## v1.4.1

- [Improvement]: significant runtime network poller integration cleanup through
  the use of `github.com/mdlayher/socket`.

## v1.4.0

- [New API] [#185](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/185): the
  `netlink.AttributeDecoder` and `netlink.AttributeEncoder` types now have
  methods for dealing with signed integers: `Int8`, `Int16`, `Int32`, and
  `Int64`. These are necessary for working with rtnetlink's XDP APIs. Thanks

## v1.3.2

- [Improvement]
  `github.com/google/go-cmp` is no longer a (non-test) dependency of this module.

## v1.3.1

- [Improvement]: many internal cleanups and simplifications. The library is now
  slimmer and features less internal indirection. There are no user-facing
  changes in this release.

## v1.3.0

- [New API] [#176](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/176):
  `netlink.OpError` now has `Message` and `Offset` fields which are populated
  when the kernel returns netlink extended acknowledgement data along with an
  error code. The caller can turn on this option by using
  `netlink.Conn.SetOption(netlink.ExtendedAcknowledge, true)`.
- [New API]
  the `netlink.GetStrictCheck` option can be used to tell the kernel to be more
  strict when parsing requests. This enables more safety checks and can allow
  the kernel to perform more advanced request filtering in subsystems such as
  route netlink.

## v1.2.1

- [Bug Fix]
  `netlink.SetBPF` will no longer panic if an empty BPF filter is set.
- [Improvement]
  the library now uses https://github.com/josharian/native to provide the
  system's native endianness at compile time, rather than re-computing it many
  times at runtime.

## v1.2.0

**This is the first release of package netlink that only supports Go 1.12+. Users on older versions must use v1.1.1.**

- [Improvement] [#173](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/173): support
  for Go 1.11 and below has been dropped. All users are highly recommended to
  use a stable and supported release of Go for their applications.
- [Performance] [#171](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/171):
  `netlink.Conn` no longer requires a locked OS thread for the vast majority of
  operations, which should result in a significant speedup for highly concurrent
  callers. Thanks @ti-mo.
- [Bug Fix] [#169](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/169): calls to
  `netlink.Conn.Close` are now able to unblock concurrent calls to
  `netlink.Conn.Receive` and other blocking operations.

## v1.1.1

**This is the last release of package netlink that supports Go 1.11.**

- [Improvement] [#165](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/165):
  `netlink.Conn` `SetReadBuffer` and `SetWriteBuffer` methods now attempt the
  `SO_*BUFFORCE` socket options to possibly ignore system limits given elevated
  caller permissions. Thanks @MarkusBauer.
- [Note]
  `netlink.Conn.Close` has had a long-standing bug
  [#162](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/162) related to internal
  concurrency handling where a call to `Close` is not sufficient to unblock
  pending reads. To effectively fix this issue, it is necessary to drop support
  for Go 1.11 and below. This will be fixed in a future release, but a
  workaround is noted in the method documentation as of now.

## v1.1.0

- [New API] [#157](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/157): the
  `netlink.AttributeDecoder.TypeFlags` method enables retrieval of the type bits
  stored in a netlink attribute's type field, because the existing `Type` method
  masks away these bits. Thanks @ti-mo!
- [Performance] [#157](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/157): `netlink.AttributeDecoder`
  now decodes netlink attributes on demand, enabling callers who only need a
  limited number of attributes to exit early from decoding loops. Thanks @ti-mo!
- [Improvement] [#161](https://github.com/mdlayher/netlink/pull/161): `netlink.Conn`
  system calls are now ready for Go 1.14+'s changes to goroutine preemption.
  See the PR for details.

## v1.0.0

- Initial stable commit.