telegram: move the most important information to the top of sell message

This commit is contained in:
Eugene Schava 2021-06-01 20:08:22 +03:00
parent f920c26802
commit 53b1f38952
1 changed files with 14 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -211,23 +211,26 @@ class Telegram(RPCHandler):
msg['emoji'] = self._get_sell_emoji(msg)
message = ("{emoji} *{exchange}:* Selling {pair} (#{trade_id})\n"
"*Amount:* `{amount:.8f}`\n"
"*Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}`\n"
"*Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}`\n"
"*Close Rate:* `{limit:.8f}`\n"
"*Sell Reason:* `{sell_reason}`\n"
"*Duration:* `{duration} ({duration_min:.1f} min)`\n"
"*Profit:* `{profit_percent:.2f}%`").format(**msg)
# Check if all sell properties are available.
# This might not be the case if the message origin is triggered by /forcesell
if (all(prop in msg for prop in ['gain', 'fiat_currency', 'stake_currency'])
and self._rpc._fiat_converter):
msg['profit_fiat'] = self._rpc._fiat_converter.convert_amount(
msg['profit_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency'])
message += (' `({gain}: {profit_amount:.8f} {stake_currency}'
' / {profit_fiat:.3f} {fiat_currency})`').format(**msg)
msg['profit_extra'] = (' ({gain}: {profit_amount:.8f} {stake_currency}'
' / {profit_fiat:.3f} {fiat_currency})').format(**msg)
msg['profit_extra'] = ''
message = ("{emoji} *{exchange}:* Selling {pair} (#{trade_id})\n"
"*Profit:* `{profit_percent:.2f}%{profit_extra}`\n"
"*Sell Reason:* `{sell_reason}`\n"
"*Duration:* `{duration} ({duration_min:.1f} min)`\n"
"*Amount:* `{amount:.8f}`\n"
"*Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}`\n"
"*Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}`\n"
"*Close Rate:* `{limit:.8f}`").format(**msg)
return message
def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: