qtpylib/indicators.py updated

This commit is contained in:
hroff-1902 2019-05-03 16:48:07 +03:00
parent 269699988b
commit 1be4c59481

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@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
# QTPyLib: Quantitative Trading Python Library
# https://github.com/ranaroussi/qtpylib
# Copyright 2016 Ran Aroussi
# Copyright 2016-2018 Ran Aroussi
# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, v3.0 (the "License");
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import warnings
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
@ -62,19 +62,20 @@ def numpy_rolling_series(func):
def numpy_rolling_mean(data, window, as_source=False):
return np.mean(numpy_rolling_window(data, window), -1)
return np.mean(numpy_rolling_window(data, window), axis=-1)
def numpy_rolling_std(data, window, as_source=False):
return np.std(numpy_rolling_window(data, window), -1)
return np.std(numpy_rolling_window(data, window), axis=-1, ddof=1)
# ---------------------------------------------
def session(df, start='17:00', end='16:00'):
""" remove previous globex day from df """
if len(df) == 0:
if df.empty:
return df
# get start/end/now as decimals
@ -103,47 +104,50 @@ def session(df, start='17:00', end='16:00'):
return df.copy()
# ---------------------------------------------
def heikinashi(bars):
bars = bars.copy()
bars['ha_close'] = (bars['open'] + bars['high'] +
bars['low'] + bars['close']) / 4
bars['ha_open'] = (bars['open'].shift(1) + bars['close'].shift(1)) / 2
bars.loc[:1, 'ha_open'] = bars['open'].values[0]
for x in range(2):
bars.loc[1:, 'ha_open'] = (
(bars['ha_open'].shift(1) + bars['ha_close'].shift(1)) / 2)[1:]
# ha open
bars.loc[:1, 'ha_open'] = (bars['open'] + bars['close']) / 2
prev_open = bars[:1]['ha_open'].values[0]
for idx, _ in bars[1:][['ha_open', 'ha_close']].iterrows():
loc = bars.index.get_loc(idx)
prev_open = (prev_open + bars['ha_close'].values[loc - 1]) / 2
bars.loc[loc:loc + 1, 'ha_open'] = prev_open
bars['ha_high'] = bars.loc[:, ['high', 'ha_open', 'ha_close']].max(axis=1)
bars['ha_low'] = bars.loc[:, ['low', 'ha_open', 'ha_close']].min(axis=1)
return pd.DataFrame(
'open': bars['ha_open'],
'high': bars['ha_high'],
'low': bars['ha_low'],
'close': bars['ha_close']})
return pd.DataFrame(index=bars.index,
data={'open': bars['ha_open'],
'high': bars['ha_high'],
'low': bars['ha_low'],
'close': bars['ha_close']})
# ---------------------------------------------
def tdi(series, rsi_len=13, bollinger_len=34, rsi_smoothing=2,
rsi_signal_len=7, bollinger_std=1.6185):
rsi_series = rsi(series, rsi_len)
bb_series = bollinger_bands(rsi_series, bollinger_len, bollinger_std)
signal = sma(rsi_series, rsi_signal_len)
rsi_series = sma(rsi_series, rsi_smoothing)
def tdi(series, rsi_lookback=13, rsi_smooth_len=2,
rsi_signal_len=7, bb_lookback=34, bb_std=1.6185):
rsi_data = rsi(series, rsi_lookback)
rsi_smooth = sma(rsi_data, rsi_smooth_len)
rsi_signal = sma(rsi_data, rsi_signal_len)
bb_series = bollinger_bands(rsi_data, bb_lookback, bb_std)
return pd.DataFrame(index=series.index, data={
"rsi": rsi_series,
"signal": signal,
"bbupper": bb_series['upper'],
"bblower": bb_series['lower'],
"bbmid": bb_series['mid']
"rsi": rsi_data,
"rsi_signal": rsi_signal,
"rsi_smooth": rsi_smooth,
"rsi_bb_upper": bb_series['upper'],
"rsi_bb_lower": bb_series['lower'],
"rsi_bb_mid": bb_series['mid']
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -163,8 +167,8 @@ def awesome_oscillator(df, weighted=False, fast=5, slow=34):
# ---------------------------------------------
def nans(len=1):
mtx = np.empty(len)
def nans(length=1):
mtx = np.empty(length)
mtx[:] = np.nan
return mtx
@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ def crossed(series1, series2, direction=None):
if isinstance(series1, np.ndarray):
series1 = pd.Series(series1)
if isinstance(series2, int) or isinstance(series2, float) or isinstance(series2, np.ndarray):
if isinstance(series2, (float, int, np.ndarray)):
series2 = pd.Series(index=series1.index, data=series2)
if direction is None or direction == "above":
@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ def rolling_std(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
return series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).std()
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
return pd.Series(series).rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).std()
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -269,7 +273,7 @@ def rolling_mean(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
return series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).mean()
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
return pd.Series(series).rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).mean()
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ def rolling_min(series, window=14, min_periods=None):
min_periods = window if min_periods is None else min_periods
return series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).min()
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
return pd.Series(series).rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).min()
@ -289,7 +293,7 @@ def rolling_max(series, window=14, min_periods=None):
min_periods = window if min_periods is None else min_periods
return series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).min()
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
return pd.Series(series).rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).min()
@ -299,16 +303,17 @@ def rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
min_periods = window if min_periods is None else min_periods
return series.ewm(span=window, min_periods=min_periods).mean()
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
return pd.ewma(series, span=window, min_periods=min_periods)
# ---------------------------------------------
def hull_moving_average(series, window=200):
wma = (2 * rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=window / 2)) - \
rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=window)
return rolling_weighted_mean(wma, window=np.sqrt(window))
def hull_moving_average(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
min_periods = window if min_periods is None else min_periods
ma = (2 * rolling_weighted_mean(series, window / 2, min_periods)) - \
rolling_weighted_mean(series, window, min_periods)
return rolling_weighted_mean(ma, np.sqrt(window), min_periods)
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -325,8 +330,8 @@ def wma(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
# ---------------------------------------------
def hma(series, window=200):
return hull_moving_average(series, window=window)
def hma(series, window=200, min_periods=None):
return hull_moving_average(series, window=window, min_periods=min_periods)
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -361,7 +366,7 @@ def rolling_vwap(bars, window=200, min_periods=None):
right = volume.rolling(window=window, min_periods=min_periods).sum()
return pd.Series(index=bars.index, data=(left / right))
return pd.Series(index=bars.index, data=(left / right)).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN')).ffill()
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -370,6 +375,7 @@ def rsi(series, window=14):
compute the n period relative strength indicator
# 100-(100/relative_strength)
deltas = np.diff(series)
seed = deltas[:window + 1]
@ -406,13 +412,13 @@ def macd(series, fast=3, slow=10, smooth=16):
using a fast and slow exponential moving avg'
return value is emaslow, emafast, macd which are len(x) arrays
macd = rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=fast) - \
macd_line = rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=fast) - \
rolling_weighted_mean(series, window=slow)
signal = rolling_weighted_mean(macd, window=smooth)
histogram = macd - signal
# return macd, signal, histogram
signal = rolling_weighted_mean(macd_line, window=smooth)
histogram = macd_line - signal
# return macd_line, signal, histogram
return pd.DataFrame(index=series.index, data={
'macd': macd.values,
'macd': macd_line.values,
'signal': signal.values,
'histogram': histogram.values
@ -421,14 +427,14 @@ def macd(series, fast=3, slow=10, smooth=16):
# ---------------------------------------------
def bollinger_bands(series, window=20, stds=2):
sma = rolling_mean(series, window=window)
std = rolling_std(series, window=window)
upper = sma + std * stds
lower = sma - std * stds
ma = rolling_mean(series, window=window, min_periods=1)
std = rolling_std(series, window=window, min_periods=1)
upper = ma + std * stds
lower = ma - std * stds
return pd.DataFrame(index=series.index, data={
'upper': upper,
'mid': sma,
'mid': ma,
'lower': lower
@ -454,7 +460,7 @@ def returns(series):
res = (series / series.shift(1) -
1).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN'))
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
res = nans(len(series))
return pd.Series(index=series.index, data=res)
@ -465,8 +471,8 @@ def returns(series):
def log_returns(series):
res = np.log(series / series.shift(1)
).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN'))
except BaseException:
).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN'))
except Exception as e:
res = nans(len(series))
return pd.Series(index=series.index, data=res)
@ -477,9 +483,9 @@ def log_returns(series):
def implied_volatility(series, window=252):
logret = np.log(series / series.shift(1)
).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN'))
).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], float('NaN'))
res = numpy_rolling_std(logret, window) * np.sqrt(window)
except BaseException:
except Exception as e:
res = nans(len(series))
return pd.Series(index=series.index, data=res)
@ -530,32 +536,52 @@ def stoch(df, window=14, d=3, k=3, fast=False):
compute the n period relative strength indicator
highs_ma = pd.concat([df['high'].shift(i)
for i in np.arange(window)], 1).apply(list, 1)
highs_ma = highs_ma.T.max().T
lows_ma = pd.concat([df['low'].shift(i)
for i in np.arange(window)], 1).apply(list, 1)
lows_ma = lows_ma.T.min().T
my_df = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
fast_k = ((df['close'] - lows_ma) / (highs_ma - lows_ma)) * 100
fast_d = numpy_rolling_mean(fast_k, d)
my_df['rolling_max'] = df['high'].rolling(window).max()
my_df['rolling_min'] = df['low'].rolling(window).min()
my_df['fast_k'] = 100 * (df['close'] - my_df['rolling_min'])/(my_df['rolling_max'] - my_df['rolling_min'])
my_df['fast_d'] = my_df['fast_k'].rolling(d).mean()
if fast:
data = {
'k': fast_k,
'd': fast_d
return my_df.loc[:, ['fast_k', 'fast_d']]
slow_k = numpy_rolling_mean(fast_k, k)
slow_d = numpy_rolling_mean(slow_k, d)
data = {
'k': slow_k,
'd': slow_d
my_df['slow_k'] = my_df['fast_k'].rolling(k).mean()
my_df['slow_d'] = my_df['slow_k'].rolling(d).mean()
return pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, data=data)
return my_df.loc[:, ['slow_k', 'slow_d']]
# ---------------------------------------------
def zlma(series, window=20, min_periods=None, kind="ema"):
John Ehlers' Zero lag (exponential) moving average
min_periods = window if min_periods is None else min_periods
lag = (window - 1) // 2
series = 2 * series - series.shift(lag)
if kind in ['ewm', 'ema']:
return wma(series, lag, min_periods)
elif kind == "hma":
return hma(series, lag, min_periods)
return sma(series, lag, min_periods)
def zlema(series, window, min_periods=None):
return zlma(series, window, min_periods, kind="ema")
def zlsma(series, window, min_periods=None):
return zlma(series, window, min_periods, kind="sma")
def zlhma(series, window, min_periods=None):
return zlma(series, window, min_periods, kind="hma")
# ---------------------------------------------
@ -571,13 +597,13 @@ def zscore(bars, window=20, stds=1, col='close'):
def pvt(bars):
""" Price Volume Trend """
pvt = ((bars['close'] - bars['close'].shift(1)) /
bars['close'].shift(1)) * bars['volume']
return pvt.cumsum()
trend = ((bars['close'] - bars['close'].shift(1)) /
bars['close'].shift(1)) * bars['volume']
return trend.cumsum()
# =============================================
PandasObject.session = session
PandasObject.atr = atr
PandasObject.bollinger_bands = bollinger_bands
@ -613,4 +639,11 @@ PandasObject.rolling_weighted_mean = rolling_weighted_mean
PandasObject.sma = sma
PandasObject.wma = wma
PandasObject.ema = wma
PandasObject.hma = hma
PandasObject.zlsma = zlsma
PandasObject.zlwma = zlema
PandasObject.zlema = zlema
PandasObject.zlhma = zlhma
PandasObject.zlma = zlma