#!/usr/bin/env bash KUBECONFIG="kind.yaml" KIND_CLUSTER="kind-cluster-kilo" KIND_BINARY="${KIND_BINARY:-kind}" KUBECTL_BINARY="${KUBECTL_BINARY:-kubectl}" KGCTL_BINARY="${KGCTL_BINARY:-kgctl}" KILO_IMAGE="${KILO_IMAGE:-squat/kilo}" retry() { local COUNT="${1:-10}" local SLEEP="${2:-5}" local ERROR=$3 [ -n "$ERROR" ] && ERROR="$ERROR " shift 3 for c in $(seq 1 "$COUNT"); do if "$@"; then return 0 else printf "%s(attempt %d/%d)\n" "$ERROR" "$c" "$COUNT" | color "$YELLOW" if [ "$c" != "$COUNT" ]; then printf "retrying in %d seconds...\n" "$SLEEP" | color "$YELLOW" sleep "$SLEEP" fi fi done return 1 } _not() { if "$@"; then return 1 fi return 0 } # _kubectl is a helper that calls kubectl with the --kubeconfig flag. _kubectl() { $KUBECTL_BINARY --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" "$@" } # _kgctl is a helper that calls kgctl with the --kubeconfig flag. _kgctl() { $KGCTL_BINARY --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" "$@" } # _kind is a helper that calls kind with the --kubeconfig flag. _kind() { $KIND_BINARY --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" "$@" } create_interface() { docker run -d --name="$1" --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/net/tun -v /var/run/wireguard:/var/run/wireguard -e WG_LOG_LEVEL=debug leonnicolas/boringtun --foreground --disable-drop-privileges true "$1" } delete_interface() { docker rm --force "$1" } create_peer() { cat < /dev/null # Create the kind cluster. _kind create cluster --name $KIND_CLUSTER --config ./kind-config.yaml # Load the Kilo image into kind. docker tag "$KILO_IMAGE" squat/kilo:test # This command does not accept the --kubeconfig flag, so call the command directly. $KIND_BINARY load docker-image squat/kilo:test --name $KIND_CLUSTER # Create the kubeconfig secret. _kubectl create secret generic kubeconfig --from-file=kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" -n kube-system # Apply Kilo the the cluster. _kubectl apply -f ../manifests/crds.yaml _kubectl apply -f kilo-kind-userspace.yaml block_until_ready_by_name kube-system kilo-userspace _kubectl wait nodes --all --for=condition=Ready # Wait for CoreDNS. block_until_ready kube_system k8s-app=kube-dns # Ensure the curl helper is not scheduled on a control-plane node. _kubectl apply -f helper-curl.yaml block_until_ready_by_name default curl _kubectl taint node $KIND_CLUSTER-control-plane node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule- _kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heptoprint/adjacency/master/example.yaml block_until_ready_by_name adjacency adjacency } delete_cluster () { _kind delete clusters $KIND_CLUSTER } curl_pod() { _kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=curl -o name | xargs -I{} "$KUBECTL_BINARY" --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" exec {} -- /bin/sh -c "curl $*" } check_ping() { local LOCAL while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in --local) LOCAL=true ;; esac shift done for ip in $(_kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=adjacency -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'); do if [ -n "$LOCAL" ]; then ping=$(curl -m 1 -s http://"$ip":8080/ping) else ping=$(curl_pod -m 1 -s http://"$ip":8080/ping) fi if [ "$ping" = "pong" ]; then echo "successfully pinged $ip" else printf 'failed to ping %s; expected "pong" but got "%s"\n' "$ip" "$ping" return 1 fi done return 0 } check_adjacent() { _kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=curl -o name | xargs -I{} "$KUBECTL_BINARY" --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG" exec {} -- /bin/sh -c 'curl -m 1 -s adjacency:8080/?format=fancy' [ "$(curl_pod -m 1 -s adjacency:8080/?format=json | jq '.[].latencies[].ok' | grep -c true)" -eq $(($1*$1)) ] } check_peer() { local INTERFACE=$1 local PEER=$2 local ALLOWED_IP=$3 local GRANULARITY=$4 create_interface "$INTERFACE" docker run --rm --entrypoint=/usr/bin/wg "$KILO_IMAGE" genkey > "$INTERFACE" assert "create_peer $PEER $ALLOWED_IP 10 $(docker run --rm --entrypoint=/bin/sh -v "$PWD/$INTERFACE":/key "$KILO_IMAGE" -c 'cat /key | wg pubkey')" "should be able to create Peer" assert "_kgctl showconf peer $PEER --mesh-granularity=$GRANULARITY > $PEER.ini" "should be able to get Peer configuration" assert "docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --entrypoint=/usr/bin/wg -v /var/run/wireguard:/var/run/wireguard -v $PWD/$PEER.ini:/peer.ini $KILO_IMAGE setconf $INTERFACE /peer.ini" "should be able to apply configuration from kgctl" docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --entrypoint=/usr/bin/wg -v /var/run/wireguard:/var/run/wireguard -v "$PWD/$INTERFACE":/key "$KILO_IMAGE" set "$INTERFACE" private-key /key docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --entrypoint=/sbin/ip "$KILO_IMAGE" address add "$ALLOWED_IP" dev "$INTERFACE" docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --entrypoint=/sbin/ip "$KILO_IMAGE" link set "$INTERFACE" up docker run --rm --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --entrypoint=/sbin/ip "$KILO_IMAGE" route add 10.42/16 dev "$INTERFACE" assert "retry 10 5 '' check_ping --local" "should be able to ping Pods from host" assert_equals "$(_kgctl showconf peer "$PEER")" "$(_kgctl showconf peer "$PEER" --mesh-granularity="$GRANULARITY")" "kgctl should be able to auto detect the mesh granularity" rm "$INTERFACE" "$PEER".ini delete_peer "$PEER" delete_interface "$INTERFACE" }