# lxd / maas issue. either upgrade lxd or maas to 3.1 sudo snap switch --channel=4.19/stable lxd sudo snap refresh lxd #get local interface name (this assumes a single default route is present) export INTERFACE=$(ip route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 5) export IP_ADDRESS=$(ip -4 addr show dev $INTERFACE | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}') sed -i 's/#net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/' /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INTERFACE -j SNAT --to $IP_ADDRESS #TODO inbound port forwarding/load balancing # Persist NAT configuration echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections apt-get install iptables-persistent -y # LXD init cat /tmp/lxd.cfg | lxd init --preseed # Wait for LXD to be ready lxd waitready # Initialise MAAS maas init region+rack --database-uri maas-test-db:/// --maas-url http://${IP_ADDRESS}:5240/MAAS sleep 15 # Create MAAS admin and grab API key maas createadmin --username admin --password admin --email admin export APIKEY=$(maas apikey --username admin) # MAAS admin login maas login admin 'http://localhost:5240/MAAS/' $APIKEY # Configure MAAS networking (set gateways, vlans, DHCP on etc) export SUBNET= export FABRIC_ID=$(maas admin subnet read "$SUBNET" | jq -r ".vlan.fabric_id") export VLAN_TAG=$(maas admin subnet read "$SUBNET" | jq -r ".vlan.vid") export PRIMARY_RACK=$(maas admin rack-controllers read | jq -r ".[] | .system_id") maas admin subnet update $SUBNET gateway_ip= maas admin ipranges create type=dynamic start_ip= end_ip= maas admin vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_TAG dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK maas admin maas set-config name=upstream_dns value= # Add LXD as a VM host for MAAS maas admin vm-hosts create password=password type=lxd power_address=https://${IP_ADDRESS}:8443 project=maas #creating VMs #TODO find out the name of our vm host, and store this id in a variable maas admin vm-hosts read | jq '.[] | select (.name=="proud-possum") | .name, .id' # add a VM #TODO use the variable for the VM host ID (below it is static 1) maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=8192 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:100(pool1)" # Juju (note, this section requires manual intervention) sudo snap install juju --classic sed -i 's/IP_ADDRESS/${IP_ADDRESS}/' maas-cloud.yaml juju add-cloud --local maas-cloud maas-cloud.yaml juju add-credential maas-cloud juju clouds --local juju credentials juju bootstrap maas-cloud # fire up the juju gui to view the fun juju gui # get coffee # get some storage going # https://jaas.ai/ceph-base # https://jaas.ai/canonical-kubernetes/bundle/471 juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon # add some machines for ceph-osd, 2 disks each maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)" maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)" maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)" juju deploy --config ceph-osd.yaml cs:ceph-osd -n 3 juju add-relation ceph-mon ceph-osd # add some machines for kubernetes-core maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)" maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)" maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)" # deploy kubernetes-core with juju juju deploy kubernetes-core # add the new kubernetes as a cloud to juju mkdir ~/.kube juju scp kubernetes-master/0:/home/ubuntu/config ~/.kube/config # add storage relations juju add-relation ceph-mon:admin kubernetes-master juju add-relation ceph-mon:client kubernetes-master # add k8s to juju juju add-k8s my-k8s juju bootstrap my-k8s # add a model (k8s namespace) to the cluster juju add-model k8s-model my-k8s # add an LMA model to the cluster juju add-model lma my-k8s juju deploy lma-light --channel=edge --trust #juju destroy-controller -y --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage maas-cloud-default