# Configure the bot This page explains how to configure your `config.json` file. ## Table of Contents - [Bot commands](#bot-commands) - [Backtesting commands](#backtesting-commands) - [Hyperopt commands](#hyperopt-commands) ## Setup config.json We recommend to copy and use the `config.json.example` as a template for your bot configuration. The table below will list all configuration parameters. | Command | Default | Mandatory | Description | |----------|---------|----------|-------------| | `max_open_trades` | 3 | Yes | Number of trades open your bot will have. | `stake_currency` | BTC | Yes | Crypto-currency used for trading. | `stake_amount` | 0.05 | Yes | Amount of crypto-currency your bot will use for each trade. Per default, the bot will use (0.05 BTC x 3) = 0.15 BTC in total will be always engaged. | `ticker_interval` | [1, 5, 30, 60, 1440] | No | The ticker interval to use (1min, 5 min, 30 min, 1 hour or 1 day). Defaut is 5 minutes | `fiat_display_currency` | USD | Yes | Fiat currency used to show your profits. More information below. | `dry_run` | true | Yes | Define if the bot must be in Dry-run or production mode. | `minimal_roi` | See below | No | Set the threshold in percent the bot will use to sell a trade. More information below. If set, this parameter will override `minimal_roi` from your strategy file. | `stoploss` | -0.10 | No | Value of the stoploss in percent used by the bot. More information below. If set, this parameter will override `stoploss` from your strategy file. | `unfilledtimeout` | 0 | No | How long (in minutes) the bot will wait for an unfilled order to complete, after which the order will be cancelled. | `bid_strategy.ask_last_balance` | 0.0 | Yes | Set the bidding price. More information below. | `exchange.name` | bittrex | Yes | Name of the exchange class to use. Valid values are: `bittrex` or `binance` | `exchange.key` | key | No | API key to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode. | `exchange.secret` | secret | No | API secret to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode. | `exchange.pair_whitelist` | [] | No | List of currency to use by the bot. Can be overrided with `--dynamic-whitelist` param. | `exchange.pair_blacklist` | [] | No | List of currency the bot must avoid. Useful when using `--dynamic-whitelist` param. | `experimental.use_sell_signal` | false | No | Use your sell strategy in addition of the `minimal_roi`. | `experimental.sell_profit_only` | false | No | waits until you have made a positive profit before taking a sell decision. | `telegram.enabled` | true | Yes | Enable or not the usage of Telegram. | `telegram.token` | token | No | Your Telegram bot token. Only required if `telegram.enabled` is `true`. | `telegram.chat_id` | chat_id | No | Your personal Telegram account id. Only required if `telegram.enabled` is `true`. | `initial_state` | running | No | Defines the initial application state. More information below. | `internals.process_throttle_secs` | 5 | Yes | Set the process throttle. Value in second. The definition of each config parameters is in [misc.py](https://github.com/gcarq/freqtrade/blob/develop/freqtrade/misc.py#L205). ### Understand minimal_roi `minimal_roi` is a JSON object where the key is a duration in minutes and the value is the minimum ROI in percent. See the example below: ``` "minimal_roi": { "40": 0.0, # Sell after 40 minutes if the profit is not negative "30": 0.01, # Sell after 30 minutes if there is at least 1% profit "20": 0.02, # Sell after 20 minutes if there is at least 2% profit "0": 0.04 # Sell immediately if there is at least 4% profit }, ``` Most of the strategy files already include the optimal `minimal_roi` value. This parameter is optional. If you use it, it will take over the `minimal_roi` value from the strategy file. ### Understand stoploss `stoploss` is loss in percentage that should trigger a sale. For example value `-0.10` will cause immediate sell if the profit dips below -10% for a given trade. This parameter is optional. Most of the strategy files already include the optimal `stoploss` value. This parameter is optional. If you use it, it will take over the `stoploss` value from the strategy file. ### Understand initial_state `initial_state` is an optional field that defines the initial application state. Possible values are `running` or `stopped`. (default=`running`) If the value is `stopped` the bot has to be started with `/start` first. ### Understand ask_last_balance `ask_last_balance` sets the bidding price. Value `0.0` will use `ask` price, `1.0` will use the `last` price and values between those interpolate between ask and last price. Using `ask` price will guarantee quick success in bid, but bot will also end up paying more then would probably have been necessary. ### What values for fiat_display_currency? `fiat_display_currency` set the fiat to use for the conversion form coin to fiat in Telegram. The valid value are: "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR", "USD". ## Switch to dry-run mode We recommend starting the bot in dry-run mode to see how your bot will behave and how is the performance of your strategy. In Dry-run mode the bot does not engage your money. It only runs a live simulation without creating trades. ### To switch your bot in Dry-run mode: 1. Edit your `config.json` file 2. Switch dry-run to true ```json "dry_run": true, ``` 3. Remove your exchange API key (change them by fake api credentials) ```json "exchange": { "name": "bittrex", "key": "key", "secret": "secret", ... } ``` Once you will be happy with your bot performance, you can switch it to production mode. ## Switch to production mode In production mode, the bot will engage your money. Be careful a wrong strategy can lose all your money. Be aware of what you are doing when you run it in production mode. ### To switch your bot in production mode: 1. Edit your `config.json` file 2. Switch dry-run to false ```json "dry_run": false, ``` 3. Insert your exchange API key (change them by fake api keys) ```json "exchange": { "name": "bittrex", "key": "af8ddd35195e9dc500b9a6f799f6f5c93d89193b", "secret": "08a9dc6db3d7b53e1acebd9275677f4b0a04f1a5", ... } ``` If you have not your exchange API key yet, [see our tutorial](https://github.com/gcarq/freqtrade/blob/develop/docs/pre-requisite.md). ## Next step Now you have configured your config.json, the next step is to [start your bot](https://github.com/gcarq/freqtrade/blob/develop/docs/bot-usage.md).