. if sell.sell_type == SellType.TRAILING_STOP_LOSS and trade_dur == 0: if ( not self.strategy.use_custom_stoploss and self.strategy.trailing_stop and self.strategy.trailing_only_offset_is_reached and self.strategy.trailing_stop_positive_offset is not None and self.strategy.trailing_stop_positive ): # Worst case: price reaches stop_positive_offset and dives down. stop_rate = (sell_row[OPEN_IDX] * (1 + abs(self.strategy.trailing_stop_positive_offset) - abs(self.strategy.trailing_stop_positive))) else: # Worst case: price ticks tiny bit above open and dives down. stop_rate = sell_row[OPEN_IDX] * (1 - abs(trade.stop_loss_pct)) assert stop_rate < sell_row[HIGH_IDX] # Limit lower-end to candle low to avoid sells below the low. # This still remains "worst case" - but "worst realistic case". return max(sell_row[LOW_IDX], stop_rate) # Set close_rate to stoploss return trade.stop_loss elif sell.sell_type == (SellType.ROI): roi_entry, roi = self.strategy.min_roi_reached_entry(trade_dur) if roi is not None and roi_entry is not None: if roi == -1 and roi_entry % self.timeframe_min == 0: # When forceselling with ROI=-1, the roi time will always be equal to trade_dur. # If that entry is a multiple of the timeframe (so on candle open) # - we'll use open instead of close return sell_row[OPEN_IDX] # - (Expected abs profit + open_rate + open_fee) / (fee_close -1) close_rate = - (trade.open_rate * roi + trade.open_rate * (1 + trade.fee_open)) / (trade.fee_close - 1) if (trade_dur > 0 and trade_dur == roi_entry and roi_entry % self.timeframe_min == 0 and sell_row[OPEN_IDX] > close_rate): # new ROI entry came into effect. # use Open rate if open_rate > calculated sell rate return sell_row[OPEN_IDX] if ( trade_dur == 0 # Red candle (for longs), TODO: green candle (for shorts) and sell_row[OPEN_IDX] > sell_row[CLOSE_IDX] # Red candle and trade.open_rate < sell_row[OPEN_IDX] # trade-open below open_rate and close_rate > sell_row[CLOSE_IDX] ): # ROI on opening candles with custom pricing can only # trigger if the entry was at Open or lower. # details: https: // github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade/issues/6261 # If open_rate is < open, only allow sells below the close on red candles. raise ValueError("Opening candle ROI on red candles.") # Use the maximum between close_rate and low as we # cannot sell outside of a candle. # Applies when a new ROI setting comes in place and the whole candle is above that. return min(max(close_rate, sell_row[LOW_IDX]), sell_row[HIGH_IDX]) else: # This should not be reached... return sell_row[OPEN_IDX] else: return sell_row[OPEN_IDX] def _get_adjust_trade_entry_for_candle(self, trade: LocalTrade, row: Tuple ) -> LocalTrade: current_profit = trade.calc_profit_ratio(row[OPEN_IDX]) min_stake = self.exchange.get_min_pair_stake_amount(trade.pair, row[OPEN_IDX], -0.1) max_stake = self.exchange.get_max_pair_stake_amount(trade.pair, row[OPEN_IDX]) stake_available = self.wallets.get_available_stake_amount() stake_amount = strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.adjust_trade_position, default_retval=None)( trade=trade, current_time=row[DATE_IDX].to_pydatetime(), current_rate=row[OPEN_IDX], current_profit=current_profit, min_stake=min_stake, max_stake=min(max_stake, stake_available)) # Check if we should increase our position if stake_amount is not None and stake_amount > 0.0: pos_trade = self._enter_trade( trade.pair, row, 'short' if trade.is_short else 'long', stake_amount, trade) if pos_trade is not None: self.wallets.update() return pos_trade return trade def _get_order_filled(self, rate: float, row: Tuple) -> bool: """ Rate is within candle, therefore filled""" return row[LOW_IDX] <= rate <= row[HIGH_IDX] def _get_sell_trade_entry_for_candle(self, trade: LocalTrade, sell_row: Tuple) -> Optional[LocalTrade]: # Check if we need to adjust our current positions if self.strategy.position_adjustment_enable: check_adjust_entry = True if self.strategy.max_entry_position_adjustment > -1: entry_count = trade.nr_of_successful_entries check_adjust_entry = (entry_count <= self.strategy.max_entry_position_adjustment) if check_adjust_entry: trade = self._get_adjust_trade_entry_for_candle(trade, sell_row) sell_candle_time: datetime = sell_row[DATE_IDX].to_pydatetime() enter = sell_row[SHORT_IDX] if trade.is_short else sell_row[LONG_IDX] exit_ = sell_row[ESHORT_IDX] if trade.is_short else sell_row[ELONG_IDX] sell = self.strategy.should_exit( trade, sell_row[OPEN_IDX], sell_candle_time, # type: ignore enter=enter, exit_=exit_, low=sell_row[LOW_IDX], high=sell_row[HIGH_IDX] ) if sell.sell_flag: trade.close_date = sell_candle_time trade_dur = int((trade.close_date_utc - trade.open_date_utc).total_seconds() // 60) try: closerate = self._get_close_rate(sell_row, trade, sell, trade_dur) except ValueError: return None # call the custom exit price,with default value as previous closerate current_profit = trade.calc_profit_ratio(closerate) order_type = self.strategy.order_types['sell'] if sell.sell_type in (SellType.SELL_SIGNAL, SellType.CUSTOM_SELL): # Custom exit pricing only for sell-signals if order_type == 'limit': closerate = strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.custom_exit_price, default_retval=closerate)( pair=trade.pair, trade=trade, current_time=sell_candle_time, proposed_rate=closerate, current_profit=current_profit) # We can't place orders lower than current low. # freqtrade does not support this in live, and the order would fill immediately closerate = max(closerate, sell_row[LOW_IDX]) # Confirm trade exit: time_in_force = self.strategy.order_time_in_force['sell'] if not strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.confirm_trade_exit, default_retval=True)( pair=trade.pair, trade=trade, order_type='limit', amount=trade.amount, rate=closerate, time_in_force=time_in_force, sell_reason=sell.sell_reason, current_time=sell_candle_time): return None trade.sell_reason = sell.sell_reason # Checks and adds an exit tag, after checking that the length of the # sell_row has the length for an exit tag column if( len(sell_row) > EXIT_TAG_IDX and sell_row[EXIT_TAG_IDX] is not None and len(sell_row[EXIT_TAG_IDX]) > 0 ): trade.sell_reason = sell_row[EXIT_TAG_IDX] self.order_id_counter += 1 order = Order( id=self.order_id_counter, ft_trade_id=trade.id, order_date=sell_candle_time, order_update_date=sell_candle_time, ft_is_open=True, ft_pair=trade.pair, order_id=str(self.order_id_counter), symbol=trade.pair, ft_order_side="sell", side="sell", order_type=order_type, status="open", price=closerate, average=closerate, amount=trade.amount, filled=0, remaining=trade.amount, cost=trade.amount * closerate, ) trade.orders.append(order) return trade return None def _get_sell_trade_entry(self, trade: LocalTrade, sell_row: Tuple) -> Optional[LocalTrade]: sell_candle_time: datetime = sell_row[DATE_IDX].to_pydatetime() if self.trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES: trade.funding_fees = self.exchange.calculate_funding_fees( self.futures_data[trade.pair], amount=trade.amount, is_short=trade.is_short, open_date=trade.open_date_utc, close_date=sell_candle_time, ) if self.timeframe_detail and trade.pair in self.detail_data: sell_candle_end = sell_candle_time + timedelta(minutes=self.timeframe_min) detail_data = self.detail_data[trade.pair] detail_data = detail_data.loc[ (detail_data['date'] >= sell_candle_time) & (detail_data['date'] < sell_candle_end) ].copy() if len(detail_data) == 0: # Fall back to "regular" data if no detail data was found for this candle return self._get_sell_trade_entry_for_candle(trade, sell_row) detail_data.loc[:, 'enter_long'] = sell_row[LONG_IDX] detail_data.loc[:, 'exit_long'] = sell_row[ELONG_IDX] detail_data.loc[:, 'enter_long'] = sell_row[LONG_IDX] detail_data.loc[:, 'exit_long'] = sell_row[ELONG_IDX] detail_data.loc[:, 'enter_tag'] = sell_row[ENTER_TAG_IDX] detail_data.loc[:, 'exit_tag'] = sell_row[EXIT_TAG_IDX] headers = ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'enter_long', 'exit_long', 'enter_short', 'exit_short', 'enter_tag', 'exit_tag'] for det_row in detail_data[headers].values.tolist(): res = self._get_sell_trade_entry_for_candle(trade, det_row) if res: return res return None else: return self._get_sell_trade_entry_for_candle(trade, sell_row) def _enter_trade(self, pair: str, row: Tuple, direction: str, stake_amount: Optional[float] = None, trade: Optional[LocalTrade] = None) -> Optional[LocalTrade]: current_time = row[DATE_IDX].to_pydatetime() entry_tag = row[ENTER_TAG_IDX] if len(row) >= ENTER_TAG_IDX + 1 else None # let's call the custom entry price, using the open price as default price order_type = self.strategy.order_types['buy'] propose_rate = row[OPEN_IDX] if order_type == 'limit': propose_rate = strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.custom_entry_price, default_retval=row[OPEN_IDX])( pair=pair, current_time=current_time, proposed_rate=propose_rate, entry_tag=entry_tag) # default value is the open rate # We can't place orders higher than current high (otherwise it'd be a stop limit buy) # which freqtrade does not support in live. propose_rate = min(propose_rate, row[HIGH_IDX]) min_stake_amount = self.exchange.get_min_pair_stake_amount(pair, propose_rate, -0.05) or 0 max_stake_amount = self.exchange.get_max_pair_stake_amount(pair, propose_rate) stake_available = self.wallets.get_available_stake_amount() pos_adjust = trade is not None if not pos_adjust: try: stake_amount = self.wallets.get_trade_stake_amount(pair, None, update=False) except DependencyException: return None stake_amount = strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.custom_stake_amount, default_retval=stake_amount)( pair=pair, current_time=current_time, current_rate=propose_rate, proposed_stake=stake_amount, min_stake=min_stake_amount, max_stake=min(stake_available, max_stake_amount), entry_tag=entry_tag, side=direction) stake_amount = self.wallets.validate_stake_amount( pair=pair, stake_amount=stake_amount, min_stake_amount=min_stake_amount, max_stake_amount=max_stake_amount, ) if not stake_amount: # In case of pos adjust, still return the original trade # If not pos adjust, trade is None return trade if not pos_adjust: max_leverage = self.exchange.get_max_leverage(pair, stake_amount) leverage = strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.leverage, default_retval=1.0)( pair=pair, current_time=current_time, current_rate=row[OPEN_IDX], proposed_leverage=1.0, max_leverage=max_leverage, side=direction, ) if self._can_short else 1.0 # Cap leverage between 1.0 and max_leverage. leverage = min(max(leverage, 1.0), max_leverage) else: leverage = trade.leverage if trade else 1.0 order_type = self.strategy.order_types['buy'] time_in_force = self.strategy.order_time_in_force['buy'] # Confirm trade entry: if not pos_adjust: if not strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.confirm_trade_entry, default_retval=True)( pair=pair, order_type=order_type, amount=stake_amount, rate=propose_rate, time_in_force=time_in_force, current_time=current_time, entry_tag=entry_tag, side=direction): return None if stake_amount and (not min_stake_amount or stake_amount > min_stake_amount): self.order_id_counter += 1 amount = round((stake_amount / propose_rate) * leverage, 8) is_short = (direction == 'short') isolated_liq = self.exchange.get_liquidation_price( pair=pair, open_rate=propose_rate, amount=amount, leverage=leverage, is_short=is_short, ) # Necessary for Margin trading. Disabled until support is enabled. # interest_rate = self.exchange.get_interest_rate() if trade is None: # Enter trade self.trade_id_counter += 1 trade = LocalTrade( id=self.trade_id_counter, open_order_id=self.order_id_counter, pair=pair, open_rate=propose_rate, open_rate_requested=propose_rate, open_date=current_time, stake_amount=stake_amount, amount=amount, amount_requested=amount, fee_open=self.fee, fee_close=self.fee, is_open=True, enter_tag=entry_tag, exchange=self._exchange_name, is_short=is_short, trading_mode=self.trading_mode, leverage=leverage, # interest_rate=interest_rate, orders=[], ) trade.adjust_stop_loss(trade.open_rate, self.strategy.stoploss, initial=True) if self.trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES: trade.set_isolated_liq(isolated_liq) order = Order( id=self.order_id_counter, ft_trade_id=trade.id, ft_is_open=True, ft_pair=trade.pair, order_id=str(self.order_id_counter), symbol=trade.pair, ft_order_side="buy", side="buy", order_type=order_type, status="open", order_date=current_time, order_filled_date=current_time, order_update_date=current_time, price=propose_rate, average=propose_rate, amount=amount, filled=0, remaining=amount, cost=stake_amount + trade.fee_open, ) if pos_adjust and self._get_order_filled(order.price, row): order.close_bt_order(current_time) else: trade.open_order_id = str(self.order_id_counter) trade.orders.append(order) trade.recalc_trade_from_orders() return trade def handle_left_open(self, open_trades: Dict[str, List[LocalTrade]], data: Dict[str, List[Tuple]]) -> List[LocalTrade]: """ Handling of left open trades at the end of backtesting """ trades = [] for pair in open_trades.keys(): if len(open_trades[pair]) > 0: for trade in open_trades[pair]: if trade.open_order_id and trade.nr_of_successful_entries == 0: # Ignore trade if buy-order did not fill yet continue sell_row = data[pair][-1] trade.close_date = sell_row[DATE_IDX].to_pydatetime() trade.sell_reason = SellType.FORCE_SELL.value trade.close(sell_row[OPEN_IDX], show_msg=False) LocalTrade.close_bt_trade(trade) # Deepcopy object to have wallets update correctly trade1 = deepcopy(trade) trade1.is_open = True trades.append(trade1) return trades def trade_slot_available(self, max_open_trades: int, open_trade_count: int) -> bool: # Always allow trades when max_open_trades is enabled. if max_open_trades <= 0 or open_trade_count < max_open_trades: return True # Rejected trade self.rejected_trades += 1 return False def check_for_trade_entry(self, row) -> Optional[str]: enter_long = row[LONG_IDX] == 1 exit_long = row[ELONG_IDX] == 1 enter_short = self._can_short and row[SHORT_IDX] == 1 exit_short = self._can_short and row[ESHORT_IDX] == 1 if enter_long == 1 and not any([exit_long, enter_short]): # Long return 'long' if enter_short == 1 and not any([exit_short, enter_long]): # Short return 'short' return None def run_protections(self, enable_protections, pair: str, current_time: datetime): if enable_protections: self.protections.stop_per_pair(pair, current_time) self.protections.global_stop(current_time) def check_order_cancel(self, trade: LocalTrade, current_time) -> bool: """ Check if an order has been canceled. Returns True if the trade should be Deleted (initial order was canceled). """ for order in [o for o in trade.orders if o.ft_is_open]: timedout = self.strategy.ft_check_timed_out(order.side, trade, order, current_time) if timedout: if order.side == 'buy': self.timedout_entry_orders += 1 if trade.nr_of_successful_entries == 0: # Remove trade due to buy timeout expiration. return True else: # Close additional buy order del trade.orders[trade.orders.index(order)] if order.side == 'sell': self.timedout_exit_orders += 1 # Close sell order and retry selling on next signal. del trade.orders[trade.orders.index(order)] return False def validate_row( self, data: Dict, pair: str, row_index: int, current_time: datetime) -> Optional[Tuple]: try: # Row is treated as "current incomplete candle". # Buy / sell signals are shifted by 1 to compensate for this. row = data[pair][row_index] except IndexError: # missing Data for one pair at the end. # Warnings for this are shown during data loading return None # Waits until the time-counter reaches the start of the data for this pair. if row[DATE_IDX] > current_time: return None return row def backtest(self, processed: Dict, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, max_open_trades: int = 0, position_stacking: bool = False, enable_protections: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Implement backtesting functionality NOTE: This method is used by Hyperopt at each iteration. Please keep it optimized. Of course try to not have ugly code. By some accessor are sometime slower than functions. Avoid extensive logging in this method and functions it calls. :param processed: a processed dictionary with format {pair, data}, which gets cleared to optimize memory usage! :param start_date: backtesting timerange start datetime :param end_date: backtesting timerange end datetime :param max_open_trades: maximum number of concurrent trades, <= 0 means unlimited :param position_stacking: do we allow position stacking? :param enable_protections: Should protections be enabled? :return: DataFrame with trades (results of backtesting) """ trades: List[LocalTrade] = [] self.prepare_backtest(enable_protections) # Ensure wallets are uptodate (important for --strategy-list) self.wallets.update() # Use dict of lists with data for performance # (looping lists is a lot faster than pandas DataFrames) data: Dict = self._get_ohlcv_as_lists(processed) # Indexes per pair, so some pairs are allowed to have a missing start. indexes: Dict = defaultdict(int) current_time = start_date + timedelta(minutes=self.timeframe_min) open_trades: Dict[str, List[LocalTrade]] = defaultdict(list) open_trade_count = 0 self.progress.init_step(BacktestState.BACKTEST, int( (end_date - start_date) / timedelta(minutes=self.timeframe_min))) # Loop timerange and get candle for each pair at that point in time while current_time <= end_date: open_trade_count_start = open_trade_count self.check_abort() for i, pair in enumerate(data): row_index = indexes[pair] row = self.validate_row(data, pair, row_index, current_time) if not row: continue row_index += 1 indexes[pair] = row_index self.dataprovider._set_dataframe_max_index(row_index) # 1. Process buys. # without positionstacking, we can only have one open trade per pair. # max_open_trades must be respected # don't open on the last row trade_dir = self.check_for_trade_entry(row) if ( (position_stacking or len(open_trades[pair]) == 0) and self.trade_slot_available(max_open_trades, open_trade_count_start) and current_time != end_date and trade_dir is not None and not PairLocks.is_pair_locked(pair, row[DATE_IDX]) ): trade = self._enter_trade(pair, row, trade_dir) if trade: # TODO: hacky workaround to avoid opening > max_open_trades # This emulates previous behavior - not sure if this is correct # Prevents buying if the trade-slot was freed in this candle open_trade_count_start += 1 open_trade_count += 1 # logger.debug(f"{pair} - Emulate creation of new trade: {trade}.") open_trades[pair].append(trade) for trade in list(open_trades[pair]): # 2. Process buy orders. order = trade.select_order('buy', is_open=True) if order and self._get_order_filled(order.price, row): order.close_bt_order(current_time) trade.open_order_id = None LocalTrade.add_bt_trade(trade) self.wallets.update() # 3. Create sell orders (if any) if not trade.open_order_id: self._get_sell_trade_entry(trade, row) # Place sell order if necessary # 4. Process sell orders. order = trade.select_order('sell', is_open=True) if order and self._get_order_filled(order.price, row): trade.open_order_id = None trade.close_date = current_time trade.close(order.price, show_msg=False) # logger.debug(f"{pair} - Backtesting sell {trade}") open_trade_count -= 1 open_trades[pair].remove(trade) LocalTrade.close_bt_trade(trade) trades.append(trade) self.wallets.update() self.run_protections(enable_protections, pair, current_time) # 5. Cancel expired buy/sell orders. if self.check_order_cancel(trade, current_time): # Close trade due to buy timeout expiration. open_trade_count -= 1 open_trades[pair].remove(trade) self.wallets.update() # Move time one configured time_interval ahead. self.progress.increment() current_time += timedelta(minutes=self.timeframe_min) trades += self.handle_left_open(open_trades, data=data) self.wallets.update() results = trade_list_to_dataframe(trades) return { 'results': results, 'config': self.strategy.config, 'locks': PairLocks.get_all_locks(), 'rejected_signals': self.rejected_trades, 'timedout_entry_orders': self.timedout_entry_orders, 'timedout_exit_orders': self.timedout_exit_orders, 'final_balance': self.wallets.get_total(self.strategy.config['stake_currency']), } def backtest_one_strategy(self, strat: IStrategy, data: Dict[str, DataFrame], timerange: TimeRange): self.progress.init_step(BacktestState.ANALYZE, 0) logger.info("Running backtesting for Strategy %s", strat.get_strategy_name()) backtest_start_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) self._set_strategy(strat) strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.bot_loop_start, supress_error=True)() # Use max_open_trades in backtesting, except --disable-max-market-positions is set if self.config.get('use_max_market_positions', True): # Must come from strategy config, as the strategy may modify this setting. max_open_trades = self.strategy.config['max_open_trades'] else: logger.info( 'Ignoring max_open_trades (--disable-max-market-positions was used) ...') max_open_trades = 0 # need to reprocess data every time to populate signals preprocessed = self.strategy.advise_all_indicators(data) # Trim startup period from analyzed dataframe preprocessed_tmp = trim_dataframes(preprocessed, timerange, self.required_startup) if not preprocessed_tmp: raise OperationalException( "No data left after adjusting for startup candles.") # Use preprocessed_tmp for date generation (the trimmed dataframe). # Backtesting will re-trim the dataframes after buy/sell signal generation. min_date, max_date = history.get_timerange(preprocessed_tmp) logger.info(f'Backtesting with data from {min_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'up to {max_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'({(max_date - min_date).days} days).') # Execute backtest and store results results = self.backtest( processed=preprocessed, start_date=min_date, end_date=max_date, max_open_trades=max_open_trades, position_stacking=self.config.get('position_stacking', False), enable_protections=self.config.get('enable_protections', False), ) backtest_end_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) results.update({ 'run_id': self.run_ids.get(strat.get_strategy_name(), ''), 'backtest_start_time': int(backtest_start_time.timestamp()), 'backtest_end_time': int(backtest_end_time.timestamp()), }) self.all_results[self.strategy.get_strategy_name()] = results return min_date, max_date def _get_min_cached_backtest_date(self): min_backtest_date = None backtest_cache_age = self.config.get('backtest_cache', constants.BACKTEST_CACHE_DEFAULT) if self.timerange.stopts == 0 or datetime.fromtimestamp( self.timerange.stopts, tz=timezone.utc) > datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc): logger.warning('Backtest result caching disabled due to use of open-ended timerange.') elif backtest_cache_age == 'day': min_backtest_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=1) elif backtest_cache_age == 'week': min_backtest_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - timedelta(weeks=1) elif backtest_cache_age == 'month': min_backtest_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - timedelta(weeks=4) return min_backtest_date def load_prior_backtest(self): self.run_ids = { strategy.get_strategy_name(): get_strategy_run_id(strategy) for strategy in self.strategylist } # Load previous result that will be updated incrementally. # This can be circumvented in certain instances in combination with downloading more data min_backtest_date = self._get_min_cached_backtest_date() if min_backtest_date is not None: self.results = find_existing_backtest_stats( self.config['user_data_dir'] / 'backtest_results', self.run_ids, min_backtest_date) def start(self) -> None: """ Run backtesting end-to-end :return: None """ data: Dict[str, Any] = {} data, timerange = self.load_bt_data() self.load_bt_data_detail() logger.info("Dataload complete. Calculating indicators") self.load_prior_backtest() for strat in self.strategylist: if self.results and strat.get_strategy_name() in self.results['strategy']: # When previous result hash matches - reuse that result and skip backtesting. logger.info(f'Reusing result of previous backtest for {strat.get_strategy_name()}') continue min_date, max_date = self.backtest_one_strategy(strat, data, timerange) # Update old results with new ones. if len(self.all_results) > 0: results = generate_backtest_stats( data, self.all_results, min_date=min_date, max_date=max_date) if self.results: self.results['metadata'].update(results['metadata']) self.results['strategy'].update(results['strategy']) self.results['strategy_comparison'].extend(results['strategy_comparison']) else: self.results = results if self.config.get('export', 'none') == 'trades': store_backtest_stats(self.config['exportfilename'], self.results) # Results may be mixed up now. Sort them so they follow --strategy-list order. if 'strategy_list' in self.config and len(self.results) > 0: self.results['strategy_comparison'] = sorted( self.results['strategy_comparison'], key=lambda c: self.config['strategy_list'].index(c['key'])) self.results['strategy'] = dict( sorted(self.results['strategy'].items(), key=lambda kv: self.config['strategy_list'].index(kv[0]))) if len(self.strategylist) > 0: # Show backtest results show_backtest_results(self.config, self.results)