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Raw Normal View History

Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package markers
import (
// Collector collects and parses marker comments defined in the registry
// from package source code. If no registry is provided, an empty one will
// be initialized on the first call to MarkersInPackage.
type Collector struct {
byPackage map[string]map[ast.Node]MarkerValues
mu sync.Mutex
// MarkerValues are all the values for some set of markers.
type MarkerValues map[string][]interface{}
// Get fetches the first value that for the given marker, returning
// nil if no values are available.
func (v MarkerValues) Get(name string) interface{} {
vals := v[name]
if len(vals) == 0 {
return nil
return vals[0]
func (c *Collector) init() {
if c.Registry == nil {
c.Registry = &Registry{}
if c.byPackage == nil {
c.byPackage = make(map[string]map[ast.Node]MarkerValues)
// MarkersInPackage computes the marker values by node for the given package. Results
// are cached by package ID, so this is safe to call repeatedly from different functions.
// Each file in the package is treated as a distinct node.
// We consider a marker to be associated with a given AST node if either of the following are true:
// - it's in the Godoc for that AST node
// - it's in the closest non-godoc comment group above that node,
// *and* that node is a type or field node, *and* [it's either
// registered as type-level *or* it's not registered as being
// package-level]
// - it's not in the Godoc of a node, doesn't meet the above criteria, and
// isn't in a struct definition (in which case it's package-level)
func (c *Collector) MarkersInPackage(pkg *loader.Package) (map[ast.Node]MarkerValues, error) {
if markers, exist := c.byPackage[pkg.ID]; exist {
return markers, nil
// unlock early, it's ok if we do a bit extra work rather than locking while we're working
nodeMarkersRaw := c.associatePkgMarkers(pkg)
markers, err := c.parseMarkersInPackage(nodeMarkersRaw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.byPackage[pkg.ID] = markers
return markers, nil
// parseMarkersInPackage parses the given raw marker comments into output values using the registry.
func (c *Collector) parseMarkersInPackage(nodeMarkersRaw map[ast.Node][]markerComment) (map[ast.Node]MarkerValues, error) {
var errors []error
nodeMarkerValues := make(map[ast.Node]MarkerValues)
for node, markersRaw := range nodeMarkersRaw {
var target TargetType
switch node.(type) {
case *ast.File:
target = DescribesPackage
case *ast.Field:
target = DescribesField
target = DescribesType
markerVals := make(map[string][]interface{})
for _, markerRaw := range markersRaw {
markerText := markerRaw.Text()
def := c.Registry.Lookup(markerText, target)
if def == nil {
val, err := def.Parse(markerText)
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, loader.ErrFromNode(err, markerRaw))
markerVals[def.Name] = append(markerVals[def.Name], val)
nodeMarkerValues[node] = markerVals
return nodeMarkerValues, loader.MaybeErrList(errors)
// associatePkgMarkers associates markers with AST nodes in the given package.
func (c *Collector) associatePkgMarkers(pkg *loader.Package) map[ast.Node][]markerComment {
nodeMarkers := make(map[ast.Node][]markerComment)
for _, file := range pkg.Syntax {
fileNodeMarkers := c.associateFileMarkers(file)
for node, markers := range fileNodeMarkers {
nodeMarkers[node] = append(nodeMarkers[node], markers...)
return nodeMarkers
// associateFileMarkers associates markers with AST nodes in the given file.
func (c *Collector) associateFileMarkers(file *ast.File) map[ast.Node][]markerComment {
// grab all the raw marker comments by node
visitor := markerSubVisitor{
collectPackageLevel: true,
markerVisitor: &markerVisitor{
nodeMarkers: make(map[ast.Node][]markerComment),
allComments: file.Comments,
ast.Walk(visitor, file)
// grab the last package-level comments at the end of the file (if any)
lastFileMarkers := visitor.markersBetween(false, visitor.commentInd, len(visitor.allComments))
visitor.pkgMarkers = append(visitor.pkgMarkers, lastFileMarkers...)
// figure out if any type-level markers are actually package-level markers
for node, markers := range visitor.nodeMarkers {
_, isType := node.(*ast.TypeSpec)
if !isType {
endOfMarkers := 0
for _, marker := range markers {
if marker.fromGodoc {
// markers from godoc are never package level
markers[endOfMarkers] = marker
markerText := marker.Text()
typeDef := c.Registry.Lookup(markerText, DescribesType)
if typeDef != nil {
// prefer assuming type-level markers
markers[endOfMarkers] = marker
def := c.Registry.Lookup(markerText, DescribesPackage)
if def == nil {
// assume type-level unless proven otherwise
markers[endOfMarkers] = marker
// it's package-level, since a package-level definition exists
visitor.pkgMarkers = append(visitor.pkgMarkers, marker)
visitor.nodeMarkers[node] = markers[:endOfMarkers] // re-set after trimming the package markers
visitor.nodeMarkers[file] = visitor.pkgMarkers
return visitor.nodeMarkers
// markerComment is an AST comment that contains a marker.
// It may or may not be from a Godoc comment, which affects
// marker re-associated (from type-level to package-level)
type markerComment struct {
fromGodoc bool
// Text returns the text of the marker, stripped of the comment
// marker and leading spaces, as should be passed to Registry.Lookup
// and Registry.Parse.
func (c markerComment) Text() string {
return strings.TrimSpace(c.Comment.Text[2:])
// markerVisistor visits AST nodes, recording markers associated with each node.
type markerVisitor struct {
allComments []*ast.CommentGroup
commentInd int
declComments []markerComment
lastLineCommentGroup *ast.CommentGroup
pkgMarkers []markerComment
nodeMarkers map[ast.Node][]markerComment
// isMarkerComment checks that the given comment is a single-line (`//`)
// comment and it's first non-space content is `+`.
func isMarkerComment(comment string) bool {
if comment[0:2] != "//" {
return false
stripped := strings.TrimSpace(comment[2:])
if len(stripped) < 1 || stripped[0] != '+' {
return false
return true
// markersBetween grabs the markers between the given indicies in the list of all comments.
func (v *markerVisitor) markersBetween(fromGodoc bool, start, end int) []markerComment {
if start < 0 || end < 0 {
return nil
var res []markerComment
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
commentGroup := v.allComments[i]
for _, comment := range commentGroup.List {
if !isMarkerComment(comment.Text) {
res = append(res, markerComment{Comment: comment, fromGodoc: fromGodoc})
return res
type markerSubVisitor struct {
node ast.Node
collectPackageLevel bool
// Visit collects markers for each node in the AST, optionally
// collecting unassociated markers as package-level.
func (v markerSubVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
if node == nil {
// end of the node, so we might need to advance comments beyond the end
// of the block if we don't want to collect package-level markers in
// this block.
if !v.collectPackageLevel {
if v.commentInd < len(v.allComments) {
lastCommentInd := v.commentInd
nextGroup := v.allComments[lastCommentInd]
for nextGroup.Pos() < v.node.End() {
if lastCommentInd >= len(v.allComments) {
// after the increment so our decrement below still makes sense
nextGroup = v.allComments[lastCommentInd]
v.commentInd = lastCommentInd
return nil
// skip comments on the same line as the previous node
// making sure to double-check for the case where we've gone past the end of the comments
// but still have to finish up typespec-gendecl association (see below).
if v.lastLineCommentGroup != nil && v.commentInd < len(v.allComments) && v.lastLineCommentGroup.Pos() == v.allComments[v.commentInd].Pos() {
// stop visiting if there are no more comments in the file
// NB(directxman12): we can't just stop immediately, because we
// still need to check if there are typespecs associated with gendecls.
var markerCommentBlock []markerComment
var docCommentBlock []markerComment
lastCommentInd := v.commentInd
if v.commentInd < len(v.allComments) {
// figure out the first comment after the node in question...
nextGroup := v.allComments[lastCommentInd]
for nextGroup.Pos() < node.Pos() {
if lastCommentInd >= len(v.allComments) {
// after the increment so our decrement below still makes sense
nextGroup = v.allComments[lastCommentInd]
lastCommentInd-- // ...then decrement to get the last comment before the node in question
// figure out the godoc comment so we can deal with it separately
var docGroup *ast.CommentGroup
docGroup, v.lastLineCommentGroup = associatedCommentsFor(node)
// find the last comment group that's not godoc
markerCommentInd := lastCommentInd
if docGroup != nil && v.allComments[markerCommentInd].Pos() == docGroup.Pos() {
// check if we have freestanding package markers,
// and find the markers in our "closest non-godoc" comment block,
// plus our godoc comment block
if markerCommentInd >= v.commentInd {
if v.collectPackageLevel {
// assume anything between the comment ind and the marker ind (not including it)
// are package-level
v.pkgMarkers = append(v.pkgMarkers, v.markersBetween(false, v.commentInd, markerCommentInd)...)
markerCommentBlock = v.markersBetween(false, markerCommentInd, markerCommentInd+1)
docCommentBlock = v.markersBetween(true, markerCommentInd+1, lastCommentInd+1)
} else {
docCommentBlock = v.markersBetween(true, markerCommentInd+1, lastCommentInd+1)
resVisitor := markerSubVisitor{
collectPackageLevel: false, // don't collect package level by default
markerVisitor: v.markerVisitor,
node: node,
// associate those markers with a node
switch typedNode := node.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
// save the comments associated with the gen-decl if it's a single-line type decl
if typedNode.Lparen != token.NoPos || typedNode.Tok != token.TYPE {
// not a single-line type spec, treat them as free comments
v.pkgMarkers = append(v.pkgMarkers, markerCommentBlock...)
// save these, we'll need them when we encounter the actual type spec
v.declComments = append(v.declComments, markerCommentBlock...)
v.declComments = append(v.declComments, docCommentBlock...)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
// add in comments attributed to the gen-decl, if any,
// as well as comments associated with the actual type
v.nodeMarkers[node] = append(v.nodeMarkers[node], v.declComments...)
v.nodeMarkers[node] = append(v.nodeMarkers[node], markerCommentBlock...)
v.nodeMarkers[node] = append(v.nodeMarkers[node], docCommentBlock...)
v.declComments = nil
v.collectPackageLevel = false // don't collect package-level inside type structs
case *ast.Field:
v.nodeMarkers[node] = append(v.nodeMarkers[node], markerCommentBlock...)
v.nodeMarkers[node] = append(v.nodeMarkers[node], docCommentBlock...)
case *ast.File:
v.pkgMarkers = append(v.pkgMarkers, markerCommentBlock...)
v.pkgMarkers = append(v.pkgMarkers, docCommentBlock...)
// collect markers in root file scope
resVisitor.collectPackageLevel = true
// assume markers before anything else are package-level markers,
// *but* don't include any markers in godoc
if v.collectPackageLevel {
v.pkgMarkers = append(v.pkgMarkers, markerCommentBlock...)
// increment the comment ind so that we start at the right place for the next node
v.commentInd = lastCommentInd + 1
return resVisitor
// associatedCommentsFor returns the doc comment group (if relevant and present) and end-of-line comment
// (again if relevant and present) for the given AST node.
func associatedCommentsFor(node ast.Node) (docGroup *ast.CommentGroup, lastLineCommentGroup *ast.CommentGroup) {
switch typedNode := node.(type) {
case *ast.Field:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
lastLineCommentGroup = typedNode.Comment
case *ast.File:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
case *ast.FuncDecl:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
case *ast.GenDecl:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
case *ast.ImportSpec:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
lastLineCommentGroup = typedNode.Comment
case *ast.TypeSpec:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
lastLineCommentGroup = typedNode.Comment
case *ast.ValueSpec:
docGroup = typedNode.Doc
lastLineCommentGroup = typedNode.Comment
lastLineCommentGroup = nil
return docGroup, lastLineCommentGroup