test_get_liquidation_price/test_get_maintenance_ratio_and_amt_binance/fill_leverage_brackets/test_validate_trading_mode_and_collateral TODO comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class Binance(Exchange):
for [notional_floor, mm_ratio] in brkts:
amt = (
(float(notional_floor) * (float(mm_ratio)) - float(old_ratio))
(float(notional_floor) * (float(mm_ratio) - float(old_ratio)))
) + amt
) if old_ratio else 0.0
old_ratio = mm_ratio
@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ def test__ccxt_config(default_conf, mocker, trading_mode, collateral, config):
("BNB/BUSD", 0.0, 0.025, 0),
("BNB/USDT", 100.0, 0.0065, 0),
("BTC/USDT", 170.30, 0.004, 0),
("BNB/BUSD", 999999.9, 0.1, 0),
("BNB/USDT", 5000000.0, 0.5, 0),
("BTC/USDT", 300000000.1, 0.5, 0),
("BNB/BUSD", 999999.9, 0.1, 27500.0),
("BNB/USDT", 5000000.0, 0.15, 233034.99999999994),
("BTC/USDT", 300000000.1, 0.5, 99891300.0),
def test_get_maintenance_ratio_and_amt_binance(
@ -411,29 +411,30 @@ def test_get_maintenance_ratio_and_amt_binance(
exchange = get_patched_exchange(mocker, default_conf, id="binance")
exchange._leverage_brackets = {
'BNB/BUSD': [[0.0, 0.025],
[100000.0, 0.05],
[500000.0, 0.1],
[1000000.0, 0.15],
[2000000.0, 0.25],
[5000000.0, 0.5]],
'BNB/USDT': [[0.0, 0.0065],
[10000.0, 0.01],
[50000.0, 0.02],
[250000.0, 0.05],
[1000000.0, 0.1],
[2000000.0, 0.125],
[5000000.0, 0.15],
[10000000.0, 0.25]],
'BTC/USDT': [[0.0, 0.004],
[50000.0, 0.005],
[250000.0, 0.01],
[1000000.0, 0.025],
[5000000.0, 0.05],
[20000000.0, 0.1],
[50000000.0, 0.125],
[100000000.0, 0.15],
[200000000.0, 0.25],
[300000000.0, 0.5]],
'BNB/BUSD': [[0.0, 0.025, 0.0],
[100000.0, 0.05, 2500.0],
[500000.0, 0.1, 27500.0],
[1000000.0, 0.15, 77499.99999999999],
[2000000.0, 0.25, 277500.0],
[5000000.0, 0.5, 1527500.0]],
'BNB/USDT': [[0.0, 0.0065, 0.0],
[10000.0, 0.01, 35.00000000000001],
[50000.0, 0.02, 535.0],
[250000.0, 0.05, 8035.000000000001],
[1000000.0, 0.1, 58035.0],
[2000000.0, 0.125, 108034.99999999999],
[5000000.0, 0.15, 233034.99999999994],
[10000000.0, 0.25, 1233035.0]],
'BTC/USDT': [[0.0, 0.004, 0.0],
[50000.0, 0.005, 50.0],
[250000.0, 0.01, 1300.0],
[1000000.0, 0.025, 16300.000000000002],
[5000000.0, 0.05, 141300.0],
[20000000.0, 0.1, 1141300.0],
[50000000.0, 0.125, 2391300.0],
[100000000.0, 0.15, 4891300.0],
[200000000.0, 0.25, 24891300.0],
[300000000.0, 0.5, 99891300.0]
assert exchange.get_maintenance_ratio_and_amt(pair, nominal_value) == (mm_ratio, amt)
@ -3438,8 +3438,18 @@ def test_set_margin_mode(mocker, default_conf, collateral):
("bittrex", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, True),
("bittrex", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, True),
("gateio", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.ISOLATED, True),
("okex", TradingMode.SPOT, None, False),
("okex", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, True),
("okex", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.ISOLATED, True),
("okex", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, True),
# TODO-lev: Remove once implemented
("binance", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, False),
("gateio", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, False),
# ("okex", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, False), # TODO-lev: uncomment once impleme
("okex", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, True), # TODO-lev: remove once implemented
# * Remove once implemented
("binance", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, True),
("binance", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, True),
("kraken", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, True),
@ -3449,17 +3459,15 @@ def test_set_margin_mode(mocker, default_conf, collateral):
("gateio", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, True),
("gateio", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, True),
# TODO-lev: Uncomment once implemented
# * Uncomment once implemented
# ("binance", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("binance", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, False),
("binance", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, False),
# ("kraken", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("kraken", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("ftx", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("ftx", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("gateio", TradingMode.MARGIN, Collateral.CROSS, False),
# ("gateio", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.CROSS, False),
("gateio", TradingMode.FUTURES, Collateral.ISOLATED, False),
def test_validate_trading_mode_and_collateral(
@ -3583,36 +3591,39 @@ def test_calculate_funding_fees(
def test_get_liquidation_price(mocker, default_conf):
api_mock = MagicMock()
api_mock.fetch_positions = MagicMock(return_value=[{
'info': {},
'symbol': 'NEAR/USDT:USDT',
'timestamp': 1642164737148,
'datetime': '2022-01-14T12:52:17.148Z',
'initialMargin': 1.51072,
'initialMarginPercentage': 0.1,
'maintenanceMargin': 0.38916147,
'maintenanceMarginPercentage': 0.025,
'entryPrice': 18.884,
'notional': 15.1072,
'leverage': 9.97,
'unrealizedPnl': 0.0048,
'contracts': 8,
'contractSize': 0.1,
'marginRatio': None,
'liquidationPrice': 17.47,
'markPrice': 18.89,
'collateral': 1.52549075,
'marginType': 'isolated',
'side': 'buy',
'percentage': 0.003177292946409658
positions = [
'info': {},
'symbol': 'NEAR/USDT:USDT',
'timestamp': 1642164737148,
'datetime': '2022-01-14T12:52:17.148Z',
'initialMargin': 1.51072,
'initialMarginPercentage': 0.1,
'maintenanceMargin': 0.38916147,
'maintenanceMarginPercentage': 0.025,
'entryPrice': 18.884,
'notional': 15.1072,
'leverage': 9.97,
'unrealizedPnl': 0.0048,
'contracts': 8,
'contractSize': 0.1,
'marginRatio': None,
'liquidationPrice': 17.47,
'markPrice': 18.89,
'collateral': 1.52549075,
'marginType': 'isolated',
'side': 'buy',
'percentage': 0.003177292946409658
api_mock.fetch_positions = MagicMock(return_value=positions)
default_conf['dry_run'] = False
exchange = get_patched_exchange(mocker, default_conf)
exchange = get_patched_exchange(mocker, default_conf, api_mock)
liq_price = exchange.get_liquidation_price('NEAR/USDT:USDT')
assert liq_price == 17.47
@ -708,10 +708,10 @@ def test_process_informative_pairs_added(default_conf_usdt, ticker_usdt, mocker)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_short,trading_mode,exchange_name,margin_mode,liq_price", [
(False, 'spot', 'binance', '', None),
(True, 'spot', 'binance', '', None),
(False, 'spot', 'gateio', '', None),
(True, 'spot', 'gateio', '', None),
(False, 'spot', 'binance', None, None),
(True, 'spot', 'binance', None, None),
(False, 'spot', 'gateio', None, None),
(True, 'spot', 'gateio', None, None),
(True, 'futures', 'binance', 'isolated', 13.217821782178218),
(False, 'futures', 'binance', 'isolated', 6.717171717171718),
(True, 'futures', 'gateio', 'isolated', 13.198706526760379),
@ -745,7 +745,8 @@ def test_execute_entry(mocker, default_conf_usdt, fee, limit_order,
order = limit_order[enter_side(is_short)]
default_conf_usdt['trading_mode'] = trading_mode
leverage = 1.0 if trading_mode == 'spot' else 5.0
default_conf_usdt['collateral'] = margin_mode
if margin_mode:
default_conf_usdt['collateral'] = margin_mode
freqtrade = FreqtradeBot(default_conf_usdt)
@ -4832,16 +4833,16 @@ def test_update_funding_fees(
nominal_value = mark_price * size
funding_fee = nominal_value * funding_rate
size = 123
time: 0, mark: 3.3, fundRate: 0.00032583, nominal_value: 405.9, fundFee: 0.132254397
time: 8, mark: 3.2, fundRate: 0.00024472, nominal_value: 393.6, fundFee: 0.096321792
time: 0, mark: 2.4, fundRate: 0.0001, nominal_value: 295.2, fundFee: 0.02952
time: 8, mark: 2.5, fundRate: 0.0001, nominal_value: 307.5, fundFee: 0.03075
time: 0, mark: 4.3, fundRate: 0.00031077, nominal_value: 528.9, fundFee: 0.164366253
time: 8, mark: 4.1, fundRate: 0.00022655, nominal_value: 504.3, fundFee: 0.114249165
time: 0, mark: 1.2, fundRate: 0.00049426, nominal_value: 147.6, fundFee: 0.072952776
time: 8, mark: 1.2, fundRate: 0.00032715, nominal_value: 147.6, fundFee: 0.04828734
@ -4865,19 +4866,19 @@ def test_update_funding_fees(
# 16:00 entry is actually never used
# But should be kept in the test to ensure we're filtering correctly.
funding_rates = {
[date_midnight, 0.00032583, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 0.00024472, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_sixteen, 0.00024472, 0, 0, 0, 0],
], columns=columns),
[date_midnight, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_sixteen, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0],
], columns=columns),
[date_midnight, 0.00049426, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 0.00032715, 0, 0, 0, 0],
@ -4886,19 +4887,19 @@ def test_update_funding_fees(
mark_prices = {
[date_midnight, 3.3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 3.2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_sixteen, 3.2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
], columns=columns),
[date_midnight, 2.4, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_sixteen, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0],
], columns=columns),
[date_midnight, 1.2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[date_eight, 1.2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
@ -4935,9 +4936,9 @@ def test_update_funding_fees(
freqtrade = get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, default_conf)
# initial funding fees,
freqtrade.execute_entry('ETH/BTC', 123, is_short=is_short)
freqtrade.execute_entry('LTC/BTC', 2.0, is_short=is_short)
freqtrade.execute_entry('XRP/BTC', 123, is_short=is_short)
freqtrade.execute_entry('ETH/USDT', 123, is_short=is_short)
freqtrade.execute_entry('LTC/USDT', 2.0, is_short=is_short)
freqtrade.execute_entry('XRP/USDT', 123, is_short=is_short)
multipl = 1 if is_short else -1
trades = Trade.get_open_trades()
assert len(trades) == 3
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