diff --git a/docs/configuration.md b/docs/configuration.md index fd4806fe6..fab3004a5 100644 --- a/docs/configuration.md +++ b/docs/configuration.md @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Mandatory parameters are marked as **Required**, which means that they are requi | `ask_strategy.order_book_top` | Bot will use the top N rate in Order Book "price_side" to sell. I.e. a value of 2 will allow the bot to pick the 2nd ask rate in [Order Book Asks](#sell-price-with-orderbook-enabled)
*Defaults to `1`.*
**Datatype:** Positive Integer | `use_sell_signal` | Use sell signals produced by the strategy in addition to the `minimal_roi`. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
*Defaults to `true`.*
**Datatype:** Boolean | `sell_profit_only` | Wait until the bot reaches `sell_profit_offset` before taking a sell decision. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
*Defaults to `false`.*
**Datatype:** Boolean -| `sell_profit_offset` | Sell-signal is only active above this value. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
*Defaults to `0.0`.*
**Datatype:** Float (as ratio) +| `sell_profit_offset` | Sell-signal is only active above this value. Only active in combination with `sell_profit_only=True`. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
*Defaults to `0.0`.*
**Datatype:** Float (as ratio) | `ignore_roi_if_buy_signal` | Do not sell if the buy signal is still active. This setting takes preference over `minimal_roi` and `use_sell_signal`. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
*Defaults to `false`.*
**Datatype:** Boolean | `ignore_buying_expired_candle_after` | Specifies the number of seconds until a buy signal is no longer used.
**Datatype:** Integer | `order_types` | Configure order-types depending on the action (`"buy"`, `"sell"`, `"stoploss"`, `"stoploss_on_exchange"`). [More information below](#understand-order_types). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
**Datatype:** Dict