Create detailed section about strategy problem analysis

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Matthias 2019-08-01 20:08:30 +02:00
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@ -6,6 +6,125 @@ A good way for this is using Jupyter (notebook or lab) - which provides an inter
The following helpers will help you loading the data into Pandas DataFrames, and may also give you some starting points in analyzing the results.
## Strategy development problem analysis
Debugging a strategy (are there no buy signals, ...) can be very time-consuming.
FreqTrade tries to help you by exposing a few helper-functions, which can be very handy.
I recommend using Juptyer Notebooks for this analysis, since it offers a dynamic way to rerun certain parts.
The following is a full code-snippet, which will be explained by both comments, and step by step below.
# Some necessary imports
from pathlib import Path
from import load_pair_history
from freqtrade.resolvers import StrategyResolver
# Define some constants
ticker_interval = "5m"
# Name of the strategy class
strategyname = 'Awesomestrategy'
# Location of the strategy
strategy_location = '../xmatt/strategies'
# Location of the data
data_location = '../freqtrade/user_data/data/binance/'
# Only use one pair here
pair = "XRP_ETH"
# Load data
bt_data = load_pair_history(datadir=Path(data_location),
ticker_interval = ticker_interval,
# Load strategy - best done in a new cell
# Needs to be ran each time the strategy-file is changed.
strategy = StrategyResolver({'strategy': strategyname,
'user_data_dir': Path.cwd(),
'strategy_path': location}).strategy
# Run strategy (just like in backtesting)
df = strategy.analyze_ticker(bt_data, {'pair': pair})
print(f"Generated {df['buy'].sum()} buy signals")
# Reindex data to be "nicer" and show data
data = df.set_index('date', drop=True)
### Explanation
#### Imports and constant definition
``` python
# Some necessary imports
from pathlib import Path
from import load_pair_history
from freqtrade.resolvers import StrategyResolver
# Define some constants
ticker_interval = "5m"
# Name of the strategy class
strategyname = 'Awesomestrategy'
# Location of the strategy
strategy_location = 'user_data/strategies'
# Location of the data
data_location = 'user_data/data/binance'
# Only use one pair here
pair = "XRP_ETH"
This first section imports necessary modules, and defines some constants you'll probably need differently
#### Load candles
``` python
# Load data
bt_data = load_pair_history(datadir=Path(data_location),
ticker_interval = ticker_interval,
This second section loads the historic data and prints the amount of candles in the data.
#### Run strategy and analyze results
Now, it's time to load and run your strategy.
For this, I recommend using a new cell in your notebook, since you'll want to repeat this until you're satisfied with your strategy.
``` python
# Load strategy - best done in a new cell
# Needs to be ran each time the strategy-file is changed.
strategy = StrategyResolver({'strategy': strategyname,
'user_data_dir': Path.cwd(),
'strategy_path': location}).strategy
# Run strategy (just like in backtesting)
df = strategy.analyze_ticker(bt_data, {'pair': pair})
print(f"Generated {df['buy'].sum()} buy signals")
# Reindex data to be "nicer" and show data
data = df.set_index('date', drop=True)
The code snippet loads and analyzes the strategy, prints the number of buy signals.
The last 2 lines serve to analyze the dataframe in detail.
This can be important if your strategy did not generate any buy signals.
Note that using `data.head()` would also work, however this is misleading since most indicators have some "startup" time at the start of a backtested dataframe.
There can be many things wrong, some signs to look for are:
* Columns with NaN values at the end of the dataframe
* Columns used in `crossed*()` functions with completely different units
## Backtesting
To analyze your backtest results, you can [export the trades](#exporting-trades-to-file).