Further reorder exchange methods

This commit is contained in:
Matthias 2021-06-02 11:20:26 +02:00
parent 4c277b3039
commit 4e1425023e

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@ -911,6 +911,128 @@ class Exchange:
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e) from e
# Fee handling
def get_trades_for_order(self, order_id: str, pair: str, since: datetime) -> List:
Fetch Orders using the "fetch_my_trades" endpoint and filter them by order-id.
The "since" argument passed in is coming from the database and is in UTC,
as timezone-native datetime object.
From the python documentation:
> Naive datetime instances are assumed to represent local time
Therefore, calling "since.timestamp()" will get the UTC timestamp, after applying the
transformation from local timezone to UTC.
This works for timezones UTC+ since then the result will contain trades from a few hours
instead of from the last 5 seconds, however fails for UTC- timezones,
since we're then asking for trades with a "since" argument in the future.
:param order_id order_id: Order-id as given when creating the order
:param pair: Pair the order is for
:param since: datetime object of the order creation time. Assumes object is in UTC.
if self._config['dry_run']:
return []
if not self.exchange_has('fetchMyTrades'):
return []
# Allow 5s offset to catch slight time offsets (discovered in #1185)
# since needs to be int in milliseconds
my_trades = self._api.fetch_my_trades(
pair, int((since.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() - 5) * 1000))
matched_trades = [trade for trade in my_trades if trade['order'] == order_id]
return matched_trades
except ccxt.DDoSProtection as e:
raise DDosProtection(e) from e
except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.ExchangeError) as e:
raise TemporaryError(
f'Could not get trades due to {e.__class__.__name__}. Message: {e}') from e
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e) from e
def get_order_id_conditional(self, order: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
return order['id']
def get_fee(self, symbol: str, type: str = '', side: str = '', amount: float = 1,
price: float = 1, taker_or_maker: str = 'maker') -> float:
if self._config['dry_run'] and self._config.get('fee', None) is not None:
return self._config['fee']
# validate that markets are loaded before trying to get fee
if self._api.markets is None or len(self._api.markets) == 0:
return self._api.calculate_fee(symbol=symbol, type=type, side=side, amount=amount,
price=price, takerOrMaker=taker_or_maker)['rate']
except ccxt.DDoSProtection as e:
raise DDosProtection(e) from e
except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.ExchangeError) as e:
raise TemporaryError(
f'Could not get fee info due to {e.__class__.__name__}. Message: {e}') from e
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e) from e
def order_has_fee(order: Dict) -> bool:
Verifies if the passed in order dict has the needed keys to extract fees,
and that these keys (currency, cost) are not empty.
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
:return: True if the fee substructure contains currency and cost, false otherwise
if not isinstance(order, dict):
return False
return ('fee' in order and order['fee'] is not None
and (order['fee'].keys() >= {'currency', 'cost'})
and order['fee']['currency'] is not None
and order['fee']['cost'] is not None
def calculate_fee_rate(self, order: Dict) -> Optional[float]:
Calculate fee rate if it's not given by the exchange.
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
if order['fee'].get('rate') is not None:
return order['fee'].get('rate')
fee_curr = order['fee']['currency']
# Calculate fee based on order details
if fee_curr in self.get_pair_base_currency(order['symbol']):
# Base currency - divide by amount
return round(
order['fee']['cost'] / safe_value_fallback2(order, order, 'filled', 'amount'), 8)
elif fee_curr in self.get_pair_quote_currency(order['symbol']):
# Quote currency - divide by cost
return round(order['fee']['cost'] / order['cost'], 8) if order['cost'] else None
# If Fee currency is a different currency
if not order['cost']:
# If cost is None or 0.0 -> falsy, return None
return None
comb = self.get_valid_pair_combination(fee_curr, self._config['stake_currency'])
tick = self.fetch_ticker(comb)
fee_to_quote_rate = safe_value_fallback2(tick, tick, 'last', 'ask')
return round((order['fee']['cost'] * fee_to_quote_rate) / order['cost'], 8)
except ExchangeError:
return None
def extract_cost_curr_rate(self, order: Dict) -> Tuple[float, str, Optional[float]]:
Extract tuple of cost, currency, rate.
Requires order_has_fee to run first!
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
:return: Tuple with cost, currency, rate of the given fee dict
return (order['fee']['cost'],
# Historic data
def get_historic_ohlcv(self, pair: str, timeframe: str,
since_ms: int) -> List:
@ -1078,6 +1200,8 @@ class Exchange:
raise OperationalException(f'Could not fetch historical candle (OHLCV) data '
f'for pair {pair}. Message: {e}') from e
# Fetch historic trades
async def _async_fetch_trades(self, pair: str,
since: Optional[int] = None,
@ -1236,124 +1360,6 @@ class Exchange:
self._async_get_trade_history(pair=pair, since=since,
until=until, from_id=from_id))
def get_trades_for_order(self, order_id: str, pair: str, since: datetime) -> List:
Fetch Orders using the "fetch_my_trades" endpoint and filter them by order-id.
The "since" argument passed in is coming from the database and is in UTC,
as timezone-native datetime object.
From the python documentation:
> Naive datetime instances are assumed to represent local time
Therefore, calling "since.timestamp()" will get the UTC timestamp, after applying the
transformation from local timezone to UTC.
This works for timezones UTC+ since then the result will contain trades from a few hours
instead of from the last 5 seconds, however fails for UTC- timezones,
since we're then asking for trades with a "since" argument in the future.
:param order_id order_id: Order-id as given when creating the order
:param pair: Pair the order is for
:param since: datetime object of the order creation time. Assumes object is in UTC.
if self._config['dry_run']:
return []
if not self.exchange_has('fetchMyTrades'):
return []
# Allow 5s offset to catch slight time offsets (discovered in #1185)
# since needs to be int in milliseconds
my_trades = self._api.fetch_my_trades(
pair, int((since.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() - 5) * 1000))
matched_trades = [trade for trade in my_trades if trade['order'] == order_id]
return matched_trades
except ccxt.DDoSProtection as e:
raise DDosProtection(e) from e
except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.ExchangeError) as e:
raise TemporaryError(
f'Could not get trades due to {e.__class__.__name__}. Message: {e}') from e
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e) from e
def get_order_id_conditional(self, order: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
return order['id']
def get_fee(self, symbol: str, type: str = '', side: str = '', amount: float = 1,
price: float = 1, taker_or_maker: str = 'maker') -> float:
if self._config['dry_run'] and self._config.get('fee', None) is not None:
return self._config['fee']
# validate that markets are loaded before trying to get fee
if self._api.markets is None or len(self._api.markets) == 0:
return self._api.calculate_fee(symbol=symbol, type=type, side=side, amount=amount,
price=price, takerOrMaker=taker_or_maker)['rate']
except ccxt.DDoSProtection as e:
raise DDosProtection(e) from e
except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.ExchangeError) as e:
raise TemporaryError(
f'Could not get fee info due to {e.__class__.__name__}. Message: {e}') from e
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e) from e
def order_has_fee(order: Dict) -> bool:
Verifies if the passed in order dict has the needed keys to extract fees,
and that these keys (currency, cost) are not empty.
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
:return: True if the fee substructure contains currency and cost, false otherwise
if not isinstance(order, dict):
return False
return ('fee' in order and order['fee'] is not None
and (order['fee'].keys() >= {'currency', 'cost'})
and order['fee']['currency'] is not None
and order['fee']['cost'] is not None
def calculate_fee_rate(self, order: Dict) -> Optional[float]:
Calculate fee rate if it's not given by the exchange.
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
if order['fee'].get('rate') is not None:
return order['fee'].get('rate')
fee_curr = order['fee']['currency']
# Calculate fee based on order details
if fee_curr in self.get_pair_base_currency(order['symbol']):
# Base currency - divide by amount
return round(
order['fee']['cost'] / safe_value_fallback2(order, order, 'filled', 'amount'), 8)
elif fee_curr in self.get_pair_quote_currency(order['symbol']):
# Quote currency - divide by cost
return round(order['fee']['cost'] / order['cost'], 8) if order['cost'] else None
# If Fee currency is a different currency
if not order['cost']:
# If cost is None or 0.0 -> falsy, return None
return None
comb = self.get_valid_pair_combination(fee_curr, self._config['stake_currency'])
tick = self.fetch_ticker(comb)
fee_to_quote_rate = safe_value_fallback2(tick, tick, 'last', 'ask')
return round((order['fee']['cost'] * fee_to_quote_rate) / order['cost'], 8)
except ExchangeError:
return None
def extract_cost_curr_rate(self, order: Dict) -> Tuple[float, str, Optional[float]]:
Extract tuple of cost, currency, rate.
Requires order_has_fee to run first!
:param order: Order or trade (one trade) dict
:return: Tuple with cost, currency, rate of the given fee dict
return (order['fee']['cost'],
def is_exchange_known_ccxt(exchange_name: str, ccxt_module: CcxtModuleType = None) -> bool:
return exchange_name in ccxt_exchanges(ccxt_module)