package pretty import ( "fmt" "io" "" "" ) var ( headingStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.Bold, color.Underline)) markerNameStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.Bold)) fieldSummaryStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.FgGreen, color.Italic)) markerTargetStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.Faint)) fieldDetailStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.Italic, color.FgGreen)) deprecatedStyle = Decoration(*color.New(color.CrossedOut)) ) // MarkersSummary returns a condensed summary of help for the given markers. func MarkersSummary(groupName string, markers []help.MarkerDoc) Span { out := new(SpanWriter) out.Print(Text("\n")) out.Print(headingStyle.Containing(Text(groupName))) out.Print(Text("\n\n")) table := &Table{Sizing: &TableCalculator{Padding: 2}} for _, marker := range markers { table.StartRow() table.Column(MarkerSyntaxHelp(marker)) table.Column(markerTargetStyle.Containing(Text(marker.Target))) summary := new(SpanWriter) if marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf != nil && len(*marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf) > 0 { summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text("(use "))) summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text(*marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf))) summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text(") "))) } summary.Print(Text(marker.Summary)) table.Column(summary) table.EndRow() } out.Print(table) out.Print(Text("\n")) return out } // MarkersDetails returns detailed help for the given markers, including detailed field help. func MarkersDetails(fullDetail bool, groupName string, markers []help.MarkerDoc) Span { out := new(SpanWriter) out.Print(Line(headingStyle.Containing(Text(groupName)))) out.Print(Newlines(2)) for _, marker := range markers { out.Print(Line(markerName(marker))) out.Print(Text(" ")) out.Print(markerTargetStyle.Containing(Text(marker.Target))) summary := new(SpanWriter) if marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf != nil && len(*marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf) > 0 { summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text("(use "))) summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text(*marker.DeprecatedInFavorOf))) summary.Print(markerNameStyle.Containing(Text(") "))) } summary.Print(Text(marker.Summary)) if !marker.AnonymousField() { out.Print(Indented(1, Line(summary))) if len(marker.Details) > 0 && fullDetail { out.Print(Indented(1, Line(Text(marker.Details)))) } } if marker.AnonymousField() { out.Print(Indented(1, Line(fieldDetailStyle.Containing(FieldSyntaxHelp(marker.Fields[0]))))) out.Print(Text(" ")) out.Print(summary) if len(marker.Details) > 0 && fullDetail { out.Print(Indented(2, Line(Text(marker.Details)))) } out.Print(Newlines(1)) } else if !marker.Empty() { out.Print(Newlines(1)) if fullDetail { for _, arg := range marker.Fields { out.Print(Indented(1, Line(fieldDetailStyle.Containing(FieldSyntaxHelp(arg))))) out.Print(Indented(2, Line(Text(arg.Summary)))) if len(arg.Details) > 0 && fullDetail { out.Print(Indented(2, Line(Text(arg.Details)))) out.Print(Newlines(1)) } } out.Print(Newlines(1)) } else { table := &Table{Sizing: &TableCalculator{Padding: 2}} for _, arg := range marker.Fields { table.StartRow() table.Column(fieldDetailStyle.Containing(FieldSyntaxHelp(arg))) table.Column(Text(arg.Summary)) table.EndRow() } out.Print(Indented(1, table)) } } else { out.Print(Newlines(1)) } } return out } func FieldSyntaxHelp(arg help.FieldHelp) Span { return fieldSyntaxHelp(arg, "") } // fieldSyntaxHelp prints the syntax help for a particular marker argument. func fieldSyntaxHelp(arg help.FieldHelp, sep string) Span { if arg.Optional { return FromWriter(func(out io.Writer) error { _, err := fmt.Fprintf(out, "[%s%s=<%s>]", sep, arg.Name, arg.TypeString()) return err }) } return FromWriter(func(out io.Writer) error { _, err := fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s=<%s>", sep, arg.Name, arg.TypeString()) return err }) } // markerName returns a span containing just the appropriately-formatted marker name. func markerName(def help.MarkerDoc) Span { if def.DeprecatedInFavorOf != nil { return deprecatedStyle.Containing(Text("+" + def.Name)) } return markerNameStyle.Containing(Text("+" + def.Name)) } // MarkerSyntaxHelp assembles syntax help for a given marker. func MarkerSyntaxHelp(def help.MarkerDoc) Span { out := new(SpanWriter) out.Print(markerName(def)) if def.Empty() { return out } sep := ":" if def.AnonymousField() { sep = "" } fieldStyle := fieldSummaryStyle if def.DeprecatedInFavorOf != nil { fieldStyle = deprecatedStyle } for _, arg := range def.Fields { out.Print(fieldStyle.Containing(fieldSyntaxHelp(arg, sep))) sep = "," } return out }