leonnicolas 6a696e03e7
migrate to (#239)
* migrate to

This commit introduces the usage of wgctrl.
It avoids the usage of exec calls of the wg command
and parsing the output of `wg show`.

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* vendor wgctrl

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* apply suggestions from code review

Remove wireguard.Enpoint struct and use net.UDPAddr for the resolved
endpoint and addr string (dnsanme:port) if a DN was supplied.

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* pkg/*: use wireguard.Enpoint

This commit introduces the wireguard.Enpoint struct.
It encapsulates a DN name with port and a net.UPDAddr.
The fields are private and only accessible over exported Methods
to avoid accidental modification.

Also iptables.GetProtocol is improved to avoid ipv4 rules being applied
by `ip6tables`.

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* pkg/wireguard/conf_test.go: add tests for Endpoint

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* cmd/kg/main.go: validate port range

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* add suggestions from review

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* pkg/mesh/mesh.go: use Equal func

Implement an Equal func for Enpoint and use it instead of comparing

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* cmd/kgctl/main.go: check port range

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>

* vendor

Signed-off-by: leonnicolas <>
2022-01-30 17:38:45 +01:00

27 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
setup_suite() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
_kubectl patch ds -n kube-system kilo -p '{"spec": {"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"kilo","args":["--hostname=$(NODE_NAME)","--create-interface=false","--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig","--mesh-granularity=location"]}]}}}}'
block_until_ready_by_name kube-system kilo-userspace
_kubectl wait pod -l --for=condition=Ready --timeout 3m
test_location_mesh_connectivity() {
assert "retry 30 5 '' check_ping" "should be able to ping all Pods"
assert "retry 10 5 'the adjacency matrix is not complete yet' check_adjacent 3" "adjacency should return the right number of successful pings"
echo "sleep for 30s (one reconciliation period) and try again..."
sleep 30
assert "retry 10 5 'the adjacency matrix is not complete yet' check_adjacent 3" "adjacency should return the right number of successful pings after reconciling"
test_location_mesh_peer() {
check_peer wg99 e2e location
test_mesh_granularity_auto_detect() {
assert_equals "$(_kgctl graph)" "$(_kgctl graph --mesh-granularity location)"