Reorder and revamp the documentation
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
# Contribute to freqtrade
Feel like our bot is missing a feature? We welcome your pull requests! Few pointers for contributions:
- Create your PR against the `develop` branch, not `master`.
- New features need to contain unit tests and must be PEP8 conformant (max-line-length = 100).
- New features need to contain unit tests and must be PEP8
conformant (max-line-length = 100).
If you are unsure, discuss the feature on our [Slack](
or in a [issue]( before a PR.
Before sending the PR:
## Run unit tests
**Before sending the PR:**
All unit tests must pass. If a unit test is broken, change your code to make it pass. It means you have introduced a regression
## 1. Run unit tests
All unit tests must pass. If a unit test is broken, change your code to
make it pass. It means you have introduced a regression.
**Test the whole project**
@ -26,7 +31,8 @@ pytest freqtrade/tests/test_<file_name>.py
pytest freqtrade/tests/test_<file_name>.py::test_<method_name>
## Test if your code is PEP8 compliant
## 2. Test if your code is PEP8 compliant
**Install packages** (If not already installed)
pip3.6 install flake8 coveralls
@ -1,160 +1,132 @@
# freqtrade
Simple High frequency trading bot for crypto currencies.
Currently supports trading on Bittrex exchange.
Simple High frequency trading bot for crypto currencies designed to
support multi exchanges and be controlled via Telegram.
This software is for educational purposes only.
Don't risk money which you are afraid to lose.

The command interface is accessible via Telegram (not required).
Just register a new bot on
and enter the telegram `token` and your `chat_id` in `config.json`
## Disclaimer
This software is for educational purposes only. Do not risk money which
you are afraid to lose. Always start by running a trading bot in Dry-run and do not engage money
before you understand how it works and what profit/loss you should
Persistence is achieved through sqlite.
We strongly recommend you to have coding and Python knowledge. Do not
hesitate to read the source code and understand the mechanism of this bot.
### Telegram RPC commands:
* /start: Starts the trader
* /stop: Stops the trader
* /status [table]: Lists all open trades
* /count: Displays number of open trades
* /profit: Lists cumulative profit from all finished trades
* /forcesell <trade_id>|all: Instantly sells the given trade (Ignoring `minimum_roi`).
* /performance: Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair
* /balance: Show account balance per currency
* /daily <n>: Shows profit or loss per day, over the last n days
* /help: Show help message
* /version: Show version
## Table of Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- [Documentations](
- [Installation](
- [Support](#support)
- [Help](#help--slack)
- [Bugs](#bugs--issues)
- [Feature Requests](#feature-requests)
- [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
- [Bot commands](#bot-commands)
- [Telegram RPC commands](#telegram-rpc-commands)
- [Min hardware required](#min-hardware-required)
### Config
`minimal_roi` is a JSON object where the key is a duration
in minutes and the value is the minimum ROI in percent.
See the example below:
"minimal_roi": {
"40": 0.0, # Sell after 40 minutes if the profit is not negative
"30": 0.01, # Sell after 30 minutes if there is at least 1% profit
"20": 0.02, # Sell after 20 minutes if there is at least 2% profit
"0": 0.04 # Sell immediately if there is at least 4% profit
## Branches
The project is currently setup in two main branches:
- `develop` - This branch has often new features, but might also cause
breaking changes.
- `master` - This branch contains the latest stable release. The bot
'should' be stable on this branch, and is generally well tested.
`stoploss` is loss in percentage that should trigger a sale.
For example value `-0.10` will cause immediate sell if the
profit dips below -10% for a given trade. This parameter is optional.
## Features
- [x] **Based on Python**: For botting on any operating system -
Windows, macOS and Linux
- [x] **Persistence**: Persistence is achieved through sqlite
- [x] **Dry-run**: Run the bot without playing money.
- [x] **Backtesting**: Run a simulation of your buy/sell strategy.
- [x] **Strategy Optimization**: Optimize your buy/sell strategy
parameters with Hyperopts.
- [x] **Whitelist crypto-currencies**: Select which crypto-currency you
want to trade.
- [x] **Blacklist crypto-currencies**: Select which crypto-currency you
want to avoid.
- [x] **Manageable via Telegram**: Manage the bot with Telegram
- [x] **Display profit/loss in fiat**: Display your profit/loss in
33 fiat.
- [x] **Daily summary of profit/loss**: Provide a daily summary
of your profit/loss.
- [x] **Performance status report**: Provide a performance status of
your current trades.
`initial_state` is an optional field that defines the initial application state.
Possible values are `running` or `stopped`. (default=`running`)
If the value is `stopped` the bot has to be started with `/start` first.
### Exchange supported
- [x] Bittrex
- [ ] Binance
- [ ] Others
`ask_last_balance` sets the bidding price. Value `0.0` will use `ask` price, `1.0` will
use the `last` price and values between those interpolate between ask and last
price. Using `ask` price will guarantee quick success in bid, but bot will also
end up paying more then would probably have been necessary.
## Quick start
This quick start section is a very short explanation on how to test the
bot in dry-run. We invite you to read the
[bot documentation](
to ensure you understand how the bot is working.
`fiat_display_currency` set the fiat to use for the conversion form coin to
fiat in Telegram. The valid value are: "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF",
"CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS",
"INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN",
"RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR", "USD".
The following steps are made for Linux/MacOS environment
The other values should be self-explanatory,
if not feel free to raise a github issue.
### Prerequisites
* python3.6
* sqlite
* [TA-lib]( binaries
* Minimal (advised) system requirements: 2GB RAM, 1GB data, 2vCPU
### Install
#### Arch Linux
Use your favorite AUR helper and install `python-freqtrade-git`.
#### Manually
`master` branch contains the latest stable release.
`develop` branch has often new features, but might also cause breaking changes. To use it, you are encouraged to join our [slack channel](
$ cd freqtrade/
# copy example config. Dont forget to insert your api keys
$ cp config.json.example config.json
$ python -m venv .env
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
$ ./freqtrade/
There is also an [article]( about how to setup the bot (thanks [@gurghet](*
\* *Note:* that article was written for an earlier version, so it may be outdated
#### Docker
Building the image:
$ cd freqtrade
$ docker build -t freqtrade .
For security reasons, your configuration file will not be included in the
image, you will need to bind mount it. It is also advised to bind mount
a SQLite database file (see second example) to keep it between updates.
You can run a one-off container that is immediately deleted upon exiting with
the following command (config.json must be in the current working directory):
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json -it freqtrade
To run a restartable instance in the background (feel free to place your
configuration and database files wherever it feels comfortable on your
$ cd ~/.freq
$ touch tradesv3.sqlite
$ docker run -d \
--name freqtrade \
-v ~/.freq/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json \
-v ~/.freq/tradesv3.sqlite:/freqtrade/tradesv3.sqlite \
If you are using `dry_run=True` it's not necessary to mount `tradesv3.sqlite`.
You can then use the following commands to monitor and manage your container:
$ docker logs freqtrade
$ docker logs -f freqtrade
$ docker restart freqtrade
$ docker stop freqtrade
$ docker start freqtrade
You do not need to rebuild the image for configuration
changes, it will suffice to edit `config.json` and restart the container.
#### systemd service file
Copy `./freqtrade.service` to your systemd user directory (usually `~/.config/systemd/user`)
and update `WorkingDirectory` and `ExecStart` to match your setup.
After that you can start the daemon with:
**1. Clone the repo**
$ systemctl --user start freqtrade
git clone
git checkout develop
cd freqtrade
**2. Create the config file**
Switch `"dry_run": true,`
cp config.json.example config.json
vi config.json
**3. Build your docker image and run it**
docker build -t freqtrade .
docker run --rm -v `pwd`/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json -it freqtrade
### Usage
### Help / Slack
For any questions not covered by the documentation or for further
information about the bot, we encourage you to join our slack channel.
- [Click here to join Slack channel](
### [Bugs / Issues](
If you discover a bug in the bot, please
[search our issue tracker](
first. If it hasn't been reported, please
[create a new issue]( and
ensure you follow the template guide so that our team can assist you as
quickly as possible.
### [Feature Requests](
Have you a great idea to improve the bot you want to share? Please,
first search if this feature was not [already discussed](
If it hasn't been requested, please
[create a new request](
and ensure you follow the template guide so that it does not get lost
in the bug reports.
### [Pull Requests](
Feel like our bot is missing a feature? We welcome your pull requests!
Please read our
[Contributing document](
to understand the requirements before sending your pull-requests.
**Important:** Always create your PR against the `develop` branch, not
## Basic Usage
### Bot commands
usage: [-h] [-c PATH] [-v] [--version] [--dynamic-whitelist [INT]]
{backtesting,hyperopt} ...
@ -179,86 +151,30 @@ optional arguments:
"tradesv3.dry_run.sqlite" instead of memory DB. Work
only if dry_run is enabled.
More details on:
- [How to run the bot](
- [How to use Backtesting](
- [How to use Hyperopt](
#### Dynamic whitelist example
Per default `--dynamic-whitelist` will retrieve the 20 currencies based
on BaseVolume. This value can be changed when you run the script.
### Telegram RPC commands
Telegram is not mandatory. However, this is a great way to control your
bot. More details on our
**By Default**
Get the 20 currencies based on BaseVolume.
freqtrade --dynamic-whitelist
**Customize the number of currencies to retrieve**
Get the 30 currencies based on BaseVolume.
freqtrade --dynamic-whitelist 30
`--dynamic-whitelist` must be greater than 0. If you enter 0 or a
negative value (e.g -2), `--dynamic-whitelist` will use the default
value (20).
### Backtesting
Backtesting also uses the config specified via `-c/--config`.
usage: freqtrade backtesting [-h] [-l] [-i INT] [--realistic-simulation]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --live using live data
-i INT, --ticker-interval INT
specify ticker interval in minutes (default: 5)
uses max_open_trades from config to simulate real
world limitations
-r, --refresh-pairs-cached
refresh the pairs files in tests/testdata with
the latest data from Bittrex. Use it if you want
to run your backtesting with up-to-date data.
#### How to use --refresh-pairs-cached parameter?
The first time your run Backtesting, it will take the pairs your have
set in your config file and download data from Bittrex.
If for any reason you want to update your data set, you use
`--refresh-pairs-cached` to force Backtesting to update the data it has.
**Use it only if you want to update your data set. You will not be able
to come back to the previous version.**
To test your strategy with latest data, we recommend to continue using
the parameter `-l` or `--live`.
- `/start`: Starts the trader
- `/stop`: Stops the trader
- `/status [table]`: Lists all open trades
- `/count`: Displays number of open trades
- `/profit`: Lists cumulative profit from all finished trades
- `/forcesell <trade_id>|all`: Instantly sells the given trade
(Ignoring `minimum_roi`).
- `/performance`: Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair
- `/balance`: Show account balance per currency
- `/daily <n>`: Shows profit or loss per day, over the last n days
- `/help`: Show help message
- `/version`: Show version
### Hyperopt
It is possible to use hyperopt for trading strategy optimization.
Hyperopt uses an internal config named `OPTIMIZE_CONFIG` located in `freqtrade/optimize/`.
usage: freqtrade hyperopt [-h] [-e INT] [--use-mongodb]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e INT, --epochs INT specify number of epochs (default: 100)
--use-mongodb parallelize evaluations with mongodb (requires mongod
in PATH)
### Execute tests
$ pytest freqtrade
### Contributing
We welcome contributions. See our [contribution guide](
for more details.
## Min hardware required
To run this bot we recommend you a cloud instance with a minimum of:
* Minimal (advised) system requirements: 2GB RAM, 1GB disk space, 2vCPU
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# Bot Optimization
This page explains where to customize your strategies, validate their
performance by using Backtesting, and tuning them by finding the optimal
parameters with Hyperopt.
## Table of Contents
- [Change your strategy](#change-your-strategy)
- [Add more Indicator](#add-more-indicator)
- [Test your strategy with Backtesting](#test-your-strategy-with-backtesting)
- [Find optimal parameters with Hyperopt](#find-optimal-parameters-with-hyperopt)
- [Show your buy strategy on a graph](#show-your-buy-strategy-on-a-graph)
## Change your strategy
The bot is using buy and sell strategies to buy and sell your trades.
Both are customizable.
### Buy strategy
The default buy strategy is located in the file
Edit the function `populate_buy_trend()` to update your buy strategy.
def populate_buy_trend(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the buy signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
(dataframe['rsi'] < 35) &
(dataframe['fastd'] < 35) &
(dataframe['adx'] > 30) &
(dataframe['plus_di'] > 0.5)
) |
(dataframe['adx'] > 65) &
(dataframe['plus_di'] > 0.5)
'buy'] = 1
return dataframe
### Sell strategy
The default buy strategy is located in the file
Edit the function `populate_sell_trend()` to update your buy strategy.
def populate_sell_trend(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Based on TA indicators, populates the sell signal for the given dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with buy column
(crossed_above(dataframe['rsi'], 70)) |
(crossed_above(dataframe['fastd'], 70))
) &
(dataframe['adx'] > 10) &
(dataframe['minus_di'] > 0)
) |
(dataframe['adx'] > 70) &
(dataframe['minus_di'] > 0.5)
'sell'] = 1
return dataframe
## Add more Indicator
As you have seen, buy and sell strategies need indicators. You can see
the indicators in the file
Of course you can add more indicators by extending the list contained in
the function `populate_indicators()`.
def populate_indicators(dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Adds several different TA indicators to the given DataFrame
dataframe['sar'] = ta.SAR(dataframe)
dataframe['adx'] = ta.ADX(dataframe)
stoch = ta.STOCHF(dataframe)
dataframe['fastd'] = stoch['fastd']
dataframe['fastk'] = stoch['fastk']
dataframe['blower'] = ta.BBANDS(dataframe, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2)['lowerband']
dataframe['sma'] = ta.SMA(dataframe, timeperiod=40)
dataframe['tema'] = ta.TEMA(dataframe, timeperiod=9)
dataframe['mfi'] = ta.MFI(dataframe)
dataframe['rsi'] = ta.RSI(dataframe)
dataframe['ema5'] = ta.EMA(dataframe, timeperiod=5)
dataframe['ema10'] = ta.EMA(dataframe, timeperiod=10)
dataframe['ema50'] = ta.EMA(dataframe, timeperiod=50)
dataframe['ema100'] = ta.EMA(dataframe, timeperiod=100)
dataframe['ao'] = awesome_oscillator(dataframe)
macd = ta.MACD(dataframe)
dataframe['macd'] = macd['macd']
dataframe['macdsignal'] = macd['macdsignal']
dataframe['macdhist'] = macd['macdhist']
hilbert = ta.HT_SINE(dataframe)
dataframe['htsine'] = hilbert['sine']
dataframe['htleadsine'] = hilbert['leadsine']
dataframe['plus_dm'] = ta.PLUS_DM(dataframe)
dataframe['plus_di'] = ta.PLUS_DI(dataframe)
dataframe['minus_dm'] = ta.MINUS_DM(dataframe)
dataframe['minus_di'] = ta.MINUS_DI(dataframe)
return dataframe
## Test your strategy with Backtesting
Now you have good Buy and Sell strategies, you want to test it against
real data. This is what we call [backtesting](
Backtesting will use the crypto-currencies (pair) tickers located in
If the 5 min and 1 min ticker for the crypto-currencies to test is not
already in the `testdata` folder, backtesting will download them
automatically. Testdata files will not be updated until your specify it.
### Run a backtesting against the currencies listed in your config file
**With 5 min tickers (Per default)**
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json backtesting --realistic-simulation
**With 1 min tickers**
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json backtesting --realistic-simulation --ticker-interval 1
**Reload your testdata files**
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json backtesting --realistic-simulation --refresh-pairs-cached
**With live data (do not alter your testdata files)**
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json backtesting --realistic-simulation --live
## Find optimal parameters with Hyperopt
*To be completed, please feel free to complete this section.*
## Show your buy strategy on a graph
*To be completed, please feel free to complete this section.*
## Next step
Now you have a perfect bot and want to control it from Telegram. Your
next step is to learn [Telegram usage](
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# Bot usage
This page explains the difference parameters of the bot and how to run
## Table of Contents
- [Bot commands](#bot-commands)
- [Backtesting commands](#backtesting-commands)
- [Hyperopt commands](#hyperopt-commands)
## Bot commands
usage: [-h] [-c PATH] [-v] [--version] [--dynamic-whitelist [INT]]
{backtesting,hyperopt} ...
Simple High Frequency Trading Bot for crypto currencies
positional arguments:
backtesting backtesting module
hyperopt hyperopt module
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c PATH, --config PATH
specify configuration file (default: config.json)
-v, --verbose be verbose
--version show program's version number and exit
--dynamic-whitelist [INT]
dynamically generate and update whitelist based on 24h
BaseVolume (Default 20 currencies)
--dry-run-db Force dry run to use a local DB
"tradesv3.dry_run.sqlite" instead of memory DB. Work
only if dry_run is enabled.
### How to use a different config file?
The bot allows you to select which config file you want to use. Per
default, the bot will load the file `./config.json`
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c path/far/far/away/config.json
### How to use --dynamic-whitelist?
Per default `--dynamic-whitelist` will retrieve the 20 currencies based
on BaseVolume. This value can be changed when you run the script.
**By Default**
Get the 20 currencies based on BaseVolume.
python3 ./freqtrade/ --dynamic-whitelist
**Customize the number of currencies to retrieve**
Get the 30 currencies based on BaseVolume.
python3 ./freqtrade/ --dynamic-whitelist 30
`--dynamic-whitelist` must be greater than 0. If you enter 0 or a
negative value (e.g -2), `--dynamic-whitelist` will use the default
value (20).
### How to use --dry-run-db?
When you run the bot in Dry-run mode, per default no transactions are
stored in a database. If you want to store your bot actions in a DB
using `--dry-run-db`. This command will use a separate database file
python3 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json --dry-run-db
## Backtesting commands
Backtesting also uses the config specified via `-c/--config`.
usage: freqtrade backtesting [-h] [-l] [-i INT] [--realistic-simulation]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --live using live data
-i INT, --ticker-interval INT
specify ticker interval in minutes (default: 5)
uses max_open_trades from config to simulate real
world limitations
-r, --refresh-pairs-cached
refresh the pairs files in tests/testdata with
the latest data from Bittrex. Use it if you want
to run your backtesting with up-to-date data.
### How to use --refresh-pairs-cached parameter?
The first time your run Backtesting, it will take the pairs you have
set in your config file and download data from Bittrex.
If for any reason you want to update your data set, you use
`--refresh-pairs-cached` to force Backtesting to update the data it has.
**Use it only if you want to update your data set. You will not be able
to come back to the previous version.**
To test your strategy with latest data, we recommend continuing using
the parameter `-l` or `--live`.
## Hyperopt commands
It is possible to use hyperopt for trading strategy optimization.
Hyperopt uses an internal json config return by `hyperopt_optimize_conf()`
located in `freqtrade/optimize/`.
usage: freqtrade hyperopt [-h] [-e INT] [--use-mongodb]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e INT, --epochs INT specify number of epochs (default: 100)
--use-mongodb parallelize evaluations with mongodb (requires mongod
in PATH)
## A parameter missing in the configuration?
All parameters for ``, `backtesting`, `hyperopt` are referenced
in [](
## Next step
The optimal strategy of the bot will change with time depending of the
market trends. The next step is to
[optimize your bot](
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Configure the bot
This page explains how to configure your `config.json` file.
## Table of Contents
- [Bot commands](#bot-commands)
- [Backtesting commands](#backtesting-commands)
- [Hyperopt commands](#hyperopt-commands)
## Setup config.json
We recommend to copy and use the `config.json.example` as a template
for your bot configuration.
The table below will list all configuration parameters.
| Command | Default | Mandatory | Description |
| `max_open_trades` | 3 | Yes | Number of trades open your bot will have.
| `stake_currency` | BTC | Yes | Crypto-currency used for trading.
| `stake_amount` | 0.05 | Yes | Amount of crypto-currency your bot will use for each trade. Per default, the bot will use (0.05 BTC x 3) = 0.15 BTC in total will be always engaged.
| `fiat_display_currency` | USD | Yes | Fiat currency used to show your profits. More information below.
| `dry_run` | true | Yes | Define if the bot must be in Dry-run or production mode.
| `minimal_roi` | See below | Yes | Set the threshold in percent the bot will use to sell a trade. More information below.
| `stoploss` | -0.10 | No | Value of the stoploss in percent used by the bot. More information below.
| `bid_strategy.ask_last_balance` | 0.0 | Yes | Set the bidding price. More information below.
| `` | bittrex | Yes | Name of the exchange class to use.
| `exchange.key` | key | No | API key to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode.
| `exchange.secret` | secret | No | API secret to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode.
| `exchange.pair_whitelist` | [] | No | List of currency to use by the bot. Can be overrided with `--dynamic-whitelist` param.
| `exchange.pair_blacklist` | [] | No | List of currency the bot must avoid. Useful when using `--dynamic-whitelist` param.
| `experimental.use_sell_signal` | false | No | Use your sell strategy in addition of the `minimal_roi`.
| `telegram.enabled` | true | Yes | Enable or not the usage of Telegram.
| `telegram.token` | token | No | Your Telegram bot token. Only required is `enable` is `true`.
| `telegram.chat_id` | chat_id | No | Your personal Telegram account id. Only required is `enable` is `true`.
| `initial_state` | running | No | Defines the initial application state. More information below.
| `internals.process_throttle_secs` | 5 | Yes | Set the process throttle. Value in second.
The definition of each config parameters is in
### Understand minimal_roi
`minimal_roi` is a JSON object where the key is a duration
in minutes and the value is the minimum ROI in percent.
See the example below:
"minimal_roi": {
"40": 0.0, # Sell after 40 minutes if the profit is not negative
"30": 0.01, # Sell after 30 minutes if there is at least 1% profit
"20": 0.02, # Sell after 20 minutes if there is at least 2% profit
"0": 0.04 # Sell immediately if there is at least 4% profit
### Understand stoploss
`stoploss` is loss in percentage that should trigger a sale.
For example value `-0.10` will cause immediate sell if the
profit dips below -10% for a given trade. This parameter is optional.
### Understand initial_state
`initial_state` is an optional field that defines the initial application state.
Possible values are `running` or `stopped`. (default=`running`)
If the value is `stopped` the bot has to be started with `/start` first.
### Understand ask_last_balance
`ask_last_balance` sets the bidding price. Value `0.0` will use `ask` price, `1.0` will
use the `last` price and values between those interpolate between ask and last
price. Using `ask` price will guarantee quick success in bid, but bot will also
end up paying more then would probably have been necessary.
### What values for fiat_display_currency?
`fiat_display_currency` set the fiat to use for the conversion form coin to fiat in Telegram.
The valid value are: "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR", "USD".
## Switch to dry-run mode
We recommend starting the bot in dry-run mode to see how your bot will
behave and how is the performance of your strategy. In Dry-run mode the
bot does not engage your money. It only runs a live simulation without
creating trades.
### To switch your bot in Dry-run mode:
1. Edit your `config.json` file
2. Switch dry-run to true
"dry_run": true,
3. Remove your Bittrex API key (change them by fake api credentials)
"exchange": {
"name": "bittrex",
"key": "key",
"secret": "secret",
Once you will be happy with your bot performance, you can switch it to
production mode.
## Switch to production mode
In production mode, the bot will engage your money. Be careful a wrong
strategy can lose all your money. Be aware of what you are doing when
you run it in production mode.
### To switch your bot in production mode:
1. Edit your `config.json` file
2. Switch dry-run to false
"dry_run": false,
3. Insert your Bittrex API key (change them by fake api keys)
"exchange": {
"name": "bittrex",
"key": "af8ddd35195e9dc500b9a6f799f6f5c93d89193b",
"secret": "08a9dc6db3d7b53e1acebd9275677f4b0a04f1a5",
If you have not your Bittrex API key yet,
[see our tutorial](
## Next step
Now you have configured your config.json, the next step is to
[start your bot](
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# freqtrade FAQ
#### I have waited 5 minutes, why hasn't the bot made any trades yet?!
Depending on the buy strategy, the amount of whitelisted coins, the situation of the market etc, it can take up to hours to find good entry position for a trade. Be patient!
#### I have made 12 trades already, why is my total profit negative?!
I understand your disappointment but unfortunately 12 trades is just not enough to say anything. If you run backtesting, you can see that our current algorithm does leave you on the plus side, but that is after thousands of trades and even there, you will be left with losses on specific coins that you have traded tens if not hundreds of times. We of course constantly aim to improve the bot but it will _always_ be a gamble, which should leave you with modest wins on monthly basis but you can't say much from few trades.
#### I’d like to change the stake amount. Can I just stop the bot with /stop and then change the config.json and run it again?
Not quite. Trades are persisted to a database but the configuration is currently only read when the bot is killed and restarted. `/stop` more like pauses. You can stop your bot, adjust settings and start it again.
#### I want to improve the bot with a new strategy
That's great. We have a nice backtesting and hyperoptimizing setup. See the tutorial [[here|Testing-new-strategies-with-Hyperopt]].
#### Is there a setting to only SELL the coins being held and not perform anymore BUYS?
You can use the `/forcesell all` command from Telegram.
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# freqtrade documentation
Welcome to freqtrade documentation. Please feel free to contribute to
this documentation if you see it became outdated by sending us a
Pull-request. Do not hesitate to reach us on
if you do not find the answer to your questions.
## Table of Contents
- [Pre-requisite](
- [Setup your Bittrex account](
- [Setup your Telegram bot](
- [Bot Installation](
- [Install with Docker (all platforms)](
- [Install on Linux Ubuntu](
- [Install on MacOS](
- [Install on Windows](
- [Bot Configuration](
- [Bot usage (Start your bot)](
- [Bot commands](
- [Backtesting commands](
- [Hyperopt commands](
- [Bot Optimization](
- [Change your strategy](
- [Add more Indicator](
- [Test your strategy with Backtesting](
- [Find optimal parameters with Hyperopt](
- [Show your buy strategy on a graph](
- [Control the bot with telegram](
- [Contribute to the project](
- [How to contribute](
- [Run tests & Check PEP8 compliance](
- [FAQ](
- [SQL cheatsheet](
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# Install the bot
This page explains how to prepare your environment for running the bot.
To understand how to set up the bot please read the Bot
[Bot configuration](
## Table of Contents
- [Docker Automatic Installation](#docker)
- [Linux or Mac manual Installation](#linux--mac)
- [Linux - Ubuntu 16.04](#21-linux---ubuntu-1604)
- [Linux - Other distro](#22-linux---other-distro)
- [MacOS installation](#23-macos-installation)
- [Advanced Linux ](#advanced-linux)
- [Windows manual Installation](#windows)
# Docker
## Easy installation
Start by downloading Docker for your platform:
- [Mac](
- [Windows](
- [Linux](
Once you have Docker installed, simply create the config file
(e.g. `config.json`) and then create a Docker image for `freqtrade`
using the Dockerfile in this repo.
### 1. Prepare the bot
1. Clone the git
git clone
2. (Optional) Checkout the develop branch
git checkout develop
3. Go into the new directory
cd freqtrade
4. Copy `config.sample` to `config.json`
cp config.json.example config.json
To edit the config please refer to the [Bot Configuration]( page
5. Create your DB file
# For Production
touch tradesv3.sqlite
# For Dry-run
touch tradesv3.dryrun.sqlite
### 2. Build the docker image
cd freqtrade
docker build -t freqtrade .
For security reasons, your configuration file will not be included in the
image, you will need to bind mount it. It is also advised to bind mount
a sqlite database file (see the "5. Run a restartable docker image"
section) to keep it between updates.
### 3. Verify the docker image
After build process you can verify that the image was created with:
docker images
### 4. Run the docker image
You can run a one-off container that is immediately deleted upon exiting with
the following command (config.json must be in the current working directory):
docker run --rm -v `pwd`/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json -it freqtrade
In this example, the database will be created inside the docker instance
and will be lost when you will refresh your image.
### 5. Run a restartable docker image
To run a restartable instance in the background (feel free to place your
configuration and database files wherever it feels comfortable on your
**5.1. Move your config file and database**
mkdir ~/.freqtrade
mv config.json ~/.freqtrade
mv tradesv3.sqlite ~/.freqtrade
**5.2. Run the docker image**
docker run -d \
--name freqtrade \
-v ~/.freqtrade/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json \
-v ~/.freqtrade/tradesv3.sqlite:/freqtrade/tradesv3.sqlite \
If you are using `dry_run=True` it's not necessary to mount
`tradesv3.sqlite`, but you can mount `tradesv3.dryrun.sqlite` if you
plan to use the dry run mode with the param `--dry-run-db`.
### 6. Monitor your Docker instance
You can then use the following commands to monitor and manage your container:
docker logs freqtrade
docker logs -f freqtrade
docker restart freqtrade
docker stop freqtrade
docker start freqtrade
You do not need to rebuild the image for configuration changes, it will
suffice to edit `config.json` and restart the container.
# Linux / MacOS
## 1. Requirements
Click each one for install guide:
- [Python 3.6.x](,
note the bot was not tested on Python >= 3.7.x
- [pip](
- [git](
- [virtualenv]( (Recommended)
- [TA-Lib](
## 2. First install required packages
This bot require Python 3.6 and TA-LIB
### 2.1 Linux - Ubuntu 16.04
**2.1.1. Install Python 3.6, Git, and wget**
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-venv build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config make wget git
**2.1.2. Install TA-LIB**
Official webpage:
tar xvzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz
cd ta-lib
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
cd ..
rm -rf ./ta-lib*
**2.1.3. [Optional] Install MongoDB**
Install MongoDB if you plan to optimize your strategy with Hyperopt.
sudo apt-get install mongodb-org
Complete tutorial on [Digital Ocean: How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04](
### 2.2. Linux - Other distro
If you are on a different Linux OS you maybe have to adapt things like:
- package manager (for example yum instead of apt-get)
- package names
### 2.3. MacOS installation
**2.3.1. Install git and wget**
brew install wget git
**2.3.2. Install Python 3.6**
- [Python 3.6 MacOS offical page](
**2.3.3. [Optional] Install MongoDB**
Install MongoDB if you plan to optimize your strategy with Hyperopt.
curl -O
tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-ssl-x86_64-3.4.10.tgz
mkdir -p <path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb
cp -R -n mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.10/ <path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb
export PATH=<path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb/bin:$PATH
## 3. Clone the repo
The following steps are made for Linux/mac environment
1. Clone the git `git clone`
2. (Optional) Checkout the develop branch `git checkout develop`
## 4. Prepare the bot
cd freqtrade
cp config.json.example config.json
To edit the config please refer to [Bot Configuration](
## 5. Setup your virtual env
python3.6 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
pip3.6 install -e .
pip3.6 install hyperopt
## 6. Run the bot
If this is the first time you run the bot, ensure you are running it
in Dry-run `"dry_run": true,` otherwise it will start to buy and sell coins.
python3.6 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json
### Advanced Linux
**systemd service file**
Copy `./freqtrade.service` to your systemd user directory (usually `~/.config/systemd/user`)
and update `WorkingDirectory` and `ExecStart` to match your setup.
After that you can start the daemon with:
systemctl --user start freqtrade
# Windows
We do recommend Windows users to use [Docker](#docker) this will work
much easier and smoother (also safer).
#copy paste config.json to \path\freqtrade-develop\freqtrade
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
>python -m venv .env
>cd .env\Scripts
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
>pip install -r requirements.txt
>pip install -e .
>cd freqtrade
*Thanks [Owdr]( for the commands. Source: [Issue #222](*
## Next step
Now you have an environment ready, the next step is to
[configure your bot](
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# Pre-requisite
Before running your bot in production you will need to setup few
external API. In production mode, the bot required valid Bittrex API
credentials and a Telegram bot (optional but recommended).
## Table of Contents
- [Setup your Bittrex account](#setup-your-bittrex-account)
- [Backtesting commands](#setup-your-telegram-bot)
## Setup your Bittrex account
*To be completed, please feel free to complete this section.*
## Setup your Telegram bot
The only things you need is a working Telegram bot and its API token.
Below we explain how to create your Telegram Bot, and how to get your
Telegram user id.
### 1. Create your instagram bot
**1.1. Start a chat with**
**1.2. Send the message** `/newbot`
*BotFather response:*
Alright, a new bot. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for your bot.
**1.3. Choose the public name of your bot (e.g "`Freqtrade bot`")**
*BotFather response:*
Good. Now let's choose a username for your bot. It must end in `bot`. Like this, for example: TetrisBot or tetris_bot.
**1.4. Choose the name id of your bot (e.g "`My_own_freqtrade_bot`")**
**1.5. Father bot will return you the token (API key)**
Copy it and keep it you will use it for the config parameter `token`.
*BotFather response:*
Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this.
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
For a description of the Bot API, see this page:
### 2. Get your user id
**2.1. Talk to**
**2.2. Get your "Id", you will use it for the config parameter
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# SQL Helper
This page constains some help if you want to edit your sqlite db.
## Install sqlite3
**Ubuntu/Debian installation**
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
## Open the DB
.open <filepath>
## Table structure
### List tables
### Display table structure
.schema <table_name>
### Trade table structure
open_rate FLOAT,
close_rate FLOAT,
close_profit FLOAT,
stake_amount FLOAT NOT NULL,
amount FLOAT,
close_date DATETIME,
open_order_id VARCHAR,
CHECK (is_open IN (0, 1))
## Get all trades in the table
SELECT * FROM trades;
## Fix trade still open after a /forcesell
UPDATE trades
SET is_open=0, close_date=<close_date>, close_rate=<close_rate>, close_profit=close_rate/open_rate
WHERE id=<trade_ID_to_update>;
UPDATE trades
SET is_open=0, close_date='2017-12-20 03:08:45.103418', close_rate=0.19638016, close_profit=0.0496
WHERE id=31;
## Fix wrong fees in the table
If your DB was created before
[PR#200]( was merged
(before 12/23/17).
UPDATE trades SET fee=0.0025 WHERE fee=0.005;
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# Telegram usage
This page explains how to command your bot with Telegram.
## Pre-requisite
To control your bot with Telegram, you need first to
[set up a Telegram bot](
and add your Telegram API keys into your config file.
## Telegram commands
Per default, the Telegram bot shows predefined commands. Some commands
are only available by sending them to the bot. The table below list the
official commands. You can ask at any moment for help with `/help`.
| Command | Default | Description |
| `/start` | | Starts the trader
| `/stop` | | Starts the trader
| `/status` | | Lists all open trades
| `/status table` | | List all open trades in a table format
| `/count` | | Displays number of trades used and available
| `/profit` | | Display a summary of your profit/loss from close trades and some stats about your performance
| `/forcesell <trade_id>` | | Instantly sells the given trade (Ignoring `minimum_roi`).
| `/forcesell all` | | Instantly sells all open trades (Ignoring `minimum_roi`).
| `/performance` | | Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair
| `/balance` | | Show account balance per currency
| `/daily <n>` | 7 | Shows profit or loss per day, over the last n days
| `/help` | | Show help message
| `/version` | | Show version
## Telegram commands in action
Below, example of Telegram message you will receive for each command.
### /start
> **Status:** `running`
### /stop
> `Stopping trader ...`
> **Status:** `stopped`
## /status
For each open trade, the bot will send you the following message.
> **Trade ID:** `123`
> **Current Pair:** BTC_CVC
> **Open Since:** `1 days ago`
> **Amount:** `26.64180098`
> **Open Rate:** `0.00007489`
> **Close Rate:** `None`
> **Current Rate:** `0.00007489`
> **Close Profit:** `None`
> **Current Profit:** `12.95%`
> **Open Order:** `None`
## /status table
Return the status of all open trades in a table format.
ID Pair Since Profit
---- -------- ------- --------
67 BTC_SC 1 d 13.33%
123 BTC_CVC 1 h 12.95%
## /count
Return the number of trades used and available.
current max
--------- -----
2 10
## /profit
Return a summary of your profit/loss and performance.
> **ROI:** Close trades
> ∙ `0.00485701 BTC (258.45%)`
> ∙ `62.968 USD`
> **ROI:** All trades
> ∙ `0.00255280 BTC (143.43%)`
> ∙ `33.095 EUR`
> **Total Trade Count:** `138`
> **First Trade opened:** `3 days ago`
> **Latest Trade opened:** `2 minutes ago`
> **Avg. Duration:** `2:33:45`
> **Best Performing:** `BTC_PAY: 50.23%`
## /forcesell <trade_id>
> **BITTREX:** Selling BTC/LTC with limit `0.01650000 (profit: ~-4.07%, -0.00008168)`
## /performance
Return the performance of each crypto-currency the bot has sold.
> Performance:
> 1. `BTC_RCN 57.77%`
> 2. `BTC_PAY 56.91%`
> 3. `BTC_VIB 47.07%`
> 4. `BTC_SALT 30.24%`
> 5. `BTC_STORJ 27.24%`
> ...
## /balance
Return the balance of all crypto-currency your have on the exchange.
> **Currency:** BTC
> **Available:** 3.05890234
> **Balance:** 3.05890234
> **Pending:** 0.0
> **Currency:** CVC
> **Available:** 86.64180098
> **Balance:** 86.64180098
> **Pending:** 0.0
## /daily <n>
Per default `/daily` will return the 7 last days.
The example below if for `/daily 3`:
> **Daily Profit over the last 3 days:**
Day Profit BTC Profit USD
---------- -------------- ------------
2018-01-03 0.00224175 BTC 29,142 USD
2018-01-02 0.00033131 BTC 4,307 USD
2018-01-01 0.00269130 BTC 34.986 USD
## /version
> **Version:** `0.14.3`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user