import logging
from threading import RLock
from typing import List, Optional, Type
from uuid import uuid4

from fastapi import WebSocket as FastAPIWebSocket

from import WebSocketProxy
from import (HybridJSONWebSocketSerializer,
from import WebSocketType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class WebSocketChannel:
    Object to help facilitate managing a websocket connection

    def __init__(
        websocket: WebSocketType,
        channel_id: Optional[str] = None,
        serializer_cls: Type[WebSocketSerializer] = HybridJSONWebSocketSerializer

        self.channel_id = channel_id if channel_id else uuid4().hex[:8]

        # The WebSocket object
        self._websocket = WebSocketProxy(websocket)
        # The Serializing class for the WebSocket object
        self._serializer_cls = serializer_cls

        self._subscriptions: List[str] = []

        # Internal event to signify a closed websocket
        self._closed = False

        # Wrap the WebSocket in the Serializing class
        self._wrapped_ws = self._serializer_cls(self._websocket)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"WebSocketChannel({self.channel_id}, {self.remote_addr})"

    def remote_addr(self):
        return self._websocket.remote_addr

    async def send(self, data):
        Send data on the wrapped websocket
        await self._wrapped_ws.send(data)

    async def recv(self):
        Receive data on the wrapped websocket
        return await self._wrapped_ws.recv()

    async def ping(self):
        Ping the websocket
        return await

    async def close(self):
        Close the WebSocketChannel

        self._closed = True

    def is_closed(self) -> bool:
        Closed flag
        return self._closed

    def set_subscriptions(self, subscriptions: List[str] = []) -> None:
        Set which subscriptions this channel is subscribed to

        :param subscriptions: List of subscriptions, List[str]
        self._subscriptions = subscriptions

    def subscribed_to(self, message_type: str) -> bool:
        Check if this channel is subscribed to the message_type

        :param message_type: The message type to check
        return message_type in self._subscriptions

class ChannelManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.channels = dict()
        self._lock = RLock()  # Re-entrant Lock

    async def on_connect(self, websocket: WebSocketType):
        Wrap websocket connection into Channel and add to list

        :param websocket: The WebSocket object to attach to the Channel
        if isinstance(websocket, FastAPIWebSocket):
                await websocket.accept()
            except RuntimeError:
                # The connection was closed before we could accept it

        ws_channel = WebSocketChannel(websocket)

        with self._lock:
            self.channels[websocket] = ws_channel

        return ws_channel

    async def on_disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocketType):
        Call close on the channel if it's not, and remove from channel list

        :param websocket: The WebSocket objet attached to the Channel
        with self._lock:
            channel = self.channels.get(websocket)
            if channel:
                if not channel.is_closed():
                    await channel.close()

                del self.channels[websocket]

    async def disconnect_all(self):
        Disconnect all Channels
        with self._lock:
            for websocket, channel in self.channels.copy().items():
                if not channel.is_closed():
                    await channel.close()

            self.channels = dict()

    async def broadcast(self, data):
        Broadcast data on all Channels

        :param data: The data to send
        with self._lock:
            message_type = data.get('type')
            for websocket, channel in self.channels.copy().items():
                    if channel.subscribed_to(message_type):
                        await channel.send(data)
                except RuntimeError:
                    # Handle cannot send after close cases
                    await self.on_disconnect(websocket)

    async def send_direct(self, channel, data):
        Send data directly through direct_channel only

        :param direct_channel: The WebSocketChannel object to send data through
        :param data: The data to send
        await channel.send(data)

    def has_channels(self):
        Flag for more than 0 channels
        return len(self.channels) > 0