| `stake_currency` | BTC | **Required.** Crypto-currency used for trading. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `stake_amount` | 0.05 | **Required.** Amount of crypto-currency your bot will use for each trade. Per default, the bot will use (0.05 BTC x 3) = 0.15 BTC in total will be always engaged. Set it to `"unlimited"` to allow the bot to use all available balance. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `amount_reserve_percent` | 0.05 | Reserve some amount in min pair stake amount. Default is 5%. The bot will reserve `amount_reserve_percent` + stop-loss value when calculating min pair stake amount in order to avoid possible trade refusals.
| `dry_run_wallet` | 999.9 | Overrides the default amount of 999.9 stake currency units in the wallet used by the bot running in the Dry Run mode if you need it for any reason.
| `process_only_new_candles` | false | If set to true indicators are processed only once a new candle arrives. If false each loop populates the indicators, this will mean the same candle is processed many times creating system load but can be useful of your strategy depends on tick data not only candle. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `minimal_roi` | See below | Set the threshold in percent the bot will use to sell a trade. More information below. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `stoploss` | -0.10 | Value of the stoploss in percent used by the bot. More information below. More details in the [stoploss documentation](stoploss.md). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `trailing_stop` | false | Enables trailing stop-loss (based on `stoploss` in either configuration or strategy file). More details in the [stoploss documentation](stoploss.md). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `trailing_stop_positive` | 0 | Changes stop-loss once profit has been reached. More details in the [stoploss documentation](stoploss.md). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `trailing_stop_positive_offset` | 0 | Offset on when to apply `trailing_stop_positive`. Percentage value which should be positive. More details in the [stoploss documentation](stoploss.md). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `trailing_only_offset_is_reached` | false | Only apply trailing stoploss when the offset is reached. [stoploss documentation](stoploss.md). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `unfilledtimeout.buy` | 10 | **Required.** How long (in minutes) the bot will wait for an unfilled buy order to complete, after which the order will be cancelled.
| `unfilledtimeout.sell` | 10 | **Required.** How long (in minutes) the bot will wait for an unfilled sell order to complete, after which the order will be cancelled.
| `bid_strategy.ask_last_balance` | 0.0 | **Required.** Set the bidding price. More information [below](#understand-ask_last_balance).
| `bid_strategy.use_order_book` | false | Allows buying of pair using the rates in Order Book Bids.
| `bid_strategy.order_book_top` | 0 | Bot will use the top N rate in Order Book Bids. Ie. a value of 2 will allow the bot to pick the 2nd bid rate in Order Book Bids.
| `bid_strategy. check_depth_of_market.enabled` | false | Does not buy if the % difference of buy orders and sell orders is met in Order Book.
| `bid_strategy. check_depth_of_market.bids_to_ask_delta` | 0 | The % difference of buy orders and sell orders found in Order Book. A value lesser than 1 means sell orders is greater, while value greater than 1 means buy orders is higher.
| `ask_strategy.use_order_book` | false | Allows selling of open traded pair using the rates in Order Book Asks.
| `ask_strategy.order_book_min` | 0 | Bot will scan from the top min to max Order Book Asks searching for a profitable rate.
| `ask_strategy.order_book_max` | 0 | Bot will scan from the top min to max Order Book Asks searching for a profitable rate.
| `order_types` | None | Configure order-types depending on the action (`"buy"`, `"sell"`, `"stoploss"`, `"stoploss_on_exchange"`). [More information below](#understand-order_types). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `order_time_in_force` | None | Configure time in force for buy and sell orders. [More information below](#understand-order_time_in_force). [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `exchange.sandbox` | false | Use the 'sandbox' version of the exchange, where the exchange provides a sandbox for risk-free integration. See [here](sandbox-testing.md) in more details.
| `exchange.pair_whitelist` | [] | List of currency to use by the bot. Can be overrided with `--dynamic-whitelist` param.
| `exchange.pair_blacklist` | [] | List of currency the bot must avoid. Useful when using `--dynamic-whitelist` param.
| `exchange.ccxt_rate_limit` | True | DEPRECATED!! Have CCXT handle Exchange rate limits. Depending on the exchange, having this to false can lead to temporary bans from the exchange.
| `exchange.ccxt_config` | None | Additional CCXT parameters passed to the regular ccxt instance. Parameters may differ from exchange to exchange and are documented in the [ccxt documentation](https://ccxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual.html#instantiation)
| `exchange.ccxt_async_config` | None | Additional CCXT parameters passed to the async ccxt instance. Parameters may differ from exchange to exchange and are documented in the [ccxt documentation](https://ccxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual.html#instantiation)
| `experimental.use_sell_signal` | false | Use your sell strategy in addition of the `minimal_roi`. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `experimental.sell_profit_only` | false | Waits until you have made a positive profit before taking a sell decision. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `experimental.ignore_roi_if_buy_signal` | false | Does not sell if the buy-signal is still active. Takes preference over `minimal_roi` and `use_sell_signal`. [Strategy Override](#parameters-in-the-strategy).
| `pairlist.method` | StaticPairList | Use Static whitelist. [More information below](#dynamic-pairlists).
| `pairlist.config` | None | Additional configuration for dynamic pairlists. [More information below](#dynamic-pairlists).
| `telegram.enabled` | true | **Required.** Enable or not the usage of Telegram.
| `telegram.token` | token | Your Telegram bot token. Only required if `telegram.enabled` is `true`.
| `telegram.chat_id` | chat_id | Your personal Telegram account id. Only required if `telegram.enabled` is `true`.
| `webhook.enabled` | false | Enable usage of Webhook notifications
| `webhook.url` | false | URL for the webhook. Only required if `webhook.enabled` is `true`. See the [webhook documentation](webhook-config.md) for more details.
| `webhook.webhookbuy` | false | Payload to send on buy. Only required if `webhook.enabled` is `true`. See the [webhook documentationV](webhook-config.md) for more details.
| `webhook.webhooksell` | false | Payload to send on sell. Only required if `webhook.enabled` is `true`. See the [webhook documentationV](webhook-config.md) for more details.
| `webhook.webhookstatus` | false | Payload to send on status calls. Only required if `webhook.enabled` is `true`. See the [webhook documentationV](webhook-config.md) for more details.
| `db_url` | `sqlite:///tradesv3.sqlite`| Declares database URL to use. NOTE: This defaults to `sqlite://` if `dry_run` is `True`.
| `initial_state` | running | Defines the initial application state. More information below.
| `forcebuy_enable` | false | Enables the RPC Commands to force a buy. More information below.
| `strategy` | DefaultStrategy | Defines Strategy class to use.
| `strategy_path` | null | Adds an additional strategy lookup path (must be a folder).
| `internals.process_throttle_secs` | 5 | **Required.** Set the process throttle. Value in second.
| `internals.sd_notify` | false | Enables use of the sd_notify protocol to tell systemd service manager about changes in the bot state and issue keep-alive pings. See [here](installation.md#7-optional-configure-freqtrade-as-a-systemd-service) for more details.
If it is not set in either Strategy or Configuration, a default of 1000% `{"0": 10}` is used, and minimal roi is disabled unless your trade generates 1000% profit.
To use a proxy with freqtrade, add the kwarg `"aiohttp_trust_env"=true` to the `"ccxt_async_kwargs"` dict in the exchange section of the configuration.