582 lines
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582 lines
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// Copyright 2019 the Kilo authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mesh
import (
const resyncPeriod = 30 * time.Second
const (
// KiloPath is the directory where Kilo stores its configuration.
KiloPath = "/var/lib/kilo"
// PrivateKeyPath is the filepath where the WireGuard private key is stored.
PrivateKeyPath = KiloPath + "/key"
// ConfPath is the filepath where the WireGuard configuration is stored.
ConfPath = KiloPath + "/conf"
// Granularity represents the abstraction level at which the network
// should be meshed.
type Granularity string
// Encapsulate identifies what packets within a location should
// be encapsulated.
type Encapsulate string
const (
// DataCenterGranularity indicates that the network should create
// a mesh between data-centers but not between nodes within a
// single data-center.
DataCenterGranularity Granularity = "data-center"
// NodeGranularity indicates that the network should create
// a mesh between every node.
NodeGranularity Granularity = "node"
// NeverEncapsulate indicates that no packets within a location
// should be encapsulated.
NeverEncapsulate Encapsulate = "never"
// CrossSubnetEncapsulate indicates that only packets that
// traverse subnets within a location should be encapsulated.
CrossSubnetEncapsulate Encapsulate = "crosssubnet"
// AlwaysEncapsulate indicates that all packets within a location
// should be encapsulated.
AlwaysEncapsulate Encapsulate = "always"
// Node represents a node in the network.
type Node struct {
ExternalIP *net.IPNet
Key []byte
InternalIP *net.IPNet
// Leader is a suggestion to Kilo that
// the node wants to lead its segment.
Leader bool
Location string
Name string
Subnet *net.IPNet
// Ready indicates whether or not the node is ready.
func (n *Node) Ready() bool {
return n != nil && n.ExternalIP != nil && n.Key != nil && n.InternalIP != nil && n.Subnet != nil
// EventType describes what kind of an action an event represents.
type EventType string
const (
// AddEvent represents an action where an item was added.
AddEvent EventType = "add"
// DeleteEvent represents an action where an item was removed.
DeleteEvent EventType = "delete"
// UpdateEvent represents an action where an item was updated.
UpdateEvent EventType = "update"
// Event represents an update event concerning a node in the cluster.
type Event struct {
Type EventType
Node *Node
// Backend can get nodes by name, init itself,
// list the nodes that should be meshed,
// set Kilo properties for a node,
// clean up any changes applied to the backend,
// and watch for changes to nodes.
type Backend interface {
CleanUp(string) error
Get(string) (*Node, error)
Init(<-chan struct{}) error
List() ([]*Node, error)
Set(string, *Node) error
Watch() <-chan *Event
// Mesh is able to create Kilo network meshes.
type Mesh struct {
encapsulate Encapsulate
externalIP *net.IPNet
granularity Granularity
hostname string
internalIP *net.IPNet
ipset *ipset.Set
ipTables *iptables.Controller
kiloIface int
key []byte
local bool
port int
priv []byte
privIface int
pub []byte
pubIface int
stop chan struct{}
subnet *net.IPNet
table *route.Table
tunlIface int
// nodes is a mutable field in the struct
// and needs to be guarded.
nodes map[string]*Node
mu sync.Mutex
errorCounter *prometheus.CounterVec
nodesGuage prometheus.Gauge
logger log.Logger
// New returns a new Mesh instance.
func New(backend Backend, encapsulate Encapsulate, granularity Granularity, hostname string, port int, subnet *net.IPNet, local bool, logger log.Logger) (*Mesh, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(KiloPath, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create directory to store configuration: %v", err)
private, err := ioutil.ReadFile(PrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
level.Warn(logger).Log("msg", "no private key found on disk; generating one now")
if private, err = wireguard.GenKey(); err != nil {
return nil, err
public, err := wireguard.PubKey(private)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(PrivateKeyPath, private, 0600); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write private key to disk: %v", err)
privateIP, publicIP, err := getIP(hostname)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find public IP: %v", err)
ifaces, err := interfacesForIP(privateIP)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find interface for private IP: %v", err)
privIface := ifaces[0].Index
ifaces, err = interfacesForIP(publicIP)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find interface for public IP: %v", err)
pubIface := ifaces[0].Index
kiloIface, err := wireguard.New("kilo")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create WireGuard interface: %v", err)
var tunlIface int
if encapsulate != NeverEncapsulate {
if tunlIface, err = iproute.NewIPIP(privIface); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tunnel interface: %v", err)
if err := iproute.Set(tunlIface, true); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set tunnel interface up: %v", err)
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", fmt.Sprintf("using %s as the private IP address", privateIP.String()))
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", fmt.Sprintf("using %s as the public IP address", publicIP.String()))
ipTables, err := iptables.New(len(subnet.IP))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to IP tables controller: %v", err)
return &Mesh{
Backend: backend,
encapsulate: encapsulate,
externalIP: publicIP,
granularity: granularity,
hostname: hostname,
internalIP: privateIP,
// This is a patch until Calico supports
// other hosts adding IPIP iptables rules.
ipset: ipset.New("cali40all-hosts-net"),
ipTables: ipTables,
kiloIface: kiloIface,
nodes: make(map[string]*Node),
port: port,
priv: private,
privIface: privIface,
pub: public,
pubIface: pubIface,
local: local,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
subnet: subnet,
table: route.NewTable(),
tunlIface: tunlIface,
errorCounter: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "kilo_errors_total",
Help: "Number of errors that occurred while administering the mesh.",
}, []string{"event"}),
nodesGuage: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "kilo_nodes",
Help: "Number of in the mesh.",
logger: logger,
}, nil
// Run starts the mesh.
func (m *Mesh) Run() error {
if err := m.Init(m.stop); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize backend: %v", err)
ipsetErrors, err := m.ipset.Run(m.stop)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch for ipset updates: %v", err)
ipTablesErrors, err := m.ipTables.Run(m.stop)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch for IP tables updates: %v", err)
routeErrors, err := m.table.Run(m.stop)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch for route table updates: %v", err)
go func() {
for {
var err error
select {
case err = <-ipsetErrors:
case err = <-ipTablesErrors:
case err = <-routeErrors:
case <-m.stop:
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
defer m.cleanUp()
t := time.NewTimer(resyncPeriod)
w := m.Watch()
for {
var e *Event
select {
case e = <-w:
case <-t.C:
case <-m.stop:
return nil
func (m *Mesh) sync(e *Event) {
logger := log.With(m.logger, "event", e.Type)
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", "syncing", "event", e.Type)
if isSelf(m.hostname, e.Node) {
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", "processing local node", "node", e.Node)
var diff bool
if !e.Node.Ready() {
level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", "received incomplete node", "node", e.Node)
// An existing node is no longer valid
// so remove it from the mesh.
if _, ok := m.nodes[e.Node.Name]; ok {
level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "node is no longer in the mesh", "node", e.Node)
delete(m.nodes, e.Node.Name)
diff = true
} else {
switch e.Type {
case AddEvent:
case UpdateEvent:
if !nodesAreEqual(m.nodes[e.Node.Name], e.Node) {
m.nodes[e.Node.Name] = e.Node
diff = true
case DeleteEvent:
delete(m.nodes, e.Node.Name)
diff = true
if diff {
level.Info(logger).Log("node", e.Node)
func (m *Mesh) handleLocal(n *Node) {
// Allow the external IP to be overridden.
if n.ExternalIP == nil {
n.ExternalIP = m.externalIP
// Compare the given node to the calculated local node.
// Take leader, location, and subnet from the argument, as these
// are not determined by kilo.
local := &Node{ExternalIP: n.ExternalIP, Key: m.pub, InternalIP: m.internalIP, Leader: n.Leader, Location: n.Location, Name: m.hostname, Subnet: n.Subnet}
if !nodesAreEqual(n, local) {
level.Debug(m.logger).Log("msg", "local node differs from backend")
if err := m.Set(m.hostname, local); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to set local node: %v", err), "node", local)
level.Debug(m.logger).Log("msg", "successfully reconciled local node against backend")
n = m.nodes[m.hostname]
if n == nil {
n = &Node{}
if !nodesAreEqual(n, local) {
m.nodes[local.Name] = local
func (m *Mesh) applyTopology() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// Ensure all unready nodes are removed.
var ready float64
for n := range m.nodes {
if !m.nodes[n].Ready() {
delete(m.nodes, n)
// We cannot do anything with the topology until the local node is available.
if m.nodes[m.hostname] == nil {
t, err := NewTopology(m.nodes, m.granularity, m.hostname, m.port, m.priv, m.subnet)
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
conf, err := t.Conf()
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(ConfPath, conf, 0600); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
var private *net.IPNet
// If we are not encapsulating packets to the local private network,
// then pass the private IP to add an exception to the NAT rule.
if m.encapsulate != AlwaysEncapsulate {
private = t.privateIP
rules := iptables.MasqueradeRules(private, m.nodes[m.hostname].Subnet, t.RemoteSubnets())
rules = append(rules, iptables.ForwardRules(m.subnet)...)
if err := m.ipTables.Set(rules); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
if m.encapsulate != NeverEncapsulate {
var peers []net.IP
for _, s := range t.Segments {
if s.Location == m.nodes[m.hostname].Location {
peers = s.privateIPs
if err := m.ipset.Set(peers); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
if m.local {
if err := iproute.SetAddress(m.tunlIface, oneAddressCIDR(newAllocator(*m.nodes[m.hostname].Subnet).next().IP)); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
if t.leader {
if err := iproute.SetAddress(m.kiloIface, t.wireGuardCIDR); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
link, err := linkByIndex(m.kiloIface)
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
oldConf, err := wireguard.ShowConf(link.Attrs().Name)
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
// Setting the WireGuard configuration interrupts existing connections
// so only set the configuration if it has changed.
equal, err := wireguard.CompareConf(conf, oldConf)
if err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
// Don't return here, simply overwrite the old configuration.
equal = false
if !equal {
if err := wireguard.SetConf(link.Attrs().Name, ConfPath); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
if err := iproute.Set(m.kiloIface, true); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
} else {
level.Debug(m.logger).Log("msg", "local node is not the leader")
if err := iproute.Set(m.kiloIface, false); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
// We need to add routes last since they may depend
// on the WireGuard interface.
routes := t.Routes(m.kiloIface, m.privIface, m.tunlIface, m.local, m.encapsulate)
if err := m.table.Set(routes); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", err)
// RegisterMetrics registers Prometheus metrics on the given Prometheus
// registerer.
func (m *Mesh) RegisterMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) {
// Stop stops the mesh.
func (m *Mesh) Stop() {
func (m *Mesh) cleanUp() {
if err := m.ipTables.CleanUp(); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up IP tables: %v", err))
if err := m.table.CleanUp(); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up routes: %v", err))
if err := os.Remove(PrivateKeyPath); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete private key: %v", err))
if err := os.Remove(ConfPath); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete configuration file: %v", err))
if err := iproute.RemoveInterface(m.kiloIface); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to remove wireguard interface: %v", err))
if err := m.CleanUp(m.hostname); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up backend: %v", err))
if err := m.ipset.CleanUp(); err != nil {
level.Error(m.logger).Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("failed to clean up ipset: %v", err))
func isSelf(hostname string, node *Node) bool {
return node != nil && node.Name == hostname
func nodesAreEqual(a, b *Node) bool {
if !(a != nil) == (b != nil) {
return false
if a == b {
return true
return ipNetsEqual(a.ExternalIP, b.ExternalIP) && string(a.Key) == string(b.Key) && ipNetsEqual(a.InternalIP, b.InternalIP) && a.Leader == b.Leader && a.Location == b.Location && a.Name == b.Name && subnetsEqual(a.Subnet, b.Subnet)
func ipNetsEqual(a, b *net.IPNet) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if (a != nil) != (b != nil) {
return false
if a.Mask.String() != b.Mask.String() {
return false
return a.IP.Equal(b.IP)
func subnetsEqual(a, b *net.IPNet) bool {
if a.Mask.String() != b.Mask.String() {
return false
if !a.Contains(b.IP) {
return false
if !b.Contains(a.IP) {
return false
return true
func linkByIndex(index int) (netlink.Link, error) {
link, err := netlink.LinkByIndex(index)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get interface: %v", err)
return link, nil