Move Analyze to a class

This commit is contained in:
Gerald Lonlas 2018-02-04 00:28:02 -08:00
parent e025dc0dba
commit a8b8ab20b7
2 changed files with 254 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -1,121 +1,190 @@
Functions to analyze ticker data with indicators and produce buy and sell signals
import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List
import arrow
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from pandas import DataFrame, to_datetime
from typing import Dict, List
from import get_ticker_history
from freqtrade.logger import Logger
from freqtrade.strategy.strategy import Strategy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
class SignalType(Enum):
""" Enum to distinguish between buy and sell signals """
Enum to distinguish between buy and sell signals
BUY = "buy"
SELL = "sell"
def parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker: list) -> DataFrame:
class Analyze(object):
Analyses the trend for the given ticker history
:param ticker: See exchange.get_ticker_history
:return: DataFrame
Analyze class contains everything the bot need to determine if the situation is good for
buying or selling.
columns = {'C': 'close', 'V': 'volume', 'O': 'open', 'H': 'high', 'L': 'low', 'T': 'date'}
frame = DataFrame(ticker) \
if 'BV' in frame:
frame.drop('BV', 1, inplace=True)
frame['date'] = to_datetime(frame['date'], utc=True, infer_datetime_format=True)
frame.sort_values('date', inplace=True)
return frame
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
Init Analyze
:param config: Bot configuration (use the one from Configuration())
self.logger = Logger(name=__name__).get_logger()
self.config = config
self.strategy = Strategy()
def populate_indicators(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Adds several different TA indicators to the given DataFrame
def parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker: list) -> DataFrame:
Analyses the trend for the given ticker history
:param ticker: See exchange.get_ticker_history
:return: DataFrame
columns = {'C': 'close', 'V': 'volume', 'O': 'open', 'H': 'high', 'L': 'low', 'T': 'date'}
frame = DataFrame(ticker) \
if 'BV' in frame:
frame.drop('BV', 1, inplace=True)
frame['date'] = to_datetime(frame['date'], utc=True, infer_datetime_format=True)
frame.sort_values('date', inplace=True)
return frame
Performance Note: For the best performance be frugal on the number of indicators
you are using. Let uncomment only the indicator you are using in your strategies
or your hyperopt configuration, otherwise you will waste your memory and CPU usage.
strategy = Strategy()
return strategy.populate_indicators(dataframe=dataframe)
def populate_indicators(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Adds several different TA indicators to the given DataFrame
Performance Note: For the best performance be frugal on the number of indicators
you are using. Let uncomment only the indicator you are using in your strategies
or your hyperopt configuration, otherwise you will waste your memory and CPU usage.
def populate_buy_trend(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the buy signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
strategy = Strategy()
return strategy.populate_buy_trend(dataframe=dataframe)
return self.strategy.populate_indicators(dataframe=dataframe)
def populate_buy_trend(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the buy signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
return self.strategy.populate_buy_trend(dataframe=dataframe)
def populate_sell_trend(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the sell signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
strategy = Strategy()
return strategy.populate_sell_trend(dataframe=dataframe)
def populate_sell_trend(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the sell signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
return self.strategy.populate_sell_trend(dataframe=dataframe)
def analyze_ticker(self, ticker_history: List[Dict]) -> DataFrame:
Parses the given ticker history and returns a populated DataFrame
add several TA indicators and buy signal to it
:return DataFrame with ticker data and indicator data
dataframe = self.parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history)
dataframe = self.populate_indicators(dataframe)
dataframe = self.populate_buy_trend(dataframe)
dataframe = self.populate_sell_trend(dataframe)
return dataframe
def analyze_ticker(ticker_history: List[Dict]) -> DataFrame:
Parses the given ticker history and returns a populated DataFrame
add several TA indicators and buy signal to it
:return DataFrame with ticker data and indicator data
dataframe = parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history)
dataframe = populate_indicators(dataframe)
dataframe = populate_buy_trend(dataframe)
dataframe = populate_sell_trend(dataframe)
return dataframe
# FIX: Maybe return False, if an error has occured,
# Otherwise we might mask an error as an non-signal-scenario
def get_signal(self, pair: str, interval: int) -> (bool, bool):
Calculates current signal based several technical analysis indicators
:param pair: pair in format BTC_ANT or BTC-ANT
:return: (Buy, Sell) A bool-tuple indicating buy/sell signal
ticker_hist = get_ticker_history(pair, interval)
if not ticker_hist:
self.logger.warning('Empty ticker history for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
dataframe = self.analyze_ticker(ticker_hist)
except ValueError as error:
'Unable to analyze ticker for pair %s: %s',
return (False, False) # return False ?
except Exception as error:
'Unexpected error when analyzing ticker for pair %s: %s',
return (False, False) # return False ?
# FIX: Maybe return False, if an error has occured,
# Otherwise we might mask an error as an non-signal-scenario
def get_signal(pair: str, interval: int) -> (bool, bool):
Calculates current signal based several technical analysis indicators
:param pair: pair in format BTC_ANT or BTC-ANT
:return: (Buy, Sell) A bool-tuple indicating buy/sell signal
ticker_hist = get_ticker_history(pair, interval)
if not ticker_hist:
logger.warning('Empty ticker history for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
if dataframe.empty:
self.logger.warning('Empty dataframe for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
dataframe = analyze_ticker(ticker_hist)
except ValueError as ex:
logger.warning('Unable to analyze ticker for pair %s: %s', pair, str(ex))
return (False, False) # return False ?
except Exception as ex:
logger.exception('Unexpected error when analyzing ticker for pair %s: %s', pair, str(ex))
return (False, False) # return False ?
latest = dataframe.iloc[-1]
if dataframe.empty:
logger.warning('Empty dataframe for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
# Check if dataframe is out of date
signal_date = arrow.get(latest['date'])
if signal_date < - timedelta(minutes=(interval + 5)):
self.logger.warning('Too old dataframe for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
latest = dataframe.iloc[-1]
(buy, sell) = latest[SignalType.BUY.value] == 1, latest[SignalType.SELL.value] == 1
'trigger: %s (pair=%s) buy=%s sell=%s',
return (buy, sell)
# Check if dataframe is out of date
signal_date = arrow.get(latest['date'])
if signal_date < - timedelta(minutes=(interval + 5)):
logger.warning('Too old dataframe for pair %s', pair)
return (False, False) # return False ?
def should_sell(self, trade: Trade, rate: float, date: datetime, buy: bool, sell: bool) -> bool:
This function evaluate if on the condition required to trigger a sell has been reached
if the threshold is reached and updates the trade record.
:return: True if trade should be sold, False otherwise
# Check if minimal roi has been reached and no longer in buy conditions (avoiding a fee)
if self.min_roi_reached(trade=trade, current_rate=rate, current_time=date):
self.logger.debug('Executing sell due to ROI ...')
return True
(buy, sell) = latest[SignalType.BUY.value] == 1, latest[SignalType.SELL.value] == 1
logger.debug('trigger: %s (pair=%s) buy=%s sell=%s', latest['date'], pair, str(buy), str(sell))
return (buy, sell)
# Experimental: Check if the trade is profitable before selling it (avoid selling at loss)
if self.config.get('experimental', {}).get('sell_profit_only', False):
self.logger.debug('Checking if trade is profitable ...')
if trade.calc_profit(rate=rate) <= 0:
return False
if sell and not buy and self.config.get('experimental', {}).get('use_sell_signal', False):
self.logger.debug('Executing sell due to sell signal ...')
return True
return False
def min_roi_reached(self, trade: Trade, current_rate: float, current_time: datetime) -> bool:
Based an earlier trade and current price and ROI configuration, decides whether bot should
:return True if bot should sell at current rate
current_profit = trade.calc_profit_percent(current_rate)
if self.strategy.stoploss is not None and current_profit < float(self.strategy.stoploss):
self.logger.debug('Stop loss hit.')
return True
# Check if time matches and current rate is above threshold
time_diff = (current_time - trade.open_date).total_seconds() / 60
for duration, threshold in sorted(self.strategy.minimal_roi.items()):
if time_diff > float(duration) and current_profit > threshold:
return True
'Threshold not reached. (cur_profit: %1.2f%%)',
float(current_profit) * 100.0
return False

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@ -1,16 +1,45 @@
# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, C0103
Unit test file for
import datetime
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import arrow
import logging
import arrow
from pandas import DataFrame
import freqtrade.tests.conftest as tt # test tools
from freqtrade.analyze import (get_signal, parse_ticker_dataframe,
populate_buy_trend, populate_indicators,
from freqtrade.strategy.strategy import Strategy
from freqtrade.analyze import Analyze, SignalType
# Avoid to reinit the same object again and again
_ANALYZE = Analyze({'strategy': 'default_strategy'})
def test_signaltype_object() -> None:
Test the SignalType object has the mandatory Constants
:return: None
assert hasattr(SignalType, 'BUY')
assert hasattr(SignalType, 'SELL')
def test_analyze_object() -> None:
Test the Analyze object has the mandatory methods
:return: None
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'parse_ticker_dataframe')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'populate_indicators')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'populate_buy_trend')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'populate_sell_trend')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'analyze_ticker')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'get_signal')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'should_sell')
assert hasattr(Analyze, 'min_roi_reached')
def test_dataframe_correct_columns(result):
@ -18,71 +47,75 @@ def test_dataframe_correct_columns(result):
['close', 'high', 'low', 'open', 'date', 'volume']
def test_dataframe_correct_length(result):
# no idea what this check truly does - should we just remove it?
assert len(result.index) == 14397
def test_populates_buy_trend(result):
# Load the default strategy for the unit test, because this logic is done in
Strategy().init({'strategy': 'default_strategy'})
dataframe = populate_buy_trend(populate_indicators(result))
dataframe = _ANALYZE.populate_buy_trend(_ANALYZE.populate_indicators(result))
assert 'buy' in dataframe.columns
def test_populates_sell_trend(result):
# Load the default strategy for the unit test, because this logic is done in
Strategy().init({'strategy': 'default_strategy'})
dataframe = populate_sell_trend(populate_indicators(result))
dataframe = _ANALYZE.populate_sell_trend(_ANALYZE.populate_indicators(result))
assert 'sell' in dataframe.columns
def test_returns_latest_buy_signal(mocker):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=MagicMock())
return_value=DataFrame([{'buy': 1, 'sell': 0, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (True, False)
return_value=DataFrame([{'buy': 0, 'sell': 1, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
return_value=DataFrame([{'buy': 1, 'sell': 0, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, True)
assert _ANALYZE.get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (True, False)
return_value=DataFrame([{'buy': 0, 'sell': 1, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert _ANALYZE.get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, True)
def test_returns_latest_sell_signal(mocker):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=MagicMock())
return_value=DataFrame([{'sell': 1, 'buy': 0, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
return_value=DataFrame([{'sell': 1, 'buy': 0, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, True)
return_value=DataFrame([{'sell': 0, 'buy': 1, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert _ANALYZE.get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, True)
return_value=DataFrame([{'sell': 0, 'buy': 1, 'date': arrow.utcnow()}])
assert get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (True, False)
assert _ANALYZE.get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (True, False)
def test_get_signal_empty(default_conf, mocker, caplog):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=None)
assert (False, False) == get_signal('foo', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert tt.log_has('Empty ticker history for pair foo',
assert (False, False) == _ANALYZE.get_signal('foo', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert tt.log_has('Empty ticker history for pair foo', caplog.record_tuples)
def test_get_signal_exception_valueerror(default_conf, mocker, caplog):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=1)
assert (False, False) == get_signal('foo', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert (False, False) == _ANALYZE.get_signal('foo', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert tt.log_has('Unable to analyze ticker for pair foo: xyz',
@ -90,8 +123,13 @@ def test_get_signal_exception_valueerror(default_conf, mocker, caplog):
def test_get_signal_empty_dataframe(default_conf, mocker, caplog):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=1)
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.analyze_ticker', return_value=DataFrame([]))
assert (False, False) == get_signal('xyz', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert (False, False) == _ANALYZE.get_signal('xyz', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert tt.log_has('Empty dataframe for pair xyz',
@ -102,27 +140,36 @@ def test_get_signal_old_dataframe(default_conf, mocker, caplog):
# FIX: The get_signal function has hardcoded 10, which we must inturn hardcode
oldtime = arrow.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=11)
ticks = DataFrame([{'buy': 1, 'date': oldtime}])
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.analyze_ticker', return_value=DataFrame(ticks))
assert (False, False) == get_signal('xyz', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert (False, False) == _ANALYZE.get_signal('xyz', int(default_conf['ticker_interval']))
assert tt.log_has('Too old dataframe for pair xyz',
def test_get_signal_handles_exceptions(mocker):
mocker.patch('freqtrade.analyze.get_ticker_history', return_value=MagicMock())
side_effect=Exception('invalid ticker history '))
side_effect=Exception('invalid ticker history ')
assert get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, False)
assert _ANALYZE.get_signal('BTC-ETH', 5) == (False, False)
def test_parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history, ticker_history_without_bv):
columns = ['close', 'high', 'low', 'open', 'date', 'volume']
# Test file with BV data
dataframe = parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history)
dataframe = Analyze.parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history)
assert dataframe.columns.tolist() == columns
# Test file without BV data
dataframe = parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history_without_bv)
dataframe = Analyze.parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history_without_bv)
assert dataframe.columns.tolist() == columns