| method | Protection name to use. <br>**Datatype:** String, selected from [available Protections](#available-protections)
| stop_duration_candles | For how many candles should the lock be set? <br>**Datatype:** Positive integer (in candles)
| stop_duration | how many minutes should protections be locked. <br>Cannot be used together with `stop_duration_candles`. <br>**Datatype:** Float (in minutes)
| `lookback_period_candles` | Only trades that completed within the last `lookback_period_candles` candles will be considered. This setting may be ignored by some Protections. <br>**Datatype:** Positive integer (in candles).
| lookback_period | Only trades that completed after `current_time - lookback_period` will be considered. <br>Cannot be used together with `lookback_period_candles`. <br>This setting may be ignored by some Protections. <br>**Datatype:** Float (in minutes)
| trade_limit | Number of trades required at minimum (not used by all Protections). <br>**Datatype:** Positive integer
`StoplossGuard` selects all trades within `lookback_period`, and determines if the amount of trades that resulted in stoploss are above `trade_limit` - in which case trading will stop for `stop_duration`.
`MaxDrawdown` uses all trades within `lookback_period` (in minutes) to determine the maximum drawdown. If the drawdown is below `max_allowed_drawdown`, trading will stop for `stop_duration` (in minutes) after the last trade - assuming that the bot needs some time to let markets recover.
The below example will stop trading a pair for 60 minutes if the pair does not have a required profit of 2% (and a minimum of 2 trades) within the last 6 candles.
* Locks each pair after selling for an additional 5 candles (`CooldownPeriod`), giving other pairs a chance to get filled.
* Stops trading for 4 hours (`4 * 1h candles`) if the last 2 days (`48 * 1h candles`) had 20 trades, which caused a max-drawdown of more than 20%. (`MaxDrawdown`).
* Stops trading if more than 4 stoploss occur for all pairs within a 1 day (`24 * 1h candles`) limit (`StoplossGuard`).
* Locks all pairs that had 4 Trades within the last 6 hours (`6 * 1h candles`) with a combined profit ratio of below 0.02 (<2%)(`LowProfitPairs`).
* Locks all pairs for 2 candles that had a profit of below 0.01 (<1%)withinthelast24h(`24*1hcandles`),aminimumof4trades.