/*------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ ____ _____ _____ ____ \____ \__ \ _/ ___\ / \\__ \ / \ | |_> > __ \\ \___| Y Y \/ __ \| | \ | __(____ /\___ >__|_| (____ /___| / |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .platzh1rsch.ch author: platzh1rsch (www.platzh1rsch.ch) -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ "use strict"; // global enums const GHOSTS = { INKY: 'inky', BLINKY: 'blinky', PINKY: 'pinky', CLYDE: 'clyde' } // global constants const FINAL_LEVEL = 10; const PILL_POINTS = 10; const POWERPILL_POINTS = 50; const GHOST_POINTS = 100; const HIGHSCORE_ENABLED = true; function geronimo() { /* ----- Global Variables ---------------------------------------- */ var canvas; var context; var game; var canvas_walls, context_walls; var inky, blinky, clyde, pinky; var mapConfig = "data/map.json"; /* AJAX stuff */ var getHighscore = () => { setTimeout(ajax_get, 30); } var ajax_get = () => { var date = new Date().getTime(); $.ajax({ datatype: "json", type: "GET", url: "data/db-handler.php", data: { timestamp: date, action: "get" }, success: function (msg) { $("#highscore-list").text(""); for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) { $("#highscore-list").append("
  • " + msg[i]['name'] + "" + msg[i]['score'] + "
  • "); } } }); } var ajax_add = (n, s, l) => { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'data/db-handler.php', data: { action: 'add', name: n, score: s, level: l }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { console.log('Highscore added: ' + data); $('#highscore-form').html('View Highscore List'); }, error: function (errorThrown) { console.log(errorThrown); } }); } function addHighscore() { var name = $("input[type=text]").val(); $("#highscore-form").html("Saving highscore..."); ajax_add(name, game.score.score, game.level); } function buildWall(context, gridX, gridY, width, height) { console.log("BuildWall"); width = width * 2 - 1; height = height * 2 - 1; context.fillRect(pacman.radius / 2 + gridX * 2 * pacman.radius, pacman.radius / 2 + gridY * 2 * pacman.radius, width * pacman.radius, height * pacman.radius); } function between(x, min, max) { return x >= min && x <= max; } // Logger var logger = function () { var originalConsoleLog = null; var originalConsoleDebug = null; var logger = {}; logger.enableLogger = function enableLogger() { if (originalConsoleLog === null) return; window['console']['log'] = originalConsoleLog; console.log('console.log enabled'); if (originalConsoleDebug === null) return; window['console']['debug'] = originalConsoleDebug; console.log('console.debug enabled'); }; logger.disableLogger = function disableLogger() { console.log('console.log disabled'); originalConsoleLog = console.log; window['console']['log'] = function () {}; originalConsoleDebug = console.debug; window['console']['debug'] = function () {}; }; return logger; }(); // stop watch to measure the time function Timer() { this.time_diff = 0; this.time_start = 0; this.time_stop = 0; this.start = function () { this.time_start = new Date().getTime(); } this.stop = function () { this.time_stop = new Date().getTime(); this.time_diff += this.time_stop - this.time_start; this.time_stop = 0; this.time_start = 0; } this.reset = function () { this.time_diff = 0; this.time_start = 0; this.time_stop = 0; } this.get_time_diff = function () { return this.time_diff; } } // Manages the whole game ("God Object") function Game() { this.timer = new Timer(); // TODO: implememnt properly, and submit with highscore this.refreshRate = 33; // speed of the game, will increase in higher levels this.started = false; // TODO: what's the purpose of this exactly? this.pause = true; this.gameOver = false; this.score = new Score(); this.soundfx = 0; this.map; this.pillCount; // number of pills this.monsters; this.level = 1; this.refreshLevel = function (h) { $(h).html("Lvl: " + this.level); }; this.canvas = $("#myCanvas").get(0); this.wallColor = "Blue"; this.width = this.canvas.width; this.height = this.canvas.height; // global pill states this.pillSize = 3; this.powerpillSizeMin = 2; this.powerpillSizeMax = 9; this.powerpillSizeCurrent = this.powerpillSizeMax; this.powerPillAnimationCounter = 0; // TODO: vibrant power pills this.nextPowerPillSize = function () { /*if (this.powerPillAnimationCounter === 3) { this.powerPillAnimationCounter = 0; this.powerpillSizeCurrent = this.powerpillSizeMin + this.powerpillSizeCurrent % (this.powerpillSizeMax-this.powerpillSizeMin); } else { this.powerPillAnimationCounter++; }*/ return this.powerpillSizeCurrent; }; // global ghost states this.ghostFrightened = false; this.ghostFrightenedTimer = 240; this.ghostMode = 0; // 0 = Scatter, 1 = Chase this.ghostModeTimer = 200; // decrements each animationLoop execution this.ghostSpeedNormal = (this.level > 4 ? 3 : 2); // global default for ghost speed this.ghostSpeedDazzled = 2; // global default for ghost speed when dazzled /* Game Functions */ this.startGhostFrightened = function () { console.log("ghost frigthened"); this.ghostFrightened = true; this.ghostFrightenedTimer = 240; inky.dazzle(); pinky.dazzle(); blinky.dazzle(); clyde.dazzle(); }; this.endGhostFrightened = function () { this.ghostFrightened = false; inky.undazzle(); pinky.undazzle(); blinky.undazzle(); clyde.undazzle(); }; this.checkGhostMode = function () { if (this.ghostFrightened) { this.ghostFrightenedTimer--; if (this.ghostFrightenedTimer === 0) { this.endGhostFrightened(); this.ghostFrigthenedTimer = 240; /*inky.reverseDirection(); pinky.reverseDirection(); clyde.reverseDirection(); blinky.reverseDirection();*/ } } // always decrement ghostMode timer this.ghostModeTimer--; if (this.ghostModeTimer === 0 && game.level > 1) { this.ghostMode ^= 1; this.ghostModeTimer = 200 + this.ghostMode * 450; console.log("ghostMode=" + this.ghostMode); game.buildWalls(); inky.reverseDirection(); pinky.reverseDirection(); clyde.reverseDirection(); blinky.reverseDirection(); } }; this.getMapContent = function (x, y) { var maxX = game.width / 30 - 1; var maxY = game.height / 30 - 1; if (x < 0) x = maxX + x; if (x > maxX) x = x - maxX; if (y < 0) y = maxY + y; if (y > maxY) y = y - maxY; return this.map.posY[y].posX[x].type; }; this.setMapContent = function (x, y, val) { this.map.posY[y].posX[x].type = val; }; this.toggleSound = function () { this.soundfx === 0 ? this.soundfx = 1 : this.soundfx = 0; $('#mute').toggle(); }; // TODO: test this.reset = function () { this.score.set(0); this.score.refresh(".score"); pacman.lives = 1; game.level = 1; this.refreshLevel(".level"); this.pause = false; this.gameOver = false; }; this.newGame = function () { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to restart?"); if (r) { console.log("new Game"); this.init(0); this.forceResume(); } }; this.nextLevel = function () { console.debug('nextLevel: current, final', this.level, FINAL_LEVEL); if (this.level === FINAL_LEVEL) { console.log('next level, ' + FINAL_LEVEL + ', end game'); game.endGame(true); game.showHighscoreForm(); } else { this.level++; console.log("Level " + game.level); game.pauseAndShowMessage("Level " + game.level, this.getLevelTitle() + "
    (Click to continue!)"); game.refreshLevel(".level"); this.init(1); } }; /* UI functions */ this.drawHearts = function (count) { var html = ""; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { html += " "; } $(".lives").html("Lives: " + html); }; this.showContent = function (id) { $('.content').hide(); $('#' + id).show(); }; this.getLevelTitle = function () { switch (this.level) { case 2: return '"The chase begins"'; // activate chase / scatter switching case 3: return '"Inky\s awakening"'; // Inky starts leaving the ghost house case 4: return '"Clyde\s awakening"'; // Clyde starts leaving the ghost house case 5: return '"need for speed"'; // All the ghosts get faster from now on case 6: return '"hunting season 1"'; // TODO: No scatter mood this time case 7: return '"the big calm"'; // TODO: Only scatter mood this time case 8: return '"hunting season 2"'; // TODO: No scatter mood and all ghosts leave instantly case 9: return '"ghosts on speed"'; // TODO: Ghosts get even faster for this level case FINAL_LEVEL: return '"The final chase"'; // TODO: Ghosts get even faster for this level default: return '"nothing new"'; } } this.showMessage = function (title, text) { $('#canvas-overlay-container').fadeIn(200); if ($('.controls').css('display') != "none") $('.controls').slideToggle(200); $('#canvas-overlay-content #title').html(title); $('#canvas-overlay-content #text').html(text); } this.pauseAndShowMessage = function (title, text) { this.timer.stop(); this.pause = true; this.showMessage(title, text); }; this.closeMessage = function () { $('#canvas-overlay-container').fadeOut(200); $('.controls').slideToggle(200); }; this.validateScoreWithLevel = function () { const maxLevelPointsPills = 104 * PILL_POINTS; const maxLevelPointsPowerpills = 4 * POWERPILL_POINTS; const maxLevelPointsGhosts = 4 * 4 * GHOST_POINTS; const maxLevelPoints = maxLevelPointsPills + maxLevelPointsPowerpills + maxLevelPointsGhosts; const scoreIsValid = this.score.score / this.level <= maxLevelPoints; console.log('validate score. score: ' + this.score.score + ', level: ' + this.level, scoreIsValid); return scoreIsValid; } this.showHighscoreForm = function () { this.pauseAndShowMessage("", "Click to claim your totally cool unf*cked kubernetes t-shirt!"); $('#playerName').focus(); } /* game controls */ this.forceStartAnimationLoop = function () { // start timer this.timer.start(); this.pause = false; this.started = true; this.closeMessage(); animationLoop(); } this.forcePause = function () { this.timer.stop(); this.pauseAndShowMessage("Pause", "Click to Resume"); } this.forceResume = function () { this.closeMessage(); this.pause = false; this.timer.start(); } this.pauseResume = function () { if (this.gameOver) { console.log('Cannot pause / resume. GameOver set to true.'); return; } if (!this.started) { this.forceStartAnimationLoop(); } else if (this.pause) { this.forceResume(); } else { this.pauseAndShowMessage("Pause", "Click to Resume"); } }; this.loadMapConfig = async () => { console.log('load map config'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: mapConfig, beforeSend: function (xhr) { if (xhr.overrideMimeType) xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json"); }, dataType: "json", success: (data) => { console.log('map config loaded'); game.map = data; resolve(data); }, error: (response) => { console.error('error fetching map config'); reject(response); } }); }) }; this.getPillCount = () => { var temp = 0; $.each(this.map.posY, function (i, item) { $.each(this.posX, function () { if (this.type == "pill") { temp++; //console.log("Pill Count++. temp="+temp+". PillCount="+this.pillCount+"."); } }); }); return temp; } this.init = async (state) => { console.log("init game " + state); // get Level Map this.map = await this.loadMapConfig(); this.pillCount = this.getPillCount(); // TODO: why are there 2 state checks? if (state === 0) { this.timer.reset(); game.reset(); } pacman.reset(); game.drawHearts(pacman.lives); this.ghostFrightened = false; this.ghostFrightenedTimer = 240; this.ghostMode = 0; // 0 = Scatter, 1 = Chase this.ghostModeTimer = 200; // decrements each animationLoop execution // initalize Ghosts, avoid memory flooding if (pinky === null || pinky === undefined) { pinky = new Ghost(GHOSTS.PINKY, 7, 5, 'img/pinky.svg', 2, 2); inky = new Ghost(GHOSTS.INKY, 8, 5, 'img/inky.svg', 13, 11); blinky = new Ghost(GHOSTS.BLINKY, 9, 5, 'img/blinky.svg', 13, 0); clyde = new Ghost(GHOSTS.CLYDE, 10, 5, 'img/clyde.svg', 2, 11); } else { pinky.reset(); inky.reset(); blinky.reset(); clyde.reset(); } blinky.start(); // blinky is the first to leave ghostHouse inky.start(); pinky.start(); clyde.start(); }; this.checkForLevelUp = function () { if ((this.pillCount === 0) && game.started) { this.nextLevel(); } }; this.endGame = function (allLevelsCompleted = false) { console.log('Game Over by ' + (allLevelsCompleted ? 'WIN' : 'LOSS')); this.pause = true; this.gameOver = true; } this.toPixelPos = function (gridPos) { return gridPos * 30; }; this.toGridPos = function (pixelPos) { return ((pixelPos % 30) / 30); }; /* ------------ Start Pre-Build Walls ------------ */ this.buildWalls = function () { if (this.ghostMode === 0) game.wallColor = "Blue"; else game.wallColor = "Red"; canvas_walls = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas_walls.width = game.canvas.width; canvas_walls.height = game.canvas.height; context_walls = canvas_walls.getContext("2d"); context_walls.fillStyle = game.wallColor; context_walls.strokeStyle = game.wallColor; //horizontal outer buildWall(context_walls, 0, 0, 18, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 0, 12, 18, 1); // vertical outer buildWall(context_walls, 0, 0, 1, 6); buildWall(context_walls, 0, 7, 1, 6); buildWall(context_walls, 17, 0, 1, 6); buildWall(context_walls, 17, 7, 1, 6); // ghost base buildWall(context_walls, 7, 4, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 6, 5, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 10, 4, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 11, 5, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 6, 6, 6, 1); // ghost base door context_walls.fillRect(8 * 2 * pacman.radius, pacman.radius / 2 + 4 * 2 * pacman.radius + 5, 4 * pacman.radius, 1); // single blocks buildWall(context_walls, 4, 0, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 13, 0, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 2, 2, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 6, 2, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 15, 2, 1, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 10, 2, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 2, 3, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 14, 3, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 5, 3, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 12, 3, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 3, 3, 1, 3); buildWall(context_walls, 14, 3, 1, 3); buildWall(context_walls, 3, 4, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 14, 4, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 0, 5, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 3, 5, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 16, 5, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 13, 5, 2, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 0, 7, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 16, 7, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 3, 7, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 13, 7, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 4, 8, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 12, 8, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 5, 8, 3, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 10, 8, 3, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 2, 10, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 15, 10, 1, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 7, 10, 4, 1); buildWall(context_walls, 4, 11, 2, 2); buildWall(context_walls, 12, 11, 2, 2); /* ------------ End Pre-Build Walls ------------ */ }; } game = new Game(); function Score() { this.score = 0; this.set = function (i) { this.score = i; }; this.add = function (i) { this.score += i; }; this.refresh = function (h) { $(h).html("Score: " + this.score); }; } // used to play sounds during the game var Sound = {}; Sound.play = function (sound) { if (game.soundfx == 1) { var audio = document.getElementById(sound); (audio !== null) ? audio.play(): console.log(sound + " not found"); } }; // Direction object in Constructor notation function Direction(name, angle1, angle2, dirX, dirY) { this.name = name; this.angle1 = angle1; this.angle2 = angle2; this.dirX = dirX; this.dirY = dirY; this.equals = function (dir) { return JSON.stringify(this) == JSON.stringify(dir); }; } // Direction Objects var up = new Direction("up", 1.75, 1.25, 0, -1); // UP var left = new Direction("left", 1.25, 0.75, -1, 0); // LEFT var down = new Direction("down", 0.75, 0.25, 0, 1); // DOWN var right = new Direction("right", 0.25, 1.75, 1, 0); // RIGHT /*var directions = [{},{},{},{}]; directions[0] = up; directions[1] = down; directions[2] = right; directions[3] = left;*/ // DirectionWatcher function directionWatcher() { this.dir = null; this.set = function (dir) { this.dir = dir; }; this.get = function () { return this.dir; }; } //var directionWatcher = new directionWatcher(); // Ghost object in Constructor notation function Ghost(name, gridPosX, gridPosY, image, gridBaseX, gridBaseY) { this.name = name; this.posX = gridPosX * 30; this.posY = gridPosY * 30; this.startPosX = gridPosX * 30; this.startPosY = gridPosY * 30; this.gridBaseX = gridBaseX; this.gridBaseY = gridBaseY; this.speed = game.ghostSpeedNormal; this.images = JSON.parse( '{"normal" : {' + `"${GHOSTS.INKY}" : "0",` + `"${GHOSTS.PINKY}" : "1",` + `"${GHOSTS.BLINKY}" : "2",` + `"${GHOSTS.CLYDE}" : "3"` + '},' + '"frightened1" : {' + '"left" : "", "up": "", "right" : "", "down": ""},' + '"frightened2" : {' + '"left" : "", "up": "", "right" : "", "down": ""},' + '"dead" : {' + '"left" : "", "up": "", "right" : "", "down": ""}}' ); this.image = new Image(); this.image.src = image; this.ghostHouse = true; this.dazzled = false; this.dead = false; this.dazzle = function () { this.changeSpeed(game.ghostSpeedDazzled); // ensure ghost doesnt leave grid if (this.posX > 0) this.posX = this.posX - this.posX % this.speed; if (this.posY > 0) this.posY = this.posY - this.posY % this.speed; this.dazzled = true; } this.undazzle = function () { // only change speed if ghost is not "dead" if (!this.dead) this.changeSpeed(game.ghostSpeedNormal); // ensure ghost doesnt leave grid if (this.posX > 0) this.posX = this.posX - this.posX % this.speed; if (this.posY > 0) this.posY = this.posY - this.posY % this.speed; this.dazzled = false; } this.dazzleImg = new Image(); this.dazzleImg.src = 'img/dazzled.svg'; this.dazzleImg2 = new Image(); this.dazzleImg2.src = 'img/dazzled2.svg'; this.deadImg = new Image(); this.deadImg.src = 'img/dead.svg'; this.direction = right; this.radius = pacman.radius; this.draw = function (context) { if (this.dead) { context.drawImage(this.deadImg, this.posX, this.posY, 2 * this.radius, 2 * this.radius); } else if (this.dazzled) { if (pacman.beastModeTimer < 50 && pacman.beastModeTimer % 8 > 1) { context.drawImage(this.dazzleImg2, this.posX, this.posY, 2 * this.radius, 2 * this.radius); } else { context.drawImage(this.dazzleImg, this.posX, this.posY, 2 * this.radius, 2 * this.radius); } } else context.drawImage(this.image, this.posX, this.posY, 2 * this.radius, 2 * this.radius); } this.getCenterX = function () { return this.posX + this.radius; } this.getCenterY = function () { return this.posY + this.radius; } this.reset = function () { this.dead = false; this.posX = this.startPosX; this.posY = this.startPosY; this.ghostHouse = true; this.undazzle(); } this.die = function () { if (!this.dead) { game.score.add(GHOST_POINTS); //this.reset(); this.dead = true; this.changeSpeed(game.ghostSpeedNormal); } } this.changeSpeed = function (s) { // adjust gridPosition to new speed this.posX = Math.round(this.posX / s) * s; this.posY = Math.round(this.posY / s) * s; this.speed = s; } this.move = function () { this.checkDirectionChange(); this.checkCollision(); // leave Ghost House if (this.ghostHouse == true) { // Clyde does not start chasing before 2/3 of all pills are eaten and if level is < 4 if (this.name == GHOSTS.CLYDE) { if ((game.level < 4) || ((game.pillCount > 104 / 3))) this.stop = true; else this.stop = false; } // Inky starts after 30 pills and only from the third level on if (this.name == GHOSTS.INKY) { if ((game.level < 3) || ((game.pillCount > 104 - 30))) this.stop = true; else this.stop = false; } if ((this.getGridPosY() == 5) && this.inGrid()) { if ((this.getGridPosX() == 7)) this.setDirection(right); if ((this.getGridPosX() == 8) || this.getGridPosX() == 9) this.setDirection(up); if ((this.getGridPosX() == 10)) this.setDirection(left); } if ((this.getGridPosY() == 4) && ((this.getGridPosX() == 8) || (this.getGridPosX() == 9)) && this.inGrid()) { console.log("ghosthouse -> false"); this.ghostHouse = false; } } if (!this.stop) { // Move this.posX += this.speed * this.dirX; this.posY += this.speed * this.dirY; // Check if out of canvas if (this.posX >= game.width - this.radius) this.posX = this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posX <= 0 - this.radius) this.posX = game.width - this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posY >= game.height - this.radius) this.posY = this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posY <= 0 - this.radius) this.posY = game.height - this.speed - this.radius; } } this.checkCollision = function () { /* Check Back to Home */ if (this.dead && (this.getGridPosX() == this.startPosX / 30) && (this.getGridPosY() == this.startPosY / 30)) this.reset(); else { /* Check Ghost / Pacman Collision */ if ((between(pacman.getCenterX(), this.getCenterX() - 10, this.getCenterX() + 10)) && (between(pacman.getCenterY(), this.getCenterY() - 10, this.getCenterY() + 10))) { if ((!this.dazzled) && (!this.dead)) { pacman.die(); } else { this.die(); } } } } /* Pathfinding */ this.getNextDirection = function () { // get next field var pX = this.getGridPosX(); var pY = this.getGridPosY(); game.getMapContent(pX, pY); var u, d, r, l; // option up, down, right, left // get target if (this.dead) { // go Home var tX = this.startPosX / 30; var tY = this.startPosY / 30; } else if (game.ghostMode == 0) { // Scatter Mode var tX = this.gridBaseX; var tY = this.gridBaseY; } else if (game.ghostMode == 1) { // Chase Mode switch (this.name) { // target: 4 ahead and 4 left of pacman case GHOSTS.PINKY: var pdir = pacman.direction; var pdirX = pdir.dirX == 0 ? -pdir.dirY : pdir.dirX; var pdirY = pdir.dirY == 0 ? -pdir.dirX : pdir.dirY; var tX = (pacman.getGridPosX() + pdirX * 4) % (game.width / pacman.radius + 1); var tY = (pacman.getGridPosY() + pdirY * 4) % (game.height / pacman.radius + 1); break; // target: pacman case GHOSTS.BLINKY: var tX = pacman.getGridPosX(); var tY = pacman.getGridPosY(); break; // target: case GHOSTS.INKY: var tX = pacman.getGridPosX() + 2 * pacman.direction.dirX; var tY = pacman.getGridPosY() + 2 * pacman.direction.dirY; var vX = tX - blinky.getGridPosX(); var vY = tY - blinky.getGridPosY(); tX = Math.abs(blinky.getGridPosX() + vX * 2); tY = Math.abs(blinky.getGridPosY() + vY * 2); break; // target: pacman, until pacman is closer than 5 grid fields, then back to scatter case GHOSTS.CLYDE: var tX = pacman.getGridPosX(); var tY = pacman.getGridPosY(); var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pX - tX), 2) + Math.pow((pY - tY), 2)); if (dist < 5) { tX = this.gridBaseX; tY = this.gridBaseY; } break; } } var oppDir = this.getOppositeDirection(); // ghosts are not allowed to change direction 180� var dirs = [{}, {}, {}, {}]; dirs[0].field = game.getMapContent(pX, pY - 1); dirs[0].dir = up; dirs[0].distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pX - tX), 2) + Math.pow((pY - 1 - tY), 2)); dirs[1].field = game.getMapContent(pX, pY + 1); dirs[1].dir = down; dirs[1].distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pX - tX), 2) + Math.pow((pY + 1 - tY), 2)); dirs[2].field = game.getMapContent(pX + 1, pY); dirs[2].dir = right; dirs[2].distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pX + 1 - tX), 2) + Math.pow((pY - tY), 2)); dirs[3].field = game.getMapContent(pX - 1, pY); dirs[3].dir = left; dirs[3].distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pX - 1 - tX), 2) + Math.pow((pY - tY), 2)); // Sort possible directions by distance function compare(a, b) { if (a.distance < b.distance) return -1; if (a.distance > b.distance) return 1; return 0; } var dirs2 = dirs.sort(compare); var r = this.dir; var j; if (this.dead) { for (var i = dirs2.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((dirs2[i].field != "wall") && !(dirs2[i].dir.equals(this.getOppositeDirection()))) { r = dirs2[i].dir; } } } else { for (var i = dirs2.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((dirs2[i].field != "wall") && (dirs2[i].field != "door") && !(dirs2[i].dir.equals(this.getOppositeDirection()))) { r = dirs2[i].dir; } } } this.directionWatcher.set(r); return r; } this.setRandomDirection = function () { var dir = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) % 5; switch (dir) { case 1: if (this.getOppositeDirection().equals(up)) this.setDirection(down); else this.setDirection(up); break; case 2: if (this.getOppositeDirection().equals(down)) this.setDirection(up); else this.setDirection(down); break; case 3: if (this.getOppositeDirection().equals(right)) this.setDirection(left); else this.setDirection(right); break; case 4: if (this.getOppositeDirection().equals(left)) this.setDirection(right); else this.setDirection(left); break; } } this.reverseDirection = function () { console.log("reverseDirection: " + this.direction.name + " to " + this.getOppositeDirection().name); this.directionWatcher.set(this.getOppositeDirection()); } } Ghost.prototype = new Figure(); // Super Class for Pacman & Ghosts function Figure() { this.posX; this.posY; this.speed; this.dirX = right.dirX; this.dirY = right.dirY; this.direction; this.stop = true; this.directionWatcher = new directionWatcher(); this.getNextDirection = function () { console.log("Figure getNextDirection"); }; this.checkDirectionChange = function () { if (this.inGrid() && (this.directionWatcher.get() == null)) this.getNextDirection(); if ((this.directionWatcher.get() != null) && this.inGrid()) { //console.log("changeDirection to "+this.directionWatcher.get().name); this.setDirection(this.directionWatcher.get()); this.directionWatcher.set(null); } } this.inGrid = function () { if ((this.posX % (2 * this.radius) === 0) && (this.posY % (2 * this.radius) === 0)) return true; return false; } this.getOppositeDirection = function () { if (this.direction.equals(up)) return down; else if (this.direction.equals(down)) return up; else if (this.direction.equals(right)) return left; else if (this.direction.equals(left)) return right; } this.move = function () { if (!this.stop) { this.posX += this.speed * this.dirX; this.posY += this.speed * this.dirY; // Check if out of canvas if (this.posX >= game.width - this.radius) this.posX = this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posX <= 0 - this.radius) this.posX = game.width - this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posY >= game.height - this.radius) this.posY = this.speed - this.radius; if (this.posY <= 0 - this.radius) this.posY = game.height - this.speed - this.radius; } } this.stop = function () { this.stop = true; } this.start = function () { this.stop = false; } this.getGridPosX = function () { return (this.posX - (this.posX % 30)) / 30; } this.getGridPosY = function () { return (this.posY - (this.posY % 30)) / 30; } this.setDirection = function (dir) { this.dirX = dir.dirX; this.dirY = dir.dirY; this.angle1 = dir.angle1; this.angle2 = dir.angle2; this.direction = dir; } this.setPosition = function (x, y) { this.posX = x; this.posY = y; } } function pacman() { this.radius = 15; this.posX = 0; this.posY = 6 * 2 * this.radius; this.speed = 5; this.angle1 = 0.25; this.angle2 = 1.75; this.mouth = 1; /* Switches between 1 and -1, depending on mouth closing / opening */ this.dirX = right.dirX; this.dirY = right.dirY; this.lives = 1; this.stuckX = 0; this.stuckY = 0; this.frozen = false; // used to play die Animation this.freeze = function () { this.frozen = true; } this.unfreeze = function () { this.frozen = false; } this.getCenterX = function () { return this.posX + this.radius; } this.getCenterY = function () { return this.posY + this.radius; } this.directionWatcher = new directionWatcher(); this.direction = right; this.beastMode = false; this.beastModeTimer = 0; this.checkCollisions = function () { if ((this.stuckX == 0) && (this.stuckY == 0) && this.frozen == false) { // Get the Grid Position of Pac var gridX = this.getGridPosX(); var gridY = this.getGridPosY(); var gridAheadX = gridX; var gridAheadY = gridY; var field = game.getMapContent(gridX, gridY); // get the field 1 ahead to check wall collisions if ((this.dirX == 1) && (gridAheadX < 17)) gridAheadX += 1; if ((this.dirY == 1) && (gridAheadY < 12)) gridAheadY += 1; var fieldAhead = game.getMapContent(gridAheadX, gridAheadY); /* Check Pill Collision */ if ((field === "pill") || (field === "powerpill")) { //console.log("Pill found at ("+gridX+"/"+gridY+"). Pacman at ("+this.posX+"/"+this.posY+")"); if ( ((this.dirX == 1) && (between(this.posX, game.toPixelPos(gridX) + this.radius - 5, game.toPixelPos(gridX + 1)))) || ((this.dirX == -1) && (between(this.posX, game.toPixelPos(gridX), game.toPixelPos(gridX) + 5))) || ((this.dirY == 1) && (between(this.posY, game.toPixelPos(gridY) + this.radius - 5, game.toPixelPos(gridY + 1)))) || ((this.dirY == -1) && (between(this.posY, game.toPixelPos(gridY), game.toPixelPos(gridY) + 5))) || (fieldAhead === "wall") ) { var s; if (field === "powerpill") { Sound.play("powerpill"); s = POWERPILL_POINTS; this.enableBeastMode(); game.startGhostFrightened(); } else { Sound.play("waka"); s = PILL_POINTS; game.pillCount--; } game.map.posY[gridY].posX[gridX].type = "null"; game.score.add(s); } } /* Check Wall Collision */ if ((fieldAhead === "wall") || (fieldAhead === "door")) { this.stuckX = this.dirX; this.stuckY = this.dirY; pacman.stop(); // get out of the wall if ((this.stuckX == 1) && ((this.posX % 2 * this.radius) != 0)) this.posX -= 5; if ((this.stuckY == 1) && ((this.posY % 2 * this.radius) != 0)) this.posY -= 5; if (this.stuckX == -1) this.posX += 5; if (this.stuckY == -1) this.posY += 5; } } } this.checkDirectionChange = function () { if (this.directionWatcher.get() != null) { console.groupCollapsed('checkDirectionChange'); //console.log("next Direction: "+directionWatcher.get().name); if ((this.stuckX == 1) && this.directionWatcher.get() == right) this.directionWatcher.set(null); else { // reset stuck events this.stuckX = 0; this.stuckY = 0; // only allow direction changes inside the grid if ((this.inGrid())) { //console.log("changeDirection to "+directionWatcher.get().name); // check if possible to change direction without getting stuck console.debug("x: " + this.getGridPosX() + " + " + this.directionWatcher.get().dirX); console.debug("y: " + this.getGridPosY() + " + " + this.directionWatcher.get().dirY); var x = this.getGridPosX() + this.directionWatcher.get().dirX; var y = this.getGridPosY() + this.directionWatcher.get().dirY; if (x <= -1) x = game.width / (this.radius * 2) - 1; if (x >= game.width / (this.radius * 2)) x = 0; if (y <= -1) x = game.height / (this.radius * 2) - 1; if (y >= game.heigth / (this.radius * 2)) y = 0; console.debug("x: " + x); console.debug("y: " + y); var nextTile = game.map.posY[y].posX[x].type; console.debug("checkNextTile: " + nextTile); if (nextTile != "wall") { this.setDirection(this.directionWatcher.get()); this.directionWatcher.set(null); } } } console.groupEnd(); } } this.setDirection = function (dir) { if (!this.frozen) { this.dirX = dir.dirX; this.dirY = dir.dirY; this.angle1 = dir.angle1; this.angle2 = dir.angle2; this.direction = dir; } } this.enableBeastMode = function () { this.beastMode = true; this.beastModeTimer = 240; console.debug("Beast Mode activated!"); inky.dazzle(); pinky.dazzle(); blinky.dazzle(); clyde.dazzle(); }; this.disableBeastMode = function () { this.beastMode = false; console.debug("Beast Mode is over!"); inky.undazzle(); pinky.undazzle(); blinky.undazzle(); clyde.undazzle(); }; this.move = function () { if (!this.frozen) { if (this.beastModeTimer > 0) { this.beastModeTimer--; //console.log("Beast Mode: "+this.beastModeTimer); } if ((this.beastModeTimer == 0) && (this.beastMode == true)) this.disableBeastMode(); this.posX += this.speed * this.dirX; this.posY += this.speed * this.dirY; // Check if out of canvas if (this.posX >= game.width - this.radius) this.posX = 5 - this.radius; if (this.posX <= 0 - this.radius) this.posX = game.width - 5 - this.radius; if (this.posY >= game.height - this.radius) this.posY = 5 - this.radius; if (this.posY <= 0 - this.radius) this.posY = game.height - 5 - this.radius; } else this.dieAnimation(); } this.eat = function () { if (!this.frozen) { if (this.dirX == this.dirY == 0) { this.angle1 -= this.mouth * 0.07; this.angle2 += this.mouth * 0.07; var limitMax1 = this.direction.angle1; var limitMax2 = this.direction.angle2; var limitMin1 = this.direction.angle1 - 0.21; var limitMin2 = this.direction.angle2 + 0.21; if (this.angle1 < limitMin1 || this.angle2 > limitMin2) { this.mouth = -1; } if (this.angle1 >= limitMax1 || this.angle2 <= limitMax2) { this.mouth = 1; } } } } this.stop = function () { this.dirX = 0; this.dirY = 0; } this.reset = function () { this.unfreeze(); this.posX = 0; this.posY = 6 * 2 * this.radius; this.setDirection(right); this.stop(); this.stuckX = 0; this.stuckY = 0; //console.log("reset pacman"); } this.dieAnimation = function () { this.angle1 += 0.05; this.angle2 -= 0.05; if (this.angle1 >= this.direction.angle1 + 0.7 || this.angle2 <= this.direction.angle2 - 0.7) { this.dieFinal(); } } this.die = function () { Sound.play("die"); this.freeze(); this.dieAnimation(); } this.dieFinal = function () { this.reset(); pinky.reset(); inky.reset(); blinky.reset(); clyde.reset(); this.lives--; console.log("pacman died, " + this.lives + " lives left"); if (this.lives <= 0) { game.endGame(); game.showHighscoreForm(); } game.drawHearts(this.lives); } this.getGridPosX = function () { return (this.posX - (this.posX % 30)) / 30; } this.getGridPosY = function () { return (this.posY - (this.posY % 30)) / 30; } } pacman.prototype = new Figure(); var pacman = new pacman(); game.buildWalls(); // Check if a new cache is available on page load. function checkAppCache() { console.log('check AppCache'); window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function (e) { console.log("AppCache: updateready"); if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) { // Browser downloaded a new app cache. // Swap it in and reload the page to get the new hotness. window.applicationCache.swapCache(); if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) { window.location.reload(); } } else { // Manifest didn't change. Nothing new to server. } }, false); window.applicationCache.addEventListener('cached', function (e) { console.log("AppCache: cached"); }, false); } // Action starts here: function hideAdressbar() { console.log("hide adressbar"); $("html").scrollTop(1); $("body").scrollTop(1); } $(document).ready(function () { if (!['localhost', ''].includes(window.location.hostname)) { logger.disableLogger(); } $.ajaxSetup({ mimeType: "application/json" }); $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend: function (xhr) { if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json"); } } }); // Hide address bar hideAdressbar(); if (window.applicationCache != null) checkAppCache(); /* -------------------- EVENT LISTENERS -------------------------- */ // Listen for resize changes /*window.addEventListener("resize", function() { // Get screen size (inner/outerWidth, inner/outerHeight) // deactivated because of problems if ((window.outerHeight < window.outerWidth) && (window.outerHeight < 720)) { game.pauseAndShowMessage("Rotate Device","Your screen is too small to play in landscape view."); console.log("rotate your device to portrait!"); } }, false);*/ // --------------- Controls // Keyboard window.addEventListener('keydown', doKeyDown, true); // pause / resume game on canvas click $('#canvas-container').click(function () { if (!(game.gameOver === true)) game.pauseResume(); }); // highscore form submit event listener $('body').on('click', '#score-submit', function () { console.log("submit highscore pressed"); if ($('#playerName').val() === "" || $('#playerName').val() === undefined) { $('#form-validator').html("Please enter a name
    "); } else { $('#form-validator').html(""); addHighscore(); } }); $('body').on('click', '#show-highscore', function () { game.showContent('highscore-content'); getHighscore(); }); // Hammerjs Touch Events Hammer('.container').on("swiperight", function (event) { if ($('#game-content').is(":visible")) { event.gesture.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(right); } }); Hammer('.container').on("swipeleft", function (event) { if ($('#game-content').is(":visible")) { event.gesture.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(left); } }); Hammer('.container').on("swipeup", function (event) { if ($('#game-content').is(":visible")) { event.gesture.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(up); } }); Hammer('.container').on("swipedown", function (event) { if ($('#game-content').is(":visible")) { event.gesture.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(down); } }); // Mobile Control Buttons $(document).on('touchend mousedown', '#up', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(up); }); $(document).on('touchend mousedown', '#down', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(down); }); $(document).on('touchend mousedown', '#left', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(left); }); $(document).on('touchend mousedown', '#right', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); pacman.directionWatcher.set(right); }); // Menu $(document).on('click', '.button#newGame', function (event) { game.newGame(); }); $(document).on('click', '.button#highscore', function (event) { game.showContent('highscore-content'); getHighscore(); }); $(document).on('click', '.button#instructions', function (event) { game.showContent('instructions-content'); }); // back button $(document).on('click', '.button#back', function (event) { game.showContent('game-content'); }); // toggleSound $(document).on('click', '.controlSound', function (event) { game.toggleSound(); }); // get latest $(document).on('click', '#updateCode', function (event) { console.log('check for new version'); event.preventDefault(); window.applicationCache.update(); }); // checkAppCache(); canvas = $("#myCanvas").get(0); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); /* --------------- GAME INITIALISATION ------------------------------------ TODO: put this into Game object and change code to accept different setups / levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ game.init(0); renderContent(); }); function renderContent() { // Refresh Score game.score.refresh(".score"); // Pills context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = "White"; context.strokeStyle = "White"; var dotPosY; if (game.map && game.map.posY && game.map.posY.length > 0) { $.each(game.map.posY, (i, row) => { dotPosY = row.row; $.each(row.posX, (j, column) => { if (column.type == "pill") { context.arc(game.toPixelPos(column.col - 1) + pacman.radius, game.toPixelPos(dotPosY - 1) + pacman.radius, game.pillSize, 0 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI); context.moveTo(game.toPixelPos(column.col - 1), game.toPixelPos(dotPosY - 1)); } else if (column.type == "powerpill") { context.arc(game.toPixelPos(column.col - 1) + pacman.radius, game.toPixelPos(dotPosY - 1) + pacman.radius, game.powerpillSizeCurrent, 0 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI); context.moveTo(game.toPixelPos(column.col - 1), game.toPixelPos(dotPosY - 1)); } }); }); } else { console.warn('Map not loaded (yet).') } context.fill(); // Walls context.drawImage(canvas_walls, 0, 0); if (game.started) { // Ghosts pinky.draw(context); blinky.draw(context); inky.draw(context); clyde.draw(context); // Pac Man context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = "Yellow"; context.strokeStyle = "Yellow"; context.arc(pacman.posX + pacman.radius, pacman.posY + pacman.radius, pacman.radius, pacman.angle1 * Math.PI, pacman.angle2 * Math.PI); context.lineTo(pacman.posX + pacman.radius, pacman.posY + pacman.radius); context.stroke(); context.fill(); } } // TODO: only for debugging function renderGrid(gridPixelSize, color) { context.save(); context.lineWidth = 0.5; context.strokeStyle = color; // horizontal grid lines for (var i = 0; i <= canvas.height; i = i + gridPixelSize) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, i); context.lineTo(canvas.width, i); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } // vertical grid lines for (var i = 0; i <= canvas.width; i = i + gridPixelSize) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(i, 0); context.lineTo(i, canvas.height); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } context.restore(); } function animationLoop() { // if (gameOver) return; canvas.width = canvas.width; // enable next line to show grid // renderGrid(pacman.radius, "red"); renderContent(); if (game.dieAnimation == 1) pacman.dieAnimation(); if (game.pause !== true) { // Make changes before next loop pacman.move(); pacman.eat(); pacman.checkDirectionChange(); pacman.checkCollisions(); // has to be the LAST method called on pacman blinky.move(); inky.move(); pinky.move(); clyde.move(); game.checkGhostMode(); // All dots collected? game.checkForLevelUp(); } //requestAnimationFrame(animationLoop); setTimeout(animationLoop, game.refreshRate); } function doKeyDown(evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 38: // UP Arrow Key pressed evt.preventDefault(); case 87: // W pressed pacman.directionWatcher.set(up); break; case 40: // DOWN Arrow Key pressed evt.preventDefault(); case 83: // S pressed pacman.directionWatcher.set(down); break; case 37: // LEFT Arrow Key pressed evt.preventDefault(); case 65: // A pressed pacman.directionWatcher.set(left); break; case 39: // RIGHT Arrow Key pressed evt.preventDefault(); case 68: // D pressed pacman.directionWatcher.set(right); break; case 78: // N pressed if (!$('#playerName').is(':focus')) { game.pause = 1; game.newGame(); } break; case 77: // M pressed game.toggleSound(); break; case 8: // Backspace pressed -> show Game Content case 27: // ESC pressed -> show Game Content if (!$('#playerName').is(':focus')) { evt.preventDefault(); game.showContent('game-content'); } break; case 32: // SPACE pressed -> pause Game evt.preventDefault(); if (!(game.gameOver == true) && $('#game-content').is(':visible') ) game.pauseResume(); break; } } } geronimo();