Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.

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// Package crd contains utilities for generating CustomResourceDefinitions and
// their corresponding OpenAPI validation schemata.
// Markers
// Markers live under the markers subpackage.  Two types of markers exist:
// those that modify schema generation (for validation), and those that modify
// the rest of the CRD.  See the subpackage for more information and all
// supported markers.
// Collecting Types and Generating CRDs
// The Parser is the entrypoint for collecting the information required to
// generate CRDs.  Like loader and collector, its methods are idemptotent, not
// doing extra work if called multiple times.
// Parser's method start with Need.  Calling NeedXYZ indicates that XYZ should
// be made present in the eqivalent field in the Parser, where it can then be
// loaded from.  Each Need method will in turn call Need on anything it needs.
// In general, root packages should first be loaded into the Parser with
// NeedPackage.  Then, CRDs can be generated with NeedCRDFor.
// Errors are generally attached directly to the relevant Package with
// AddError.
// Known Packages
// There are a few types from Kubernetes that have special meaning, but don't
// have validation markers attached.  Those specific types have overrides
// listed in KnownPackages that can be added as overrides to any parser.
// Flattening
// Once schemata are generated, they can be used directly by external tooling
// (like JSONSchema validators), but must first be "flattened" to not contain
// references before use in a CRD (Kubernetes doesn't allow references in the
// CRD's validation schema).
// The Flattener built in to the Parser takes care of flattening out references
// when requesting the CRDs, but can be invoked manually.  It will not modify
// the input schemata.
// Flattened schemata may further be passed to FlattenEmbedded to remove the
// use of AllOf (which is used to describe embedded struct fields when
// references are in use).  This done automatically when fetching CRDs.
package crd