Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this.
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
For a description of the Bot API, see this page:
Once you have Docker installed, simply create the config file (e.g. `config.json`) and then create a Docker image for `freqtrade` using the Dockerfile in this repo.
For security reasons, your configuration file will not be included in the image, you will need to bind mount it. It is also advised to bind mount an SQLite database file (see the "5. Run a restartable docker image" section) to keep it between updates.
### 3. Verify the Docker image
After the build process you can verify that the image was created with:
docker images
### 4. Run the Docker image
You can run a one-off container that is immediately deleted upon exiting with the following command (`config.json` must be in the current working directory):
docker run --rm -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v `pwd`/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json -it freqtrade
There is known issue in OSX Docker versions after 17.09.1, whereby /etc/localtime cannot be shared causing Docker to not start. A work-around for this is to start with the following cmd.
More information on this docker issue and work-around can be read [here](
In this example, the database will be created inside the docker instance and will be lost when you will refresh your image.
### 5. Run a restartable docker image
To run a restartable instance in the background (feel free to place your configuration and database files wherever it feels comfortable on your filesystem).
Before installing FreqTrade on a Raspberry Pi running the official Raspbian Image, make sure you have at least Python 3.6 installed. The default image only provides Python 3.5. Probably the easiest way to get a recent version of python is [miniconda](
The following assumes that miniconda3 is installed and available in your environment. Last miniconda3 installation file use python 3.4, we will update to python 3.6 on this installation.
It's recommended to use (mini)conda for this as installation/compilation of `numpy`, `scipy` and `pandas` takes a long time.
If you have installed it from (mini)conda, you can remove `numpy`, `scipy`, and `pandas` from `requirements.txt` before you install it with `pip`.
Additional package to install on your Raspbian, `libffi-dev` required by cryptography (from python-telegram-bot).
``` bash
conda config --add channels rpi
conda install python=3.6
conda create -n freqtrade python=3.6
conda activate freqtrade
conda install scipy pandas numpy
sudo apt install libffi-dev
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .
### MacOS
#### Install Python 3.6, git and wget
brew install python3 git wget
### Common
#### 1. Install TA-Lib
Official webpage:
> *To edit the config please refer to [Bot Configuration](*
#### 5. Install python dependencies
``` bash
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .
#### 6. Run the Bot
If this is the first time you run the bot, ensure you are running it in Dry-run `"dry_run": true,` otherwise it will start to buy and sell coins.
python3.6 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json
*Note*: If you run the bot on a server, you should consider using [Docker](#automatic-installation---docker) a terminal multiplexer like `screen` or [`tmux`]( to avoid that the bot is stopped on logout.
#### 7. [Optional] Configure `freqtrade` as a `systemd` service
From the freqtrade repo... copy `freqtrade.service` to your systemd user directory (usually `~/.config/systemd/user`) and update `WorkingDirectory` and `ExecStart` to match your setup.
After that you can start the daemon with:
systemctl --user start freqtrade
For this to be persistent (run when user is logged out) you'll need to enable `linger` for your freqtrade user.
sudo loginctl enable-linger "$USER"
## Windows
We recommend that Windows users use [Docker](#docker) as this will work much easier and smoother (also more secure).
If that is not possible, try using the Windows Linux subsystem (WSL) - for which the Ubuntu instructions should work.
If that is not available on your system, feel free to try the instructions below, which led to success for some.
copy paste `config.json` to ``\path\freqtrade-develop\freqtrade`
#### Install ta-lib
Install ta-lib according to the [ta-lib documentation](
As compiling from source on windows has heavy dependencies (requires a partial visual studio installation), there is also a repository of inofficial precompiled windows Wheels [here](, which needs to be downloaded and installed using `pip install TA_Lib‑0.4.17‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl` (make sure to use the version matching your python version)
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
>python -m venv .env
>cd .env\Scripts
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
REM optionally install ta-lib from wheel
REM >pip install TA_Lib‑0.4.17‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl
>pip install -r requirements.txt
>pip install -e .
>python freqtrade\
> Thanks [Owdr]( for the commands. Source: [Issue #222](
#### Error during installation under Windows
``` bash
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":
Unfortunately, many packages requiring compilation don't provide a pre-build wheel. It is therefore mandatory to have a C/C++ compiler installed and available for your python environment to use.
The easiest way is to download install Microsoft Visual Studio Community [here]( and make sure to install "Common Tools for Visual C++" to enable building c code on Windows. Unfortunately, this is a heavy download / dependency (~4Gb) so you might want to consider WSL or docker first.
Now you have an environment ready, the next step is