from datetime import timedelta from typing import Dict from pandas import DataFrame from tabulate import tabulate def generate_text_table(data: Dict[str, Dict], stake_currency: str, max_open_trades: int, results: DataFrame, skip_nan: bool = False) -> str: """ Generates and returns a text table for the given backtest data and the results dataframe :return: pretty printed table with tabulate as str """ floatfmt = ('s', 'd', '.2f', '.2f', '.8f', '.2f', 'd', '.1f', '.1f') tabular_data = [] headers = ['pair', 'buy count', 'avg profit %', 'cum profit %', f'tot profit {stake_currency}', 'tot profit %', 'avg duration', 'profit', 'loss'] for pair in data: result = results[results.pair == pair] if skip_nan and result.profit_abs.isnull().all(): continue tabular_data.append([ pair, len(result.index), result.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, result.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0, result.profit_abs.sum(), result.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0 / max_open_trades, str(timedelta( minutes=round(result.trade_duration.mean()))) if not result.empty else '0:00', len(result[result.profit_abs > 0]), len(result[result.profit_abs < 0]) ]) # Append Total tabular_data.append([ 'TOTAL', len(results.index), results.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, results.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0, results.profit_abs.sum(), results.profit_percent.sum() * 100.0 / max_open_trades, str(timedelta( minutes=round(results.trade_duration.mean()))) if not results.empty else '0:00', len(results[results.profit_abs > 0]), len(results[results.profit_abs < 0]) ]) # Ignore type as floatfmt does allow tuples but mypy does not know that return tabulate(tabular_data, headers=headers, floatfmt=floatfmt, tablefmt="pipe") # type: ignore