- (api add) support for CloseNotify, see http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#CloseNotifier
- (api change) Write* methods in Response now return the error or nil.
- added example of serving HTML from a Go template.
- fixed comparing Allowed headers in CORS (is now case-insensitive)
- (api add) Response knows how many bytes are written to the response body.
- (api add) RecoverHandler(handler RecoverHandleFunction) to change how panic recovery is handled. Default behavior is to log and return a stacktrace. This may be a security issue as it exposes sourcecode information.
- (api add) Response knows what HTTP status has been written
- (api add) Request can have attributes (map of string->interface, also called request-scoped variables
- (api change) Router interface simplified
- Implemented CurlyRouter, a Router that does not use|allow regular expressions in paths
- add OPTIONS support
- add CORS support
- fixed some reported issues (see github)
- (api change) deprecated use of WriteError; use WriteErrorString instead
- (api add) Added implementation Container: a WebServices collection with its own http.ServeMux allowing multiple endpoints per program. Existing uses of go-restful will register their services to the DefaultContainer.
- (api add) the swagger package has be extended to have a UI per container.
- if panic is detected then a small stack trace is printed (thanks to runner-mei)
- (api add) WriteErrorString to Response
Important API changes:
- (api remove) package variable DoNotRecover no longer works ; use restful.DefaultContainer.DoNotRecover(true) instead.
- (api remove) package variable EnableContentEncoding no longer works ; use restful.DefaultContainer.EnableContentEncoding(true) instead.
- (api add) Added support for response encoding (gzip and deflate(zlib)). This feature is disabled on default (for backwards compatibility). Use restful.EnableContentEncoding = true in your initialization to enable this feature.
- (improve) DoNotRecover option, moved request body closer, improved ReadEntity