#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . lib.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2153 KUBECONFIG2="$KUBECONFIG"2 # shellcheck disable=SC2153 KIND_CLUSTER2="$KIND_CLUSTER"2 setup_suite() { KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG2 KIND_CLUSTER=$KIND_CLUSTER2 create_cluster "$(build_kind_config 1 6444" # shellcheck disable=SC2016 KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG2 _kubectl patch ds -n kube-system kilo -p '{"spec": {"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"kilo","args":["--hostname=$(NODE_NAME)","--create-interface=false","--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig","--mesh-granularity=full","--subnet="]}]}}}}' KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG2 block_until_ready_by_name kube-system kilo-userspace # Register the nodes in cluster1 as peers of cluster2. for n in $(_kubectl get no -o name | cut -d'/' -f2); do # Specify the service CIDR as an extra IP range that should be routable. $KGCTL_BINARY --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG" showconf node "$n" --as-peer -o yaml --allowed-ips | $KUBECTL_BINARY --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG2" apply -f - done # Register the nodes in cluster2 as peers of cluster1. for n in $(KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG2 _kubectl get no -o name | cut -d'/' -f2); do # Specify the service CIDR as an extra IP range that should be routable. $KGCTL_BINARY --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG2" showconf node "$n" --as-peer -o yaml --allowed-ips | $KUBECTL_BINARY --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG" apply -f - done } test_multi_cluster_pod_connectivity() { for ip in $(KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG2 _kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=adjacency -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'); do assert_equals pong "$(retry 10 5 "$ip is not yet routable" curl_pod -m 1 -s http://"$ip":8080/ping)" "should be able to make HTTP request from cluster 1 to Pod in cluster 2" done for ip in $(_kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=adjacency -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'); do assert_equals pong "$(KUBECONFIG="$KUBECONFIG2" retry 10 5 "$ip is not yet routable" curl_pod -m 1 -s http://"$ip":8080/ping)" "should be able to make HTTP request from cluster 2 to Pod in cluster 1" done } test_multi_cluster_service_connectivity() { # Mirror the Kubernetes API service from cluster1 into cluster2. cat <