# Build and Test the Website You may have noticed that the `markdown` files in the `/docs` directory are also displayed on [Kilo's website](https://kilo.squat.ai/). If you want to add documentation to Kilo, you can start a local webserver to check out how the website would look like. ## Requirements Install [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install). ## Build and Run The markdown files for the website are located in `/website/docs` and are generated from the like-named markdown files in the `/docs` directory and from the corresponding header files without the `.md` extension in the `/website/docs` directory. To generate the markdown files in `/website/docs`, run: ```shell make website/docs/README.md ``` Next, build the website itself by installing the `node_modules` and building the website's HTML from the generated markdown: ```shell make website/build/index.html ``` Now, start the website server with: ```shell yarn --cwd website start ``` This command should have opened a browser window with the website; if not, open your browser and point it to `http://localhost:3000`. If you make changes to any of the markdown files in `/docs` and want to reload the local `node` server, run: ```shell make website/docs/README.md -B ``` You can execute the above while the node server is running and the website will be rebuilt and reloaded automatically. ## Add a New File to the Docs If you add a new file to the `/docs` directory, you also need to create a corresponding header file containing the front-matter in `/website/docs/`. Then, regenerate the markdown for the website with the command: ```shell make website/docs/README.md ``` Edit `/website/sidebars.js` accordingly. _Note:_ The `id` in the header file `/website/docs/` must match the `id` specified in `website/sidebars.js`.