import os import time from flask import Flask import mysql.connector passfile = open('/run/secrets/db-password', 'r') #give db some time to start time.sleep(5) #connect to db conn = mysql.connector.connect( user='root',, host='db', # name of the mysql service as set in the docker-compose file database='example', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password' ) passfile.close() # populate db cursor = conn.cursor() def prepare_db(): cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS blog') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE blog (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(255))') cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO blog (id, title) VALUES (%s, %s);', [(i, 'Blog post #%d'% i) for i in range (1,5)]) conn.commit() prepare_db() # server app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def listBlog(): cursor.execute('SELECT title FROM blog') response = '' for c in cursor: response = response + '
' + c[0] + '
' return response if __name__ == '__main__':