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# """
# This module manages replicate mode communication
# """
# import asyncio
# import logging
# import secrets
# import socket
# from threading import Thread
# from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, Union
# import websockets
# from fastapi import Depends
# from fastapi import WebSocket as FastAPIWebSocket
# from fastapi import WebSocketDisconnect, status
# from janus import Queue as ThreadedQueue
# from freqtrade.enums import ExternalSignalModeType, LeaderMessageType, RPCMessageType
# from freqtrade.rpc import RPC, RPCHandler
# from import ChannelManager
# from freqtrade.rpc.external_signal.types import MessageType
# from freqtrade.rpc.external_signal.utils import is_websocket_alive
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# class ExternalSignalController(RPCHandler):
# """ This class handles all websocket communication """
# def __init__(
# self,
# rpc: RPC,
# config: Dict[str, Any],
# api_server: Union[Any, None] = None
# ) -> None:
# """
# Init the ExternalSignalController class, and init the super class RPCHandler
# :param rpc: instance of RPC Helper class
# :param config: Configuration object
# :param api_server: The ApiServer object
# :return: None
# """
# super().__init__(rpc, config)
# self.freqtrade = rpc._freqtrade
# self.api_server = api_server
# if not self.api_server:
# raise RuntimeError("The API server must be enabled for external signals to work")
# self._loop = None
# self._running = False
# self._thread = None
# self._queue = None
# self._main_task = None
# self._sub_tasks = None
# self._message_handlers = {
# LeaderMessageType.pairlist: self._rpc._handle_pairlist_message,
# LeaderMessageType.analyzed_df: self._rpc._handle_analyzed_df_message,
# LeaderMessageType.default: self._rpc._handle_default_message
# }
# self.channel_manager = ChannelManager()
# self.external_signal_config = config.get('external_signal', {})
# # What the config should look like
# # "external_signal": {
# # "enabled": true,
# # "mode": "follower",
# # "leaders": [
# # {
# # "url": "ws://localhost:8080/signals/ws",
# # "api_token": "test"
# # }
# # ]
# # }
# # "external_signal": {
# # "enabled": true,
# # "mode": "leader",
# # "api_token": "test"
# # }
# self.mode = ExternalSignalModeType[
# self.external_signal_config.get('mode', 'leader').lower()
# ]
# self.leaders_list = self.external_signal_config.get('leaders', [])
# self.push_throttle_secs = self.external_signal_config.get('push_throttle_secs', 0.1)
# self.reply_timeout = self.external_signal_config.get('follower_reply_timeout', 10)
# self.ping_timeout = self.external_signal_config.get('follower_ping_timeout', 2)
# self.sleep_time = self.external_signal_config.get('follower_sleep_time', 5)
# # Validate external_signal_config here?
# if self.mode == ExternalSignalModeType.follower and len(self.leaders_list) == 0:
# raise ValueError("You must specify at least 1 leader in follower mode.")
# # This is only used by the leader, the followers use the tokens specified
# # in each of the leaders
# # If you do not specify an API key in the config, one will be randomly
# # generated and logged on startup
# default_api_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
# self.secret_api_key = self.external_signal_config.get('api_token', default_api_key)
# self.start()
# def is_leader(self):
# """
# Leader flag
# """
# return self.enabled() and self.mode == ExternalSignalModeType.leader
# def enabled(self):
# """
# Enabled flag
# """
# return self.external_signal_config.get('enabled', False)
# def num_leaders(self):
# """
# The number of leaders we should be connected to
# """
# return len(self.leaders_list)
# def start_threaded_loop(self):
# """
# Start the main internal loop in another thread to run coroutines
# """
# self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# if not self._thread:
# self._thread = Thread(target=self._loop.run_forever)
# self._thread.start()
# self._running = True
# else:
# raise RuntimeError("A loop is already running")
# def submit_coroutine(self, coroutine: Coroutine):
# """
# Submit a coroutine to the threaded loop
# """
# if not self._running:
# raise RuntimeError("Cannot schedule new futures after shutdown")
# if not self._loop or not self._loop.is_running():
# raise RuntimeError("Loop must be started before any function can"
# " be submitted")
# return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coroutine, self._loop)
# def start(self):
# """
# Start the controller main loop
# """
# self.start_threaded_loop()
# self._main_task = self.submit_coroutine(self.main())
# async def shutdown(self):
# """
# Shutdown all tasks and close up
# """
#"Stopping rpc.externalsignalcontroller")
# # Flip running flag
# self._running = False
# # Cancel sub tasks
# for task in self._sub_tasks:
# task.cancel()
# # Then disconnect all channels
# await self.channel_manager.disconnect_all()
# def cleanup(self) -> None:
# """
# Cleanup pending module resources.
# """
# if self._thread:
# if self._loop.is_running():
# self._main_task.cancel()
# self._thread.join()
# async def main(self):
# """
# Main coro
# Start the loop based on what mode we're in
# """
# try:
# if self.mode == ExternalSignalModeType.leader:
#"Starting rpc.externalsignalcontroller in Leader mode")
# await self.run_leader_mode()
# elif self.mode == ExternalSignalModeType.follower:
#"Starting rpc.externalsignalcontroller in Follower mode")
# await self.run_follower_mode()
# except asyncio.CancelledError:
# # We're cancelled
# await self.shutdown()
# except Exception as e:
# # Log the error
# logger.error(f"Exception occurred in main task: {e}")
# logger.exception(e)
# finally:
# # This coroutine is the last thing to be ended, so it should stop the loop
# self._loop.stop()
# def log_api_token(self):
# """
# Log the API token
# """
#"-" * 15)
#"API_KEY: {self.secret_api_key}")
#"-" * 15)
# def send_msg(self, msg: MessageType) -> None:
# """
# Support RPC calls
# """
# if msg["type"] == RPCMessageType.EMIT_DATA:
# message = msg.get("message")
# if message:
# self.send_message(message)
# else:
# logger.error(f"Message is empty! {msg}")
# def send_message(self, msg: MessageType) -> None:
# """
# Broadcast message over all channels if there are any
# """
# if self.channel_manager.has_channels():
# self._send_message(msg)
# else:
# logger.debug("No listening followers, skipping...")
# pass
# def _send_message(self, msg: MessageType):
# """
# Add data to the internal queue to be broadcasted. This func will block
# if the queue is full. This is meant to be called in the main thread.
# """
# if self._queue:
# queue = self._queue.sync_q
# queue.put(msg) # This will block if the queue is full
# else:
# logger.warning("Can not send data, leader loop has not started yet!")
# async def send_initial_data(self, channel):
#"Sending initial data through channel")
# data = self._rpc._initial_leader_data()
# for message in data:
# await channel.send(message)
# async def _handle_leader_message(self, message: MessageType):
# """
# Handle message received from a Leader
# """
# type = message.get("data_type", LeaderMessageType.default)
# data = message.get("data")
# handler: Callable = self._message_handlers[type]
# handler(type, data)
# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# async def run_leader_mode(self):
# """
# Main leader coroutine
# This starts all of the leader coros and registers the endpoint on
# the ApiServer
# """
# self.register_leader_endpoint()
# self.log_api_token()
# self._sub_tasks = [
# self._loop.create_task(self._broadcast_queue_data())
# ]
# return await asyncio.gather(*self._sub_tasks)
# async def run_follower_mode(self):
# """
# Main follower coroutine
# This starts all of the follower connection coros
# """
# rpc_lock = asyncio.Lock()
# self._sub_tasks = [
# self._loop.create_task(self._handle_leader_connection(leader, rpc_lock))
# for leader in self.leaders_list
# ]
# return await asyncio.gather(*self._sub_tasks)
# async def _broadcast_queue_data(self):
# """
# Loop over queue data and broadcast it
# """
# # Instantiate the queue in this coroutine so it's attached to our loop
# self._queue = ThreadedQueue()
# async_queue = self._queue.async_q
# try:
# while self._running:
# # Get data from queue
# data = await async_queue.get()
# # Broadcast it to everyone
# await self.channel_manager.broadcast(data)
# # Sleep
# await asyncio.sleep(self.push_throttle_secs)
# except asyncio.CancelledError:
# # Silently stop
# pass
# async def get_api_token(
# self,
# websocket: FastAPIWebSocket,
# token: Union[str, None] = None
# ):
# """
# Extract the API key from query param. Must match the
# set secret_api_key or the websocket connection will be closed.
# """
# if token == self.secret_api_key:
# return token
# else:
#"Denying websocket request...")
# await websocket.close(code=status.WS_1008_POLICY_VIOLATION)
# def register_leader_endpoint(self, path: str = "/signals/ws"):
# """
# Attach and start the main leader loop to the ApiServer
# :param path: The endpoint path
# """
# if not self.api_server:
# raise RuntimeError("The leader needs the ApiServer to be active")
# # The endpoint function for running the main leader loop
# async def leader_endpoint(
# websocket: FastAPIWebSocket,
# api_key: str = Depends(self.get_api_token)
# ):
# await self.leader_endpoint_loop(websocket)
# async def leader_endpoint_loop(self, websocket: FastAPIWebSocket):
# """
# The WebSocket endpoint served by the ApiServer. This handles connections,
# and adding them to the channel manager.
# """
# try:
# if is_websocket_alive(websocket):
#"Follower connected - {websocket.client}")
# channel = await self.channel_manager.on_connect(websocket)
# # Send initial data here
# # Data is being broadcasted right away as soon as startup,
# # we may not have to send initial data at all. Further testing
# # required.
# await self.send_initial_data(channel)
# # Keep connection open until explicitly closed, and sleep
# try:
# while not channel.is_closed():
# request = await channel.recv()
#"Follower request - {request}")
# except WebSocketDisconnect:
# # Handle client disconnects
#"Follower disconnected - {websocket.client}")
# await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket)
# except Exception as e:
#"Follower connection failed - {websocket.client}")
# logger.exception(e)
# # Handle cases like -
# # RuntimeError('Cannot call "send" once a closed message has been sent')
# await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket)
# except Exception:
# logger.error(f"Failed to serve - {websocket.client}")
# await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket)
# async def _handle_leader_connection(self, leader, lock):
# """
# Given a leader, connect and wait on data. If connection is lost,
# it will attempt to reconnect.
# """
# try:
# url, token = leader["url"], leader["api_token"]
# websocket_url = f"{url}?token={token}"
#"Attempting to connect to Leader at: {url}")
# while True:
# try:
# async with websockets.connect(websocket_url) as ws:
# channel = await self.channel_manager.on_connect(ws)
#"Connection to Leader at {url} successful")
# while True:
# try:
# data = await asyncio.wait_for(
# channel.recv(),
# timeout=self.reply_timeout
# )
# except (asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed):
# # We haven't received data yet. Check the connection and continue.
# try:
# # ping
# ping = await
# await asyncio.wait_for(ping, timeout=self.ping_timeout)
# logger.debug(f"Connection to {url} still alive...")
# continue
# except Exception:
# f"Ping error {url} - retrying in {self.sleep_time}s")
# asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time)
# break
# async with lock:
# # Acquire lock so only 1 coro handling at a time
# # as we call the RPC module in the main thread
# await self._handle_leader_message(data)
# except (socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError):
#"Connection Refused - retrying connection in {self.sleep_time}s")
# await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time)
# continue
# except websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatusCode as e:
# logger.error(f"Connection Refused - {e}")
# await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time)
# continue
# except asyncio.CancelledError:
# pass