.PHONY: all push container clean container-name container-latest push-latest fmt lint test unit vendor header BINS := $(addprefix bin/,kg kgctl) PROJECT := kilo PKG := github.com/squat/$(PROJECT) REGISTRY ?= index.docker.io IMAGE ?= squat/$(PROJECT) TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null) COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) VERSION := $(COMMIT) ifneq ($(TAG),) ifeq ($(COMMIT), $(shell git rev-list -n1 $(TAG))) VERSION := $(TAG) endif endif DIRTY := $(shell test -z "$$(git diff --shortstat 2>/dev/null)" || echo -dirty) VERSION := $(VERSION)$(DIRTY) LD_FLAGS := -ldflags '-X $(PKG)/pkg/version.Version=$(VERSION)' SRC := $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") GO_FILES ?= $$(find . -name '*.go' -not -path './vendor/*') GO_PKGS ?= $$(go list ./... | grep -v "$(PKG)/vendor") BUILD_IMAGE ?= golang:1.11.1-alpine all: build build: $(BINS) $(BINS): $(SRC) go.mod @mkdir -p bin @echo "building: $@" @docker run --rm \ -u $$(id -u):$$(id -g) \ -v $$(pwd):/$(PROJECT) \ -w /$(PROJECT) \ $(BUILD_IMAGE) \ /bin/sh -c " \ rm -rf ./.cache && \ GOOS=linux \ GOCACHE=./.cache \ CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go build -mod=vendor -o $@ \ $(LD_FLAGS) \ ./cmd/$(@F)/... \ " fmt: @echo $(GO_PKGS) gofmt -w -s $(GO_FILES) lint: header @echo 'go vet $(GO_PKGS)' @vet_res=$$(go vet $(GO_PKGS) 2>&1); if [ -n "$$vet_res" ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "Go vet found issues. Please check the reported issues"; \ echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review:"; \ echo "$$vet_res"; \ exit 1; \ fi @echo 'golint $(GO_PKGS)' @lint_res=$$(golint $(GO_PKGS)); if [ -n "$$lint_res" ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "Golint found style issues. Please check the reported issues"; \ echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review:"; \ echo "$$lint_res"; \ exit 1; \ fi @echo 'gofmt -d -s $(GO_FILES)' @fmt_res=$$(gofmt -d -s $(GO_FILES)); if [ -n "$$fmt_res" ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "Gofmt found style issues. Please check the reported issues"; \ echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review:"; \ echo "$$fmt_res"; \ exit 1; \ fi unit: go test --race ./... test: lint unit header: .header @HEADER=$$(sed "s/YEAR/$$(date '+%Y')/" .header); \ FILES=; \ for f in $(GO_FILES); do \ FILE=$$(head -n $$(wc -l .header | awk '{print $$1}') $$f); \ [ "$$FILE" != "$$HEADER" ] && FILES="$$FILES$$f "; \ done; \ if [ -n "$$FILES" ]; then \ printf 'the following files are missing the license header: %s\n' "$$FILES"; \ exit 1; \ fi container: .container-$(VERSION) container-name .container-$(VERSION): $(BINS) Dockerfile @docker build -t $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) . @docker images -q $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) > $@ container-latest: .container-$(VERSION) @docker tag $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) $(IMAGE):latest @echo "container: $(IMAGE):latest" container-name: @echo "container: $(IMAGE):$(VERSION)" push: .push-$(VERSION) push-name .push-$(VERSION): .container-$(VERSION) @docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):$(VERSION) @docker images -q $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) > $@ push-latest: container-latest @docker push $(REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE):latest @echo "pushed: $(IMAGE):latest" push-name: @echo "pushed: $(IMAGE):$(VERSION)" clean: container-clean bin-clean rm -r .cache container-clean: rm -rf .container-* .push-* bin-clean: rm -rf bin vendor: go mod tidy go mod vendor