Lucas Servén Marín c9e4786893
e2e: reuse kind cluster across suites
Currently, each test suite spins up its own kind cluster, which results
in longer e2e test times as each test suite needs to wait for the
cluster to be ready and for images to download. This commit creates two
new virtual test suites that are run before and after the actual e2e
tests and are responsible for creating and destroying a kind cluster
respectively. Any test suite that needs a fresh cluster can still spin
up its own using the `create_cluster` helper in the file.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Servén Marín <>
2021-07-05 19:43:18 +02:00

44 lines
2.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
setup_suite() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
$KUBECTL_BINARY patch ds -n kube-system kilo -p '{"spec": {"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"kilo","args":["--hostname=$(NODE_NAME)","--create-interface=false","--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig","--mesh-granularity=full"]}]}}}}'
block_until_ready_by_name kube-system kilo-userspace
$KUBECTL_BINARY wait pod -l --for=condition=Ready --timeout 3m
test_full_mesh_connectivity() {
assert "retry 30 5 '' check_ping" "should be able to ping all Pods"
assert "retry 10 5 'the adjacency matrix is not complete yet' check_adjacent 12" "adjacency should return the right number of successful pings"
echo "sleep for 30s (one reconciliation period) and try again..."
sleep 30
assert "retry 10 5 'the adjacency matrix is not complete yet' check_adjacent 12" "adjacency should return the right number of successful pings after reconciling"
test_full_mesh_peer() {
check_peer wg1 e2e full
test_full_mesh_allowed_location_ips() {
docker exec kind-cluster-kilo-control-plane ip address add dev eth0
$KUBECTL_BINARY annotate node kind-cluster-kilo-control-plane
assert_equals Unauthorized "$(retry 10 5 'IP is not yet routable' curl_pod -m 1 -s -k" "should be able to make HTTP request to allowed location IP"
$KUBECTL_BINARY annotate node kind-cluster-kilo-control-plane
assert "retry 10 5 'IP is still routable' _not curl_pod -m 1 -s -k" "should not be able to make HTTP request to allowed location IP"
docker exec kind-cluster-kilo-control-plane ip address delete dev eth0
test_reject_peer_empty_allowed_ips() {
assert_fail "create_peer e2e '' 0 foo" "should not be able to create Peer with empty allowed IPs"
test_reject_peer_empty_public_key() {
assert_fail "create_peer e2e 0 ''" "should not be able to create Peer with empty public key"
test_mesh_granularity_auto_detect() {
assert_equals "$($KGCTL_BINARY graph)" "$($KGCTL_BINARY graph --mesh-granularity full)"