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package lintcmd
// Notes on GitHub-specific restrictions:
// Result.Message needs to either have ID or Text set. Markdown
// gets ignored. Text isn't treated verbatim however: Markdown
// formatting gets stripped, except for links.
// GitHub does not display RelatedLocations. The only way to make
// use of them is to link to them (via their ID) in the
// Result.Message. And even then, it will only show the referred
// line of code, not the message. We can duplicate the messages in
// the Result.Message, but we can't even indent them, because
// leading whitespace gets stripped.
// GitHub does use the Markdown version of rule help, but it
// renders it the way it renders comments on issues that is, it
// turns line breaks into hard line breaks, even though it
// shouldn't.
// GitHub doesn't make use of the tool's URI or version, nor of
// the help URIs of rules.
// There does not seem to be a way of using SARIF for "normal" CI,
// without results showing up as code scanning alerts. Also, a
// SARIF file containing only warnings, no errors, will not fail
// CI by default, but this is configurable.
// GitHub does display some parts of SARIF results in PRs, but
// most of the useful parts of SARIF, such as help text of rules,
// is only accessible via the code scanning alerts, which are only
// accessible by users with write permissions.
// Result.Suppressions is being ignored.
// Notes on other tools
// VS Code Sarif viewer
// The Sarif viewer in VS Code displays the full message in the
// tabular view, removing newlines. That makes our multi-line
// messages (which we use as a workaround for missing related
// information) very ugly.
// Much like GitHub, the Sarif viewer does not make related
// information visible unless we explicitly refer to it in the
// message.
// Suggested fixes are not exposed in any way.
// It only shows the shortDescription or fullDescription of a
// rule, not its help. We can't put the help in fullDescription,
// because the fullDescription isn't meant to be that long. For
// example, GitHub displays it in a single line, under the
// shortDescription.
// VS Code can filter based on Result.Suppressions, but it doesn't
// display our suppression message. Also, by default, suppressed
// results get shown, and the column indicating that a result is
// suppressed is hidden, which makes for a confusing experience.
// When a rule has only an ID, no name, VS Code displays a
// prominent dash in place of the name. When the name and ID are
// identical, it prints both. However, we can't make them
// identical, as SARIF requires that either the ID and name are
// different, or that the name is omitted.
// FIXME(dh): we're currently reporting column information using UTF-8
// byte offsets, not using Unicode code points or UTF-16, which are
// the only two ways allowed by SARIF.
// TODO(dh) set properties.tags we can use different tags for the
// staticcheck, simple, stylecheck and unused checks, so users can
// filter their results
import (
type sarifFormatter struct {
driverName string
driverVersion string
driverWebsite string
func sarifLevel(severity lint.Severity) string {
switch severity {
case lint.SeverityNone:
// no configured severity, default to warning
return "warning"
case lint.SeverityError:
return "error"
case lint.SeverityDeprecated:
return "warning"
case lint.SeverityWarning:
return "warning"
case lint.SeverityInfo:
return "note"
case lint.SeverityHint:
return "note"
// unreachable
return "none"
func encodePath(path string) string {
return (&url.URL{Path: path}).EscapedPath()
func sarifURI(path string) string {
u := url.URL{
Scheme: "file",
Path: path,
return u.String()
func sarifArtifactLocation(name string) sarif.ArtifactLocation {
// Ideally we use relative paths so that GitHub can resolve them
name = shortPath(name)
if filepath.IsAbs(name) {
return sarif.ArtifactLocation{
URI: sarifURI(name),
} else {
return sarif.ArtifactLocation{
URI: encodePath(name),
URIBaseID: "%SRCROOT%", // This is specific to GitHub,
func sarifFormatText(s string) string {
// GitHub doesn't ignore line breaks, even though it should, so we remove them.
var out strings.Builder
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for i, line := range lines[:len(lines)-1] {
if line == "" {
} else {
nextLine := lines[i+1]
if nextLine == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "> ") || strings.HasPrefix(line, " ") {
} else {
out.WriteString(" ")
return convertCodeBlocks(out.String())
func moreCodeFollows(lines []string) bool {
for _, line := range lines {
if line == "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, " ") {
return true
} else {
return false
return false
var alpha = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z ]+$`)
func convertCodeBlocks(text string) string {
var buf strings.Builder
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
inCode := false
empties := 0
for i, line := range lines {
if inCode {
if !moreCodeFollows(lines[i:]) {
if inCode {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "```")
inCode = false
prevEmpties := empties
if line == "" && !inCode {
} else {
empties = 0
if line == "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, " ") {
line = line[4:]
if !inCode {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "```go")
inCode = true
onlyAlpha := alpha.MatchString(line)
out := line
if !inCode && prevEmpties >= 2 && onlyAlpha {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "## %s\n", out)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, out)
if inCode {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "```")
return buf.String()
func (o *sarifFormatter) Format(checks []*lint.Analyzer, diagnostics []diagnostic) {
// TODO(dh): some diagnostics shouldn't be reported as results. For example, when the user specifies a package on the command line that doesn't exist.
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
run := sarif.Run{
Tool: sarif.Tool{
Driver: sarif.ToolComponent{
Name: o.driverName,
Version: o.driverVersion,
InformationURI: o.driverWebsite,
Invocations: []sarif.Invocation{{
Arguments: os.Args[1:],
WorkingDirectory: sarif.ArtifactLocation{
URI: sarifURI(cwd),
ExecutionSuccessful: true,
for _, c := range checks {
run.Tool.Driver.Rules = append(run.Tool.Driver.Rules,
// We don't set Name, as Name and ID mustn't be identical.
ID: c.Analyzer.Name,
ShortDescription: sarif.Message{
Text: c.Doc.Title,
Markdown: c.Doc.TitleMarkdown,
HelpURI: "" + c.Analyzer.Name,
// We use our markdown as the plain text version, too. We
// use very little markdown, primarily quotations,
// indented code blocks and backticks. All of these are
// fine as plain text, too.
Help: sarif.Message{
Text: sarifFormatText(c.Doc.Format(false)),
Markdown: sarifFormatText(c.Doc.FormatMarkdown(false)),
DefaultConfiguration: sarif.ReportingConfiguration{
// TODO(dh): we could figure out which checks were disabled globally
Enabled: true,
Level: sarifLevel(c.Doc.Severity),
for _, p := range diagnostics {
r := sarif.Result{
RuleID: p.Category,
Kind: sarif.Fail,
Message: sarif.Message{
Text: p.Message,
r.Locations = []sarif.Location{{
PhysicalLocation: sarif.PhysicalLocation{
ArtifactLocation: sarifArtifactLocation(p.Position.Filename),
Region: sarif.Region{
StartLine: p.Position.Line,
StartColumn: p.Position.Column,
EndLine: p.End.Line,
EndColumn: p.End.Column,
for _, fix := range p.SuggestedFixes {
sfix := sarif.Fix{
Description: sarif.Message{
Text: fix.Message,
// file name -> replacements
changes := map[string][]sarif.Replacement{}
for _, edit := range fix.TextEdits {
changes[edit.Position.Filename] = append(changes[edit.Position.Filename], sarif.Replacement{
DeletedRegion: sarif.Region{
StartLine: edit.Position.Line,
StartColumn: edit.Position.Column,
EndLine: edit.End.Line,
EndColumn: edit.End.Column,
InsertedContent: sarif.ArtifactContent{
Text: string(edit.NewText),
for path, replacements := range changes {
sfix.ArtifactChanges = append(sfix.ArtifactChanges, sarif.ArtifactChange{
ArtifactLocation: sarifArtifactLocation(path),
Replacements: replacements,
r.Fixes = append(r.Fixes, sfix)
for i, related := range p.Related {
r.Message.Text += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t[%s](%d)", related.Message, i+1)
r.RelatedLocations = append(r.RelatedLocations,
ID: i + 1,
Message: &sarif.Message{
Text: related.Message,
PhysicalLocation: sarif.PhysicalLocation{
ArtifactLocation: sarifArtifactLocation(related.Position.Filename),
Region: sarif.Region{
StartLine: related.Position.Line,
StartColumn: related.Position.Column,
EndLine: related.End.Line,
EndColumn: related.End.Column,
if p.Severity == severityIgnored {
// Note that GitHub does not support suppressions, which is why Staticcheck still requires the -show-ignored flag to be set for us to emit ignored diagnostics.
r.Suppressions = []sarif.Suppression{{
Kind: "inSource",
// TODO(dh): populate the Justification field
} else {
// We want an empty slice, not nil. SARIF differentiates
// between the two. An empty slice means that the diagnostic
// wasn't suppressed, while nil means that we don't have the
// information available.
r.Suppressions = []sarif.Suppression{}
run.Results = append(run.Results, r)
Version: sarif.Version,
Schema: sarif.Schema,
Runs: []sarif.Run{run},